� � 2� 1 ��3�38
<br /> DEEi� �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: 't D'l�9�D76 ���nt�nued} Page �
<br /> Trus�or will deliver, or cause to be delivered, tv Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request�rvm time to fiEme
<br /> to permit such par�icipat�on.
<br /> Compf�an�e With Laws. T�-ustvr warrants that the Proper�y and Trustor's use ❑f the Praper�y complies with all
<br /> exis�ing applicable�aws, v�d�nances, and regulations of go�ernmental aufihvrities.
<br /> Survival vf Pr�mises. A!i promises, agreements, and stafiemen�s Trustv�- has made in �hES Deed ❑f Trust shall
<br /> surWiWe the execu�ivn and deli�ery o�this Deed of Trust, shall be cantinuing in nature and shal� remain in fulf fvrce
<br /> and effecfi until such time as Trustvr's Indebtedness is paid in full.
<br /> C�NDEMNATI�N. The�ollowing pro�isians refating to cvndemnation proceedings are a par�vf�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. If any praceeding �n c�ndemnativn is fiied. Trustor shall prvmptly nnti�y Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustar shall promptly �ake such steps as may he nec�ssary to de�end �he actian and obtain �he award. Trustor
<br /> may be the nomina� party in such praceeding, but Lender shall be entEtled to participate in the prviceeding and�❑ be
<br /> represented in the praceeding by caunsef ❑fi ifis own ch�ice, and Trustar w�El deli�er or cause to be deli�ered ta
<br /> Lender such instrumen�s and d�cumentation as may be r�ques�ed by Lender �rom time to �ime tv permit such
<br /> parti�ipativn.
<br /> Application of N�t Praceeds. if all ar any part of fihe Property is �ondemned by emin�nt domain prviceedings ❑r by
<br /> any proceeding ❑r purchase in lieu o�condemnation, Lender may at its election require�hat all vr any portion of the
<br /> ne� prv�eeds ❑f the award be applied �o the lndebtedness ❑r the repair ❑r restoration of the Praperty. The ne�
<br /> prQ�eeds ���he award shal� mean th� award after payment v�all reasanable cvsts, expenses, and attarneys' tees
<br /> incu�-red by Trusfiee ar Lender�n connec�ion wifih�he cvndemna�ion.
<br /> iMPQ5�T1�N DF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The �ol�owing pro�isions relating
<br /> to ga�ernmental taxes,fees and charges are a part vf�his Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, T�-ustvr shail execute su�h documen#s in addifiivn t�
<br /> this Deed o�T�ust and �ake whate�er❑ther a�tion is �r�quested by Lender fia perfect and con�inue Lend�r's lien �n
<br /> the Rea� Proper�y. Trusto�- sha[I reimburse Lender for a�� �axes, as described below, tvge�her w�fih aif expenses
<br /> incurr�d in recording, perfiecfiing ❑r cvn�inuing this i�eed �f Trust, including without limitativn a11 �axes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and othet-charges for recvrding�r r�gistering fihis Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fol�owing shall cvnsti�ute taxes to which -�his section app[ies: {�} a speci�ic tax upan �his �ype ❑�
<br /> Deed of T�-ust ar upon ai� or any part af the Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trust; �2� a spe�ific �ax �n
<br /> Trus�kor which Trustor is aufihvri�ed or �-equired tv deduc�#ram payments ❑n the indebtedness secured by this type
<br /> o� Deed ❑�f Trust; �3} a fiax❑n�his-�ype ❑fi Deed of Trust chargeable aga�nst the Lender ar the holder fl��he Note;
<br /> and �4} a sp�cifii�tax on all vr any por�ion a��he Inde�tedness ❑r❑n paym�nts ofi p��ncipal and int�rEst mad� by
<br /> T�-ustor.
<br /> Suhs�quen� Taxes. [�r any tax �❑ which fihis sectivn appiEes is ena�ted subsequent t❑ the dafie of this Deed of
<br /> Trust. this e�ent shall have �he same e�fec� as an E�ent ❑f De�ault, and Lender may exer�ise any or all a# its
<br /> a�ailai�le remedies ��r an E�en� ❑f ❑e�aul� as provided below unless Trus�vr either ��} pays the tax be�ore it
<br /> becomes delinquent, vr �2} contests �he tax as pro�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e surety bond or other security safiis�a�fia�y to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENTi FINANCING STATEMENTS. The �ollvwing prv�isivns reiating tv this Deed of Trust as a
<br /> security agreemen�are a pa�t❑f this Deed af Trus�:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument shall consfiifiu�e a 5e�uri�y Agreement �❑ �he extent any v� the P�operty
<br /> �vnstifiu#es�ixtures, and Lender shall have ail ❑f the rights af a secured party under the lJnifarm Commercia! Code
<br /> as amended frvm time ta�ime.
<br /> Secur��y �nterest. kJpon reques� by Lender, Trustor shali take wha�e�er ac�ion is requested by Lender to per�ect
<br /> and �ontinue Lender's security interest in the Personal Prop�rty. fn additFon�v re�ording�his Deed o-�Trust in�he
<br /> real property recards, Lender may, at any time and v►ri�haut fur�her au�hvrizativn fram Trustvr, �i�e executed
<br /> counterparts, capies or repraductians ❑f this Deed of Trus� as a finan�ing statemen�. Trustor shall reimlaurse
<br /> Lender fvr a1� expenses incurred in perfecfiing or cvntinuing this securi�y in�erest. Upon defau�t, Trustor sha�l not
<br /> remo�e, se�er o�- detach �he Persona� Praperty from th� Proper�y. Llpon de�ault, Trustor shall assemble any
<br /> Personal Prap�rfiy not affixed ta �he Proper�y in a manne�- and at a place reasvnahly canWenEent to Trus�ar and
<br /> Lender and make it a�aifable to Lender within three {3} days af�er receipt o# written demand fram Lender �� �kh�
<br /> exten�permit�ed by app��cable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑� Trus�vr (debtor� and Lender �secured party} from which in�rormatian
<br /> cvncerning the se�uri�y lnterest granted by this ❑eed a�Trust may be ob�ained �each as required by�he Llniform
<br /> Commercial Code} are as stated on the first page af this Deed o�Trusfi.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The fallawing prvvEstons relating �o further assurances and
<br /> a��orney-in-fac�are a part ofi�h�s Deed a�Trus�:
<br /> Fur�her Assuran�es. At any time, and �rom time to time, upon request�� Lender, Trus�tvr wi�� make, execu�e and
<br /> deliver, or wiii cause�o be made, executed or de�i�ered,�a Lender or�t❑ L�nder's des�gnee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause �o be filed, re�vrded, re��led, or rerecorded, as the case may l�e, at such tim�s and in such vffices
<br />