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2� 1 ��3�91 <br /> aE�a oF TRu�T <br /> Loan No; 'i�1�9397 2 ���rltinued� Page � <br /> a�poin�ed by a �aur� and withou�regard�o the adequacy❑� its se�uri�y, en�er upan and take pvssessivn <br /> of the Prvperty, c�r any par��hereo#, in its awn name or in the name vf Trustee, and dv any acts whEch i'� <br /> deems necessary or desirabfe�❑ pres�r�e the value, marketahility nr rentak�ility of the �'roperty, ar part❑� <br /> the Fraperty or interes# in �he Proper�y; increase the incvme from the Prvp�r�y ❑r protect the s�cu�ity of <br /> the �'r�perty; and, wi�h ❑r withaut taking possessian o� �he Pra�erty, sue �r�r ❑r ath�rwis� �r�lle�t the <br /> ren�s, issues and profits at�he Prcrp�r�y, including thase pas� due and unpaid, and apply th� same, less <br /> Gosts and e�pen���o�operation and Gall�c�ion attorn�ys' �ees,t� any indebtedness �eGured by�his Deed <br /> ❑f Trust, ai� in �uGh order as Lender may de�ermine. The enter�n� upvn and taking pvssessi�n o# the <br /> Property, the Ga�lec�ion a� such rents, +ssues and profits, and the applicati�n therevf shall not cure or <br /> wai�e any default or notice v�default under�his Deed a�Trust ar in�a�idate any act dvne in resp�nse tv <br /> su�h default or pursuant ta such no�ice af detault; and, notwiths�anding the ��ntinuance in poss�ssivn of <br /> the Property ❑r �he col[ecti�n, receipt and application ❑� rents, is�ues ar prafits, Trus�t�e or Lender shall <br /> be En�i��ed to ex�rcise e�ery right prc��ided #vr in the Na�e or the Reiated ❑ocumen�s or �y law upon the <br /> occurrence o�any e�en�a�default, in�luding the right ta e��rcise the pow�r v�sale; <br /> {b� Commence an action to-�oreciase�his Deed of Tru��a� a mortgage, appa�n� a recei�er vr spe�i�ically <br /> �n�orce any a�the G��enan�s he�ea�; and <br /> {cj aeli�er�v Trus�e� a wr�t�en declara�ion of de#aul�and demand for sale and a writ�en no�ice of defauEt <br /> and elec�Evn�❑ cause Trustor's interest in the Proper�y to be sa�d, which nvtice Trustee shall cause ta be <br /> duly filed�ar record �n the appr�priate❑ffi�es of the Caunty in which�he Praper�y is located; and <br /> �d� V11ith r�spect�❑ all or any p�art of�he Personal Proper�y, Lender shall ha�e all �h� rights and rem�dtes <br /> o�a se�ured par'�y unde�the N�hraska Unifvrm Cammerci�l Cvde. <br /> Fore�losure by Rvwer Q����e. If Lender�I�c�s�o fore�lose by exercis� Q�the P�wer❑#5aie herein contained, <br /> Lender shall notifiy Trus�Ce� and shall deposEt with Trus�ee�his Deed af Trus�t and the Note and �u�h re�eipts <br /> and��idence ❑f expend�tures made and secured by�his f���d of Trus�as Tr���ee may require. <br /> �ay Upan r�ceip�❑�such no�ice from Lender, Trustee shal[ cause�a h� recorded, published and deli�ered <br /> t� Trustor such No�ice v� ❑efauft and Notice a� Sale as then required �y law and by this ❑eed of Trust, <br /> Trus�ee shall, withc�ut demand c�n Tru��vr, a�ter su�h ��m� as may th�n be require�l by law and after <br /> reGordation a�such Nv�ice af Qefault and ai�er Notic� a� Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> the Property at th� �ime and pEace a� s�le �ixed l�y it in such Nvtice vf Sale, either as a whale, or in <br /> sep�ra�e [vts o�p�arcels or items as Trus'�ee shaEE deem �xpedient, and in such order as it may determine, <br /> �� publi� auc�ion tv the highest bidder for cash in law��al maney af th� Uni�C�d Sta�es payable at�he�ime <br /> o# sale. Trus�e� shall deli�er ta such pur�haser vr purchasers �herea� its good and su��ic�en� deed or <br /> deeds canW�ying the property so sold, hut wi�hou� any �o�enant or warranty, express or implied. The <br /> reci�als in su�h deed af any matters ❑r facts shall be cvnclusive proafi o� the truthfu[ness thereo�. Any <br /> person, including without limitation T�us�orr Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase a�such sale. <br /> {hy As may b� permi��ed by law, after dedu��ing al� casts, �ees and e�penses ❑f Trustee and af this <br /> Trus'�, inciuding c�sts o�e�idence�f titl�in�nnnection with sale, Trustee sh�l[ �pply the praceeds of sale <br /> �a paymen�❑f �i� all sums expended und�r the fierms vf�his C�eed ❑�Trust or under�he�erms���he Nate <br /> no� �hen repaid, inGluding i�ut nat limi��d t� accrued �n��r�st and la�e Gh�rges, (ii� al� o�h�r sums then <br /> se�ured heraby, and �iiiy �he remainder, if any,to the person o�persons (ega[ly en�itl���h�r��o. <br /> �cy Trustee may in the manner prr��ided b�r Iaw pvstpvne sale Q�ali ar any p�rtion v�the Praperty. <br /> R�m�d��s No� Ex�lusi�e. Trus��e and L�nder, and ea�h vf them, sha11 be en�i�led to enf�rce payment and <br /> per�ormance a�any indeb�edneS� ar obiiga�i�ns secur�d by this Qeed �f Trust and�o exercise all rights and pawer� <br /> under this ❑eed vf Trus�, under the Nvte, under any o��he Related ❑ocum�nts, or under any n�her agreement nr <br /> any I�ws naw t�r herea�ter in fvrce; notvui�hstandin�, s�me or a<< o�Such indebtedness and ❑bligati�ns se�ured by <br /> this Q��d af Trust may now or h�reafter be v�therwise se�ured, wh��her by mor�ga�e, deed af trust, pler��e, lien, <br /> assignmen� r�r otherwise. Ne��her th� a�ce�'�an�e o� this Deed v'� Trus� nor its en�arcement, wh��h�r by court <br /> activn or pursuant t❑ the power of sale or ta�th�r pow��-s con�aine�d in this Qeed a�Trust, sha11 prejudice vr in any <br /> manner a�fect Trus�ee's ar Lender's righ� tv reali�e up�n or �n�vrce any o�her security now vr hereafter held by <br /> Trustee ar Lender, ��being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and eaGh of�hem,shall be entitled t��n�vrce this Deed <br /> of Tru�� and any other security nv►rv vr hereaf�er held �y Lender or Trustee in su�h flrder and manner as they vr <br /> either of them may in �heir abso�u�e d�scretion determine. No rem�dy con#erred upon or reser�ed to T�-us�ee or <br /> Lender, is intended ta be e�clusi�e a� any ❑th�r remedy in th�s Qeed ��Trust or by law pra�ided or perm�'�ted, but <br /> each shall be c�amulati�e and sh�ll be in addi�ian �o euery other remedy gi�en in this ❑eed o� Trust ar n�w ❑r <br /> hereaf��r�xis�ing at law vr in equi�ty ar by s�atu�e, E�ery power rar rer�edy given by�he Not�❑r any o���e Related <br /> Dacumen�� �a Trustee or Lender ar to which either o� them may be ❑therwis� �n�it[ed, may be e�ercised, <br /> �vn�urr�n�ly ar independen�tly, from t�me to �ime and as vften as may be deemed �xpedien� by Trus��e ar Lender, <br /> and either o� them may pursue inconsis��n� remedies, Nathing in �his I]eed o� Trus� shaff be cons�rued as <br /> prahibiting Lender frvm seeking a deticiency jud�ment agains�the Trustor ta�he ex�ent such a��ion is permitted by <br /> law. <br /> Election ofi Remedies. All �f Lender's rights and remedies will �e cumuia�iWe and may be exercised alone or <br /> #agether. [f Lend�r decide� to spend money ar �v per�orm any o�Trustor's �bligativns under �this Deed a� Trust, <br />