2� 1 ��29�3
<br /> The Funds sha11 be h��d in an in.�tituti�n whose deposits are insured by a federal a enc , instrumentali
<br /> � Y �y,
<br /> or ent�ty(�ncluding Lender, if L�nder is an institutivn whose deposit�are so insured)vr in any Fed�ral
<br /> H�me I,�an�3ank. Lender shall apply the Fund�to pay the Escrovv Iterns no later than,the time spec�fied
<br /> und�r RESPA.Lend�r sha��nvt charge I�arrawer for hold�ng and apply�ng the Funds�annually analyzing
<br /> the escrow account,or�erify�ng the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays�orrower interest an the Funds
<br /> and Applicable La�permits L�nder to make such a cha,rge.Unless an agreement is ma.de�n wri.ting or
<br /> A�piicab�e Law requues�nter�st to be paid an the Funds,Lender shall not be r�quu�d to pay Borrower
<br /> any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in v�rrting,ho�vever,that in.terest
<br /> • sha11 be paid on the Funds. Lender sha11 g�v�t�Borro�er,without charge,an an.n.ua1 accvunting of the
<br /> Funds as requvred�y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in escro�v,as defined under RESPA,Lender sha��account to B�rrower
<br /> for the ex�ess funds in accordance�vith RESPA, If there�s a shortage of Funds held in�scra�r,as defined
<br /> under RESPA,Lender sha�l notify Borrower�s required by RESPA,and Borro�ver sha1l pay to Lend�r
<br /> the amount necessary to make up the shor�age in accordance with RE SPA,but in no more than �2
<br /> monthly payments.If there is a defic�ency of Fu�ds hetd in�scrow,as defined un.der RE�PA,Lender
<br /> shall notify Borrower as requ�rec�by RESPA,and Borrower sha11 pay ta Lender the amount necessary t�
<br /> make up the deficiency in aCc�rdance with 1�SPA,�ut in no more�han. ��monthl�payments.
<br /> LJp�n payment in.fu11 of all sums secured by this �ecurity Instrument,Lender sha11 pr�mptly refund to
<br /> Barra�ver any Funds hel�by Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges;Liens.Borrower sha11 pay a1�ta,xes, assessments,charges, fines, and imposit�ons attributable
<br /> to the Praperty wh�ch ca�n attain prior�ty�ver thi�Security Instrument,Ieasehold payments or ground
<br /> rents on the Prop�rty, if any,and�ommunity Ass�ciatian Dues,Fees,and Asse�sments,�f any.To the
<br /> extent that th�se items are Escrow Items,Borrower sha��pay them in the man�er pr�vided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument un�ess
<br /> Iiorrower: �a)agre�s in writing to the payment of the ab���atron secure�.by the�ien in a manner
<br /> acceptable to Lender,bu�only so long as Borrower xs performing such agreement; (b}contests the lien in
<br /> good faith by,or defends against enforcement of the lien�n, lega�praceed�ngs which in Lender's�pinion
<br /> operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien wh�le those proceedings are p�nding,but�nly unti�such
<br /> proceedings are conctuded;or(c}secures from the holder�f the lien an agreement sat�sfactory to Len��r
<br /> su�ordinating the lien to th�s Secu.ri#y Instrument, If Lender determines that an.y part of the Property�s
<br /> subject to a lien wh�ch can atta�n prrority over this Security Instrument,Lender m�y give Borr�wer a
<br /> notice identify�ng�he lien. Within 1�days of the date on which that notic�is given,B�rrower shall
<br /> satisfy the lien or ta1�e�ne or mor�of th�actions set forth abave�n.this 5ectian 4. �
<br /> 5. Property Insurance.Borrower�ha11 keep the improvem�nts now exis�ing vr her�a#�er erected on the
<br /> Property insured against lass by fue,hazards included�vithin the�erm"extended co�era�e,"and any
<br /> other hazards ineluding,but not lim�ted to, ear�hquakes and floods, for�vhich Lender requ�re�insurance.
<br /> This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts(includ�ng deductible l�ve�s}and for the periods tha�
<br /> Lend�r requires. What L�nder requires pur�uant to the pr�ceding sentences c�n change dur�ng the term of
<br /> �he Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sha11 be chosen b}�$orrower subj ect�o Lender's
<br /> right to disapprove Borrower's choice,u�hich ri�ht�ha11 not be exerci�ed unreasonably. Lender may
<br /> require Borro�ver to pay, ia con.nect�on with this Loan,�ither: (a}a ane-time charge for flood zone
<br /> determinati�n,certif catian and tracking ser�ices;or�b}a one-time Charge for fl�od zone detenr�ination
<br /> and c�rtification s�r�ices and subsequent char es each tirne rema i.ngs or simi�ar chan e�occur which
<br /> FHA deed vf Trust Witt�MERS-NE 9J3412494
<br /> Bankers Syst�ms� VM�@ 11MP4N(NE}��5p6�.pQ
<br /> Walters Klwver Financial Ser►iices - Page B of 1T
<br /> q�3355�88855 a233 33� DC17
<br />