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<br /> Da nat wrii�e abav��rne-recorder uss nnly
<br /> � FDRM 5036(2-2d�B)
<br /> RETURN T� Farm Credit Services of America Calhaan, Pat�y J
<br /> PREPARER: P� B�x��8�, Grand 1sland, N E 688�2 �3�8� 384--��57
<br /> CTL�:3�0 CTL 3:�2❑ Customer No: 1'[2�1 B Nvte h1o:��3 and�120��-��3
<br /> Farm Credit Services of America
<br /> Trustee: AgriBank, F�B
<br /> Benef�cNary:Farm Credit S�rv�ces af Am�rica, FL�A
<br /> Trustor:S�even J Sfie1k and Lore��a K S�elk, a married cauple
<br /> Trustor.CCay�on J Sfielk and Kimberly K S�elk, a married cauple
<br /> Rec�rd [nformatian:
<br /> Caunty:Ha11
<br /> Filing�ff�ce:RegYster�f Deeds
<br /> Date Filed: �313 012012
<br /> Recorded as instrrument#2�I2��534
<br /> At Beneficiary's request, and fvr go�d and valuable conside�-af��n, receipt vf wh�ch is hereby
<br /> acknowledged, Trustee hereby grants, releas�s, and recon�eys ta Trusfor ar �he peTson�s} en����ed
<br /> thereto, all righ�, �i�le, and interest of�he Truste� acquired by virkue of the above mentioned Trus� Deed
<br /> and Ass�gnm�n�af Rents in and �o fihe fvllawing pro�er�y:
<br /> Parcel '�: A�rac�af land comprising a part af�he Sou�h Half af fhe Northwes�Quarter�S�l NVIll4} and a
<br /> part af �h� Northwest Quar�er of �he Southwes� C�ua�ter �NVII�� SVI!%4}, all being in 5ection Thirty-Five
<br /> �3�}, Township E�e�en ��'i} North, Range Ten ���} Vlles� of �he 5�h P.M., Hall �ounty, Nebraska, and
<br /> more par�icularly described as fol�ows:
<br /> Beginning a� �he southwest corner of Vllestraads Es�a�es Fourth Subdivision; thenc� running eas�erly,
<br /> a�ong and upvn �h� south line vf said Westroads Estafes Fourth Subdivisian, a dEs�ance of Five
<br /> Hundred 5ix�y-Slx and Eighteen Hundred�hs �556.�8} fe�t to the northwest corner af Lof ane ��},
<br /> 11Ves�r�ads Estafes Fiffh Subd�vision; thence defi[�cting righ� 9�° ��' �8" and runnrng s�utheriy, along
<br /> and up�n fhe wes� fine af said Lo� �ne ��}, Vllestrvads Es�a�es Fifth Subdivisian, a distance of Three
<br /> Hundred Forty-�ne and Thirtesn Hundred�hs �34�.13} fee��o �he saufhwest�arn�r of said Lot Dne �1},
<br /> VIles�r�ads Esta�es F�fth Subdivis��n; then�e de�lec�ing left 9D° �3' 33" and running easte�Ey, al�ng and
<br /> upor� �he south line of said Lot�ne ��}, Westrvads Estates Subdivision, and �he eas�erly pro�on�afion af
<br /> the south f rne of said La� �ne ��} Westroads Esta�es Fifth Su bd Evision, a d is�ance vf Six H undred and
<br /> Eighty-�ne Hundred�hs �6��.8�} feet �o a poin� on the �asterly righ� o�F way line of Summer Drive;
<br /> �hence deflecting righ� 89° 49' �8" and running southerly, al�ng and upan fhe soufh�rly pra[ongation of
<br /> the easterly righ� af way lin� of said Summer D�iWe, a dis�ance of Three Hundr�d Sevenfeen and
<br /> Sevenfeen Hundred�hs �3�7.�7} fee� to a pvint on the sou�h Iine af said Sou�h Half of the Narthw�st
<br /> Quarter�5'/2 NVII'/4}, said point heing �ne Hundr�d Seven�y-Five and Forky--Seven Hundr�d�hs ��75.47}
<br /> fee� wesf o� �he soufiheasf corner Qf said S�uth Half ❑f �he Nar�hwes� Quar�er �S�/z NUU'/4}; thence
<br /> deflecfing right 9�° �8' '�3" and running westerly, along and upon �he sou�h line�f said Sou�h Haif vf�he
<br /> Narthwest C�uarter �S�/2 NVI!%4}, a distance of �ne Thousand �ne Hundred Forty-T�nro and Two
<br /> Hund�edths �1,'�4�.D�} feet�o the northeas� corner vf said North�r�st Quarter of the Sou�h�res� Quarter
<br /> �NllU%4 SW%}; �hence defiiec�ing left 89° 28' �3" and running sou�herly, along and upon fhe eas� line of
<br /> said Narthwes� Quarter ❑f fhe Sau�hwes� Quarter �NVI1%4 S1N%4}, a d�stance af Thirty-Two and Fifteen
<br /> Hundre��hs �3�.��} feet; thence defl�cting righ� 89° 34' 48" and running �nresterly, a disfance af Twenty-
<br /> Se�en and �ne Tenth ��7.��} fee�; �hence deflecting right 9�° �2' 25" an� running nartherly, a dis�an��
<br /> af Thirty��ne and Nine�y-Six Hundred�hs �3�.9G} feet t� a paint on the narth line a� said N�rthwes�
<br /> Quar�er of�h�Soufhwes�Quarter�NW%SVI�'/4}; thence deflectEng left��° D�' ��" and running northe�-�y,
<br /> a dis�ance vf Six Hundred Fifty-Six and Twel�e Hundred�hs �556,'��}fe�t�a the pafn�vf beginning.
<br /> App#:�390259; C1F#: 1'[���6; Nofe#:2�3 104PC Legal Doc.Date:May 6,��'�6
<br /> FDRM 5�35,Trustee's Deed o�Partiai Reconveyance Page� of 2
<br />