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<br /> vE�� oF TRu�T
<br /> Laan Na; 'i U 12939�� ���ntitl ued� Page �
<br /> PAYIItiENT AND PERF�RitiilAfVCE. Except as ❑�herwise pra�ided in this ❑eed af Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender ai�
<br /> amounts se�ured by this aeed o� Trust as �hey be�ome due, and sha11 s�rictly and in a time�y mann�r perform a11 of
<br /> Tr�stor's❑bliga�ic�n� under the No��, �his Deed of Trus�, �nd the Rela�ed D�cuments.
<br /> PDSSESSIQN AND MA�NTENANG� �F THE PRUP�RTY. Trustor ��r�es �hat Trus�ar's poss�ss�an and us� ❑� the
<br /> Property shall b�go�erned by the�o�lowing praWisians:
<br /> Possession and Use. Unti� the accurrence Q� an E�en� vf D��ault, Trust�r may {1� r�main in possession and
<br /> contral of�he Property; ��� use, ❑perate or manage the Proper�y; and �3y cnllect the Rents fram the Property.
<br /> Duty tv IVlain#ain. Trustor shall main�ain the Prvperty in govd condition and promptly perform all repa+rs,
<br /> rep�ac�ments, and main�enan�e necessary to pr�ser�e its value. .
<br /> Compliance Vlri�h En�ironmental L�ws. Trustar repr�sents and w�rr�n�s to Lender�ha�: �1� During �he periad o�
<br /> Trus�ar's vwn�rship of th� P�operty, there has f�een n❑ use, gen�r��ion, manu�a�tur�, sforage, �reatm�n�, dispasal,
<br /> r�leas� tar �hrea�tened releas� n� any Hazardous Substan�e by any persan an, under, abau� or �rvm �he Property;
<br /> �2f Trus�or has nv knawledge of, or reasan '�o t�elie�e that there has been, e�cep�as pre�ivusly di�clased �o and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {ay �ny breach ar �iolatson of any En�ironmental Law�, �by any use,
<br /> genera�ian, manu�acture, s�orage, �reatment, disposal, release ❑r �hreatened re�ease ot any Hazardvus Subs�ance
<br /> on, under. abou� or �rom the Proper�y by any prior vwn�rs or occupants a� th� Property, or �cy any actual ❑r
<br /> threatened ii�igation vr c�aims ofi any I�ind by any person rela�ing ta such ma�ters; and �3� Except as pre�iausly
<br /> disclosed to and acknowfedged by Lender in wri�ing, ta� neither Trus�v�nor any tenan�, cvn#r�ctor, agen�vr vther
<br /> authorized us�r o�the Property shall use, generate, manu-�acture, s�vr�, �reat, disposE v�❑r release any H azardous
<br /> �ubstanG� on, under, a�out❑r frvm the Prop�rty; and {b� any such acti�ity shall be Canducted in complianGe with
<br /> all appfiGable tederal, s�a��, and iocal laws, regulation� and ❑rdinances, including withvu� limitation all
<br /> En�irvnm�ntal Laws. Trustar authori�es Lender and its ag�n�s t❑ enter upvn the Praper�y �a make su�h
<br /> inspectians and t�sts, a� Trus�ar's expense, as Lender may deem appra�ria�� to determine campliance o-� #he
<br /> Prvperty with this section of the Deed vf Trust. Any inspec�ions ❑r �es�s made by Lender shall be far Lender's
<br /> purpases only and shall not be canstrued to create any respansibility t�r IiabiEity �n the part of Lender to Trus#�r vr
<br /> �� any o�her person. �`he representati�ns and warranties c�ntained herein are based vn Trustar's d�ae di�igen�e in
<br /> in�es�igatin� �he Property �a� Hazardous 5ubstances. Trus��r hereby �1� releases and �vai�es any future Glaims
<br /> against Lender �or indemnity Qr GQntri�utinn in �h� ��ent Trustar b�cvmes liable for �I�anup or ather cvs�s under
<br /> any such [aws; and [�] agr��s�o indemni�y, de�end, and hold harmies� Lender ag�insfi any and a�� Gl�ims, lasses,
<br /> liabiliti�s, damages, penalti�s, and expenses�►rhich L�nd�r may directly or indirectly sus�ain c�r suffer re�uEting fram
<br /> a breach ❑� this sectivn o��he Deed v�Tru�� ❑r as a consequ�nce af any use, �enera�ion, manu��c�ure, storage,
<br /> dispasal, release or threa'�ened re�ease vccurring pri�r tv Trus�or's ownership or in�er�st in the Prap�r�y, whethe�or
<br /> not th� sam� was ❑r shvuld ha�e been knvwn ta Trustor. The provisians o� th�s sectian vt #he D�ed at Trust,
<br /> inGluding the❑bligation tv indemni�y and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment v��he Inde�tedn�ss and the satisfaction
<br /> and recQnWeyance o��he lien vf this Deed o�Trust and shall no�be affected by Lender's a�quisi�tion o�any in�erest
<br /> in the Prope�ty, whether hy for�closure or Qtherwis�.
<br /> Nuisance, 1JV���e. Trustar shall not caus�, cvnduGt ❑r permit any nuisan�e nar c�rr�mit. permit, or �u�#er any
<br /> stripping a� or waste �n ar tv �he P�oper�y or �ny pQrt�vn af the Praperty. VVEtha�� limiting the g�n�r�lity ❑� the
<br /> toregoing, Trustor wi�! no� remo�e, ❑r gran-�'�o �ny oth�r party�h� right t❑ rema��, any timber, miner��s {including
<br /> vEE and gasy, �aai, clay, scaria, soil, gra�e[vr racl�products wi�h�ut Lender's prior written cansent.
<br /> RemQ�al a�Impro��mQnts. Trustar shall nat dem�lish vr remo�e any fmprt�vements from the Rea1 Property with�ut
<br /> Lender's �rior written consent. As a c�nditic��t�the �emoval o�any lmpr��ements, Lender may requir�Trustflr tv
<br /> make arrangements satisfactv�y tc� Lenc�er �t❑ replaGe such Impro�ements w��h Impro�ements of at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Ri�F���a Enter. Lender �nd Lende�'� ag�n�s and �epresen�a�i�es may ent�r upon the Rea� Prtap�r�y a� all
<br /> reasc�nable �imes to attend tv L�nd�r's interes�s and �o inspec�C the Real Prvper�y �v� purpose� t�� Trus�or's
<br /> compliance with the term� and condi�ians a��his Deed�f T�us�.
<br /> Cvmpliance wi�h Governmental Requirements. Trus�or shafi prvmp�iy cQmply vuith all �av►�s, ardinan�es, and
<br /> regulati�ns, now flr hereaf�er in e��ec'�, of a[[ go�ernmental au�h�rities applicable �❑ the use �r ocGupan�y af the
<br /> Property. Trustor may cantest in govd faith any such law, ordinanG�, or regu[at�on and withhvld �ompEiance during
<br /> any pra�ceeding, incfuding appropria�e appeals, so Iong as Trustar has nvtifiEd Lender in writing prior to doing sa
<br /> and so long as, in Lender`s soEe opinion, Lend�r's interes�s in the Prvperty are nvt jeapardized. L�nder may requ+re
<br /> Trust�r to pa���dequate securi�y ar a surety bond, r�asonably satisfa�tvey t� Lender,to prv�ect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty tQ Pra�ec�t. Trustor agre�s n�ither �a ah�ndan or lea�e unat�ended xhe Prop�rty. Trus�ar shali dc� all other
<br /> acts, in �dditivn ta those a��s se�tor'�h aba�e in#his section, which from th�Charac�er�nd use ���h� Property are
<br /> reasonaf�ly necessary t❑ prt�'�ect and pr�ser�e�he Prvperty.
<br /> aUE DN SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, deciare immediately due and payable a!�sums
<br /> secured by this Deed o�T�us�upvn the sale or trans�er, withnut Lender's prior writ�en consent, ot all or any pa�t of the
<br /> ReaE Prvper�y, or any intsres� in the Real Prnper�y. A "sale or transfer" means the conveyance of Rea� Pr�per�y or any
<br /> righ�, tit[e or intere�t in the Real P�-vperty; wheth�r legal, bene�icial vr equitable; whether �oiun�ary ar in�vluntary;
<br />