2� 1 ��3�97
<br /> Pa�ment vf Principai and Interest; �ther�"h.�rges.Borravver shal�prom.p��y pay v��h�n due the principai of and
<br /> �nterest on the debt owed under the�ontract and�a�e c�.arges ar any o�her fe�s and cha.rges due under th��an�ra��.
<br /> Appli�ab�e Lavv. As used in this Security In��rumen�, �he ��rm "Applicable La�v"' shal� mean a1� c�ntrol��g
<br /> applicab�e federa�, state a.nd laca� ��atu�es, r�;gu�ations, ordin�nces and adminis�rative: rules and arders ��hat have
<br /> �he effec�of�aw}as tivell as a1�app�icable fina.I,non-appea�ahle�udicia��p�n��ns.
<br /> Charges; LienS, Borrovver shal� �ay al� ta�ties, assessmen�s, G�l�g�5, �I1�5 �.T1C� lln���51�I0I�5 at�ribu�.b�� �ta the
<br /> Property vvhich may attain priarity over�hzs ��ecur�ty�ns�rumen�, a�d leasehald payments or ground re�.�s, if any.
<br /> At�he reques�af Lender,B�rrav�rer shaTl�rompt�y furnish�o Lender receipts evidencir.�g the payments.
<br /> F�nrrower shall promptly discharge any lien�vh��ch has pri�rit�r�ver�his Securi�y Inst:rurn�nt un�ess Bo�r�wer: {a)
<br /> agrees in wri�ing to the payment of the abligation secured by �he Iien �n a mar�ner accep�abXe to L�z�der; (b)
<br /> con�es�s in g�od faith the lien by, �r defend3 a�a�ns� enf�rcement of�he Ii�n in, �egal proceedings �rhich in the
<br /> Lender's opinian operat� to pre�ren� �he enfc�rc�men� of the lien; or �c} se�ures fro�:n the ho�der of the lien an
<br /> agreement sat�sfac�ory t� Lender subordinati�lg�he ��en to thi� Securi�y In�trumen�. �f'Lender d��ermines�hat any
<br /> part of the Pr�p�rty is sub�ect to a ��en u�h�cl�. may at�ain priar��y a�aer �his Security Ir�strument, Lender xnay give
<br /> Borro�ver a notxce identifying�he lien. Borr��we�sha�� sa�isfy the lien or�al���ne ar tnore of�he actions set farth
<br /> ab ove v�ithin ��days of the giv�ng af not�ce.
<br /> Hazard ar Property Insurance. I�orrov�rer sha��keep the improvemen�s nflw e��s�in�; or hereafter erec�ed an�he
<br /> Propert�r insured aga�nst l�ss by fir�,hazards�ncluded wi�hin the�errn"extended cavea�age" and any other ha�ards,
<br /> �ncludir�g floods or flooding, for �hzch Le��der requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintiai�ed ��. the
<br /> amaun�s and f�r#he per�ods tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier prav�d�ng the�.nsurance�ha11 be ch�s�n by
<br /> Bflrrower subj ect to Lender's approval wh�cl� shall not be u�.reasflnably wi�hhe�d. If'Borrovver fails to maintain
<br /> coverage described above, Lender may, a� Le�der's optifln, �b�a�n caverage �o pr�atec� Lender`s rzgh�s i�. the
<br /> Pr�per�y in accordance w�th section����ed Prat�ction�f Lend�r's Righ��in�he Prop+�r�y.
<br /> Al� insu.rance po�icies and renewal� shal� be acceptable to L�nder and shall inc�ude �� standard mor�g�.ge cl�.use.
<br /> Lender shal�have the right�a hold the polr�i�,s and renewa�s. �f Lender requires,Borr�wer sha��prompt�y gi�ve�a
<br /> Lender all receip�s Qf paid premiun�s and renEvv�ra�no��ces. In the ev�n�af��ss, BQrra��rer shall give promp�na�ice
<br /> ta�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may xnake proof�f��ss if not made promp�tly by B�rrflvver.
<br /> Unless Lender a�.d Borro�ver atherwise agrE:e in v�riting, �nsuranc� proceeds sha�l b� applred �� res�ora�ion flr
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, if, in Lende:r's �ale discre�ion, the res�ara�i�n or repair is econnmical�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur��y is na� Iessene�. �f, in Lemder's sole discre�ion, �he res�ara�ian o:r repaxr�s n�t econom�ca��y
<br /> feaszble ar Lender'�security would be lesseneE�,�he�nsurance procee�.s sha��be appliec�t�the sum�s�cured b�this
<br /> Secur�ty In��rumen�, v�rhe�her or nat then d�a�e, vvith any excess p�id to �orravver. �f Borrower abandons the
<br /> Propert�r, or does not answer wi�hin th�nu�x�b��r of days prescr�bed by Appli�able Lav�as se�f��-th�n a notice from
<br /> Lender to Borrovsrer tha�the i�surance ca.rr�er has affered tn s��tle a claim, �hen Lend��r may collect th� insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender ma�use �he praceeds to repair or res�ore th� Pro�erty �r ta pa� sums sectued by�hzs Securxty
<br /> �nstrument,�hether or no��hen due.The peric�d�f tzme for B�rrower to answer as set for�i zn the no�ice will l�egin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barr�wer atherv�,rise agree in writing, any applic�tzon of pr�ceeds 1:�principal shall�o�e��end
<br /> or postpone the due date of the payrnents due ur�der�he C�ntra���r�hange �he amou�lt of��Ze paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion �i�led Ac�e�erati�n; Iaemed�es, �he l�r�per�r is acc�uired by Lender, Borrovv�er's right t� any insurance
<br /> pfllicies and proceeds resul�ing frorn damage to the Property prior �a �he acqu�s�ti�n shal� pass �v Lender to �he
<br /> ex�ent�f the sums secured by�his Security In�truxnent�mrn.ediately p�i�r ta the acquisition.
<br /> Preser�at�nn, �Vlain�en�nce and Protec�io�1 �f the Praperty; �orrovvea�'s Loan .�ppli�atxon; Leaseh�lds.
<br /> Bflrr�Wer sha�1 n�t des�roy, damage or impair�h�Praperty, a���w�h�Proper�y to de�e:riorate, or commi�vvas�e on
<br /> the Property.Borro�ver shall�e�n defaul�if a�iy forfeiture ac�ian or proceeding,u�heth��r c�vi�or crimxna�,is begun
<br /> tha� �n Lender's g�ad faith judgment cauld resu�t �n forfeiture flf th� Praper�.y or o�he:rwise materially�mpair the
<br /> lien creat�d by this 5ecurity Ins�rurnent ar �Lender's 5�C1].�'1� interes�. B�rrov�er ma�y cure su�h a defau�� and
<br /> reins�ate, as prov�ded in section t�tled Borr�vver's Right to R�inst�.te, by causing the� act��n Qr praceeding�a be
<br /> dismissed wi�h a ruling that,in Lender's gaod fazth de�e�ninati�n,precludes forfeiture��f�he Borr�wer's in�er�st�n
<br /> the Proper�y nr o�her material impairment o��'the ��en crea�ec� by �his Securifiy Instruament or Lender's sec�arity
<br /> rn�erest.Borrovver sha11 a�so be zn d�fault if B��rrovtrer,during�he�oa��applica�ion proc{ess,gave materia�ly fal�e�r
<br /> �naccurate inf�rmatian ar stiatemen�s to Lenc�er �or failed to provide Le�der �vith a��y ma�er�al inf�rma�ion� in
<br /> connectian�r��h the I�an e�idenced by the C��n�ract. If th�s Se�urity Ins�rum�nt is on ;�.leasehold, B orr�w�er sha��
<br /> �omp�y vvzth all the provisions of the lease. If:B�rrfl�rer acquire�fee��t�e�o�.e Praperty, �he�easeh��d a�.d the fe�
<br /> �z��e sha��nat merge u.r��ess Lender agrees�a t�ie merger in wr�ti�g.
<br /> Prot�ction of Lender's Rights �n the Prop�er�y. If Borrow�r fails �o perform the co�enants and agreen�ents
<br /> canta�ned zn�his Se�ur��y Ins�rument, ar there is�Iegal praceeding tha�may signifzcan�tly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> the Pr�perty �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptc�r, probate, fa� canc�exnna�i�� or forfe.i�ure or �o enforce laws or
<br /> regu�atians}, then Lender may da and pay ft�r �vha�ever is ne�essary �o protec� �he value of the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts �n the Properry. Lender's actior�s xx�ay include p�ying any sums secured iby a Iien vvhich has priorzty
<br /> over th�s Security I�.strumen�, appear�ng in ca��,paying reasonable at�orneys'fees and emtering on�he Froperty�o
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake a��io�1 u�der this sectza�,Lender does not hav{:to do s�.
<br /> .Any amaun�s disbu.rsed by Lender under �his secti�n shall be�ome additional d�bt o�:'�3orraurer secured by �his
<br /> 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. IJnless Barrflwer and Lender agree to other terms �f paym�n�, �hese amaun�s shal� �b�ar
<br /> C�2Q44�241 S Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-2C12-2�15,11,3,Ia98
<br /> Consurr�er Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2Q35 Page 2 vf 5 www,compliancesysterns.cam
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