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2� 1 ��29�4 <br /> Transfer of the Prvperty or a Benef�c�a�Ir.�teres�in Borr��ver.If a��or any par�of'�he Property ar any�nteres� <br /> in �ti is sald or transferred (or if a benef cia� int�re�� in Borrotiver is sold or transferred an� BorroWer is not a <br /> natural person} withau� Lender's priar�trritte n cansent, Lender may, a� ��s option, res�u�re �mmediate payment in <br /> fu�I �f aIl secured by this Se�urity �n.��rum.ent. �-Io�rever, th�s optian sha�� no�t be exerc�s�d by Lender �f <br /> exercise�s proh�bi�ed by federaX la�r as of�he da�e of��is Secur�ty Ins�rumen�. <br /> �f Lend�r exercises �his op�i�n, Lender shal� give B arro�rer n���c� of acc�lera��an. Th� no��ce shall pro�ide a <br /> per�od of not less �han �he min�mum numbe�� �f days established by Applicable Lativ fram the da�e �he not�ce is <br /> de�ivered ar mailed w��hin which Borro�ver must pay aIl �ums secured by th�s S�cuarity �nstrumen�. Yf Borro,t�ver <br /> fa��s to pay�hese sums prior to �he expira�io� �f�his peri�d, Lender may invoke an�r remedies perm�t�ed by �his <br /> . Secur�ty�ns�rument wi�hout fur�her not�ce ar€�er�and on Borr�wer. <br /> B�rr�wer�� Right �o Re�nstate. Zf Borravvvr �rnee�s certa�n cond�tians, B�rrovver ��ha�I have the right to have <br /> enfarcement of this Security Ins�� discc�n�inued a�any��me prior ta �he ear�zer ��f: �a} 5 days ��r such o�her <br /> per�od as Applicable Law may specify for re�nst�temen�}befo�e sale of the�roperty pursuan�ta any power flf sa�e <br /> conta�ned �n �his 5ecur�ty �nstrumen�; ar ���} �ntry of a ju�gment enfarcing this Secu.ri�y Ins�rumen�. ThQse <br /> condz���ns are �hat Borr�wer: �a} pa}rs Lend�:r a�� surns �vhich then�vould be due under this Security Inst�uamen� <br /> and the�on�rac�as�f n�ac�eleration had a�curr�d; �b} cures a�y default af any ather cfavenants❑r agreemen�s; �c} <br /> pays a11 expenses incurred in enforcing this S€�curi�y Instrumer�t, including,bu�not Iim:i�ed to,reasonab�e a�.torneys' <br /> fees to the e�ten�permi�ted by�aw; and�d� ���kes such act�on as Lender m.a�reasnna��ly require�� assure that�he <br /> �xen of thx.s Secur�ty�nstrument,Lend�r's rights in the Proper�and�orrativer's obliga�:i�n�o pay�he sums secured <br /> b}r t�ais Se�ur�ty Ins�rumen� shall con��nue unchanged. LTpan r�insta�ement by Borro��er, �his Security �nstrument <br /> and the �b�igations secured hereby sha�� rema�r� ful�y effect�ve as if no acce�erat��n��ad occurred. Ho�ever, this <br /> rzgh�to rezns�ate sha��not app�y in th�case o��acceleration under�he sec�ion titled Tr��nsfer of the�roperty ar a <br /> Beneficia�Interest�n 13�rr�wQr. <br /> Hazardous Substamces.Borrovt��r sha�1 no�c;ause or perm��the presence,u�e, dispasa�, s�arage, flr r��ease af any <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or�n�he Properfiy.�3arrovSrer sha��na�do,nor a��o�anyone ti�lse�o do,any�hxng aff�c�ing <br /> the Praper�y tha� is in vio�a�ion �f any Envi�-ox�menta� La�v. The preceding �wo sent��nces shall nflt appiy t� the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n the Property of srna�I quantitie��f Hazardous Substa.n�es tha�are genera�ly recn�mized <br /> to�e apprflpriate�o normal r�siden��a�uses a��d�o ma�ntenance flf the Pr�per�y. <br /> Bo�-r�wer shal�promptly g�ve Lender w�ritten no�ice of any inv�s�iga�ion,clai�n,demands 1a�rsui��r other ac�ian by <br /> any gavernmen�a� or regu�at�ry agency or priva�e party involving �he Prop�rty and ��ny Hazardaus Subs�ance or <br /> Env�ronmen�a.� Lav�r of �vhich Barrotiver h��s ac�ua� knflw��dge. �f Barr�wer ��a�rns, or �s nat�fied b� any <br /> governmental or regu�atory au�harity,tha�an�r removal or o�h�r rem�diation�f any Ha.zardous 5ubs�ance affecting <br /> the Praperty is necessary, Barrovver sha�� pr�mptly �ake aII necessary rernedia� actioris in ac�ordance wi�h <br /> Env�ranmental Lavv. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subst�inces" are�hos� subs�ances de�n�d as�o�xic or hazardous su�stances <br /> by Er�vir�nmenta� Law and the following s,abstances: gaso��r�e, kerosene, other fla:mmabl� or �oxic petr��eum <br /> products, tQxic pes�icides and herb�cide�, v��lati�e salven�s, mater�a�s containing asbes�os �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radiaac�ive ma��rials. As use�in�h�s paragra��h, "Enviranmen��l La�cr" means federa�].a�vs and�avas of�he��ate of <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate ta,hea��h,safe�y�r environmental protec��ar�. <br /> Acce�erat�vn; Rem�dies. L�nder shall �ive n�ti�e t� Borr��ver prior �v accelerati�n folloVv�ng Borro�wer's <br /> breach af any covenant�r agreement in th�s�ecur�ty Instrument or the��ntrac#:�nder wh��h ac�eleration <br /> is�ermitted{but nat pr�or to accelera�ion under the se�t�r�n titl�d Tran�fer of th.e Praperty or a Bene���a� <br /> Interest�n Borrower, un�ess Applicabl� L���v prov�des �nth�rwfse�. The no��ce sh��� sp�cify: �a} the �efau��; <br /> �b} the ac�ion required ta cure the def��u�.t; �c� a da�e� not �ess �han �he rr.�infmum number �f days <br /> es�abli5hed by�►pplicab�e Law from the da;t�the natxce is given ��Bnrrower,by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d) �hat fa�lure to cure the d��ault an or before �he date specif�ed i�r� fhe not�ce may r�su�t �n <br /> acce�era�ion �f the sums �ecured by th�5 ��curYty In�trument and sale of the� �'rnperty. Tv the ���ent <br /> permit��d by�a�v, the notice shai�further:inf�rm Borrow�r° of the r�ght to re�ns�:ate after acce�erat�on and <br /> the right t�br�ng a court a�tx�rn�v assert t�re nan-ex�stenc�af a d�fau�t�r any at��er defense of I3vrr�wer to <br /> accelerati�n and sa�e.If the d�fauZt is not �Lured on or before the date specif�ed�n the no�ic�,Lender at its <br /> ap��on may r�quire i.mmediate pa�ment i:r� full of al.�. su�s se�ured by �hzs Sec:urity Instrument vv�thout <br /> fur�her dernand ar�d may�nvo�e the p�wer �f sale and arny other rem�d�es per�r�i�ted by Appl.x�ab�e I�aw. <br /> Tv the ex�en� perm.�tted by �av�v, Lend�r s:hal� be �ntitled to co��ect a�l expenses �ncurre�i i� pursuing the <br /> remed�es prflvided�n this Sec�ion,inc�uding�bu� nvt lim�t���o, r�asona�Ie attor���ys' fee5 an�cos�s of��t�e <br /> evidence. <br /> If the pawer of sa�e is ia�vtiked,Tru�tee sha:ll record a ri�t��e of defauit�m �a�h ca�un�y in tivh�ch any part of <br /> the Property fs lvcated and sha�l ma���opi�ts�f such no�i�e in th�manner prescribed by Appli�ab�e Law to <br /> Burrower and �o the other persons pr�scr:ib�d by App��ca��e Law. After the ti��e required b� App�x�able <br /> Law, Trustee shall give pub�ic n�tice vf s��le �o the persoms and �n �he mannQr prescribed by .�ppli�able <br /> Law,Trustee,wf�hout demand on �orr�vv�yr, shai� �e��the Pr�perty at pub�ic auc:ti�n t� �he highest bidder <br /> at the time and place and u�der�he terms�ies�gna��d in�he no�i�e vf sa��xn�ne o�r more par�e�5 and in any <br /> order Trustee determine�. Truste� may ��ostpane sal� of all or any parce� 07� the Property by public <br /> annvuncement at the time and place of any�p�evxously sch�du��nder❑r€ts designee may pur�hase <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip� vf payment o�the pr��e b�d, Tra�S�ee sha�l d�liver �o the p�urchaser Trus�ee's deed �anveying <br /> the Prop�rty, The ree�itals i� th�Trus�e�'s d��d shall be pri�na fac�e e�iclence of�h�tru�h of�he statemen�s <br /> �2D04-2015 Camp�iance Systems,Inc.8C54-b4DF-Z� <br /> Cvnsumer�LeaI Estate-Secu�-ity Instn�ment DL2�36 Page 4 v�'S www.compliancesystems.�orr� <br />