2� 1 ��3�91
<br /> D��C] DF TI�U�T
<br /> Lv�n No: 7(]��939'i� ��ontinued� Page �
<br /> �vurts v�Hall Cvunty, State af Nebraska.
<br /> Join� and ae�eral Liability. A!I obligations v� Trustvr under �his Deed af Trust �hall he joint and se�eral, and aIl
<br /> referen�es �❑ Trustor shall mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means that ea�h Trustor signing helow is
<br /> responsible far all obligations in�his �]��d vf Trus�.
<br /> No VVaiver by Lender. Trustor understands L�nder will not g��� up any vf Lender's rights under�his Deed �'�Trust
<br /> unEess L�nder does �a in v►rriting. The �ac� tha� Lender delays ar omits ta exercise any right will not mean that
<br /> Lende� has gi�en up �ha� righ�. If Lender does� agree in writing �v gi�re up one af Lender's rights, �hat does not
<br /> mean Trus�or ►rvill not haWe to comply with fihe other pra��sions vf this Deed vf �`rust. Trus�or alsQ understands
<br /> that if Lender does cvnsen� �v a request, that dves not mean tha# Trustor will n�t ha�e to ge'� Lender's cvnsent
<br /> again if the�itua�tivn happens again. Trus��r fu�ther understands�ha�just because Lender consents tQ ane❑r more
<br /> ��Trus�or's r�quests, �ha� does nv� mean Lender wili b� required to consent�o �ny of Trustor's �u�ure requ�sts.
<br /> Trustnr wai�es presentmen�, demand�ar pa�ment, pro�est, and natice o�dishonar.
<br /> Se►►erabili�y. lt a court finds �hat any pra�isivn vf-�h�s ��ed a�Trust is nat �alid �r shauld not be er��nr�ed, that
<br /> �act by itsei�will not mean�hat the rest of�his Deed af Trust will not be Walid or enforce�i. There�vre, a cvurt will
<br /> enfarce�he r�st of the prv�i�ians of this Qeed v�Trust e�en i#a pro�ision o��his De�d Q�Trus�may �e�ound to b�
<br /> in�alid or�nenforceahle.
<br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. Subject to any Eimitativns s�ated �n this Deed ❑f Trust on �rans�er af Trus#or's interest,
<br /> this D�ed vt Trust shall be Fainding upan and inure to the benefi� ❑f �he parties, their success�rs and a���gns. If
<br /> awnership o�the Praper�y becomes �es�ed in a persvn o�her�h�n Trustar, L�nd�r', without not�ce �v Trustor, may
<br /> deal wi�th Trustvr's su�cessors wi�h re�er�nce to�his D�ed a'�Trust and the ind�bredness by way a��orbearance or
<br /> extensic�n withaut reEeasin�Trus�or�rvm the obli�a�ivns❑f this Deed ❑�F Trust❑r liabili�y under�he Ind�b�edness.
<br /> T�me is o�th�Essen�e. Time is❑�fihe essence in�he perfarmanGe o#�his ❑eed�f Trust.
<br /> I1Vai►►er of Hames�ead Exe�mp��vn. Trustor hereby releases and uvaiWes al[ rights and �ene�its ❑f the h�rnestead
<br /> exemp�ian laws of�h� S���e v�iVebraska as ta al! [ndebtedness seGured by this Qe�d o�Trus�.
<br /> QEFINITIDN�. The follo�ing wards shall haWe th��vllowing meanings when used �n this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Benefiiciary. The►nrord "�eneficiary" means Fi�e Po�nrs Bank. and its su�cessvr� and assigns.
<br /> 6orra�wer. The word "Bvrr�wer" means SCQT 1N BANQEL and KELLIE .� BANC�EL and includ�s all cv-signers and
<br /> co-makers�igning the Nvte and �II their succes�ars and assigns.
<br /> ❑eed of Trust. The wards "Dee�i v� Trust" mean this Deed o� Trust amvng Trus�or, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includ�s withvut limi�tation all assignment and security in��rest prc��isivns rela�ing tv the Persanal PrQp�rty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Enuironmental Laws. The words "En�irtanmenta� Law�" mean any and all s�ate, fiederal and it�cal statutes,
<br /> re�ulations �nd ardinan�es rel��ing ta the prvt��tivn o� hum�n health or �he environment, inciuding vui�haut
<br /> limitatic�n �he Compr�hensi�e En�ironm�n�al R�sQanse, Compensativn, and Liability Act at �98D, as amended, 4�
<br /> L1.S.�. Secti�n 96�1 f et seq. {"CERGLA"�, �he Superfund Amendments and Reauth��-izativn A��ot 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. �3-499 �"�ARA"�,the H��ardaus Ma�erials Tr�nspvr�a�ion Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion 180'i, et seq., �he Resour�e
<br /> Cvnser���inn and Reco��ry Act, 42 U.S.C. �ec�ion 6941, et seq., ar other applic�ble stat� or f�d�r�� laws, rules,
<br /> or regulations adopted pursuant fhere�v.
<br /> Event Qf De�au�t. The words "Event a�fletaul�" mean any of�h� ��ents o�default se��orth in this f�eed af Trust in
<br /> �he��ents of default s�c�ion o#this Deed c��Trust.
<br /> Hazardaus Substances. The words "Hazard�us Substances" mean matarials that, bec�use of their quan�i�y,
<br /> c�ncentra�ian or physi�af, chemi�al or infeGtiaus characteris�i�s, may cause vr po�e a presen� vr pv�ential ha�ard
<br /> to human health or�he en�ironment when improp�r�y used, treated, stvred, dispased o�, generated, manu�actured,
<br /> t�anspart�d ❑r atherw�se handled. The w�rds "Hazardous 5ubstances" are used in th�ir �sry brvades� �ense and
<br /> inc�ude wi��out iimi�atEon any and al[ hazardvus ❑r �oxic subs�ances, materials or waste as de�in�d by ❑r listed
<br /> under�he En�iranmental Laws. The term "Hazard�us Substances" alsfl include�, withaut limitatian, petroleum an�f
<br /> pe�Craleum by-praduc�s ar any fractian thereof and as�estos.
<br /> �mprorrements. The wo�d "Improv�menfis" means all exis�ing and �uture impra�ements, buildings, s�ructures,
<br /> mobi�e hames af�ixed on the Real Prvper�y, fac�[ities, additions, rep[a�ements and other constructivn on the Rea!
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all p�incipal, in�erest, and other arnoun�s, cos�s and ex�aenses
<br /> payable under the Note ar Related ❑o�uments, togefher wi�h all renev+rals vf, ex�ensivns of, m�difica�ivns o�,
<br /> consc�lida�ian�a�and subs�i�u�ivns �ror the Nv�e or Rel�ted Dacumen'�s and any amvun�s expended vr ad�an�ed by
<br /> L�nder �o d�schar�e Trustor's obligatians or expenses incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender tv en-�orce Trus�ar's
<br /> �hli�a�ions und�r this Deed c�f Trus�, �vgether with interest vn such am�unts as prvuided in �his ❑e�d ot Trust.
<br /> 5p�cifically, withaut limi��tit�n, Indehtedness includes the fu�ur� ad�ances se� forth in the Fu�ur� AdWances
<br /> pro�isian o�this Deed��Trus�,t�gether w��h all in�eres�therean.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points B�nk, its succes�ors and assigns. The w�rds "su�G��sars or
<br /> assigns" mean any persvn vr cvmpany�hat a�quires any inte�esfi in the Na�e.
<br />