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2� 1 ��2883 <br /> �f ��rr����r p���s Fu��� t�a L�n��e, th� Fun�s �h�l� �e h��d �n �n ir����tut���n th� �� ���t� �r <br /> ����unts �f ��i�h ar� in�ur�d �r ua'ran���� � � F�1���1 �r ��at�� � ��� in�ludin ��n�er� if <br /> � � � � � � <br /> L�n�i�r �s su�ch �r� �n�ti�ut�i���, Len��r sh�[1 �p�I� th� F��c�� t� �� ��c� t��e�{ ����s�m�nt�s <br /> in�ur��r��� �r���um� ��� �r�un�l r�nt�. L�n��r �n�� n�i� ���r�� f�r s� ��1�1in� ar��i a����in� �h� <br /> Fu��d�F an����in� s��� ����un�. �vr ��rif��rr� ��� ��m��li�� s�i�d a����sr��n�� ��� �i�[sx un��.ss <br /> L�nd�r ���� ���r���r [r���rest �n th� Fun�ls �n�i �p�pli�a�f�l� I�� ��rm�ts L��rdee �� �a�i�� su�h a <br /> ch�r��. ���r���e �n�l L�nd�r m�� ��r'�� ir� �i�in� �� �:h� �im� �f ��€��uti�n �f th�� ��e�uri�� <br /> f n�trum�nt th�t �r���res� �r� �th� Fund� sh��! b� ��i�d �� ��er���r�� �nd ur�i��� �u�h ��r����r�t �� <br /> m��i� or ���li�a�l�e la� r�qu�r� su�h �n��r��t �� �e ���dF Len�i�r sh��l r��� � r�qu�red t� ��� <br /> ��rro�er� �n� �n��r�t�r �rn�n�s on �h� Fu���. L�n��r sh�l� �i��t� ��re���er, �i�hout�h�r��F �r� <br /> �r�nu�i ���c�un�in� of th� Fun�� ��t��in� �r�d�ts ��d d���� �ta th� Fun�s an� th� �ue��s� f�r <br /> �h��h ���� t���it �tc� th� Fur�d� ��s m��d�. T�re Fun�l� �r� ����d��� a� ��l���r��i ���ur��� for th� <br /> �ums���ur��i ���h i����uri��1 r��trurn�nt. <br /> lf��e �r�au�t af t�h� Funds h�l�i �� L�n��rF ����t�er �i�.h �.he �u�ure rr��n�th�� ir��ta�lme��� of <br /> Fr���� p�a��t�[� �ri�r �� �h� d�� ���e� �f �����, ��s�m�t�� i�sur��� pt���a�u ms �.rt�d �r��a n� <br /> r��tsF sh�[� ������ �M� ��n�ur�t f�quir�d �� �a� sai� �a���, ��se�sm�nt�, in�ur���e pe�miums an� <br /> �r��und r�nts a� th�� f�r� c�u�f su�h ��c�e�� �ha�i� lb�r �� ��rr���r'� ��ti�nF �ith�e �r��rapt[� r��aid <br /> �� ��are���r �r� cr���ed tc� ��rr���er �n monthl� ir��ta�lnn�r�t� �f Fun�s. lf`th� �m�un� �f th� Fun�� <br /> h��d �� Le�d�� �h�l� n�t b� suff�ci�n��� ���t����i �ss���m�n�.�� �ns�r��c� p�r�n�i�r�� an�t �r�un� <br /> r��t� a�� �f��� f��[ c�u�r B�rr���r ����1 �a� t�� L�n�d�r an� ����n� n����ar� �� ma�� u� th� <br /> d�e�c��n�� �r� �n��e r��e� ���m�r��� �� Lend�r ma� e��q�rre. <br /> �p�n ���m�n� �n fu ll ��'��� �u�� ���ur�� b��h�� ���ur�� �nst�um�r��� L�n���- sh��� ���m��J� <br /> ��fu�� �c� ��rr���r a�� Fund� h�ld �� L�nd�r. �f und�r ��ra�r��h �� h�r��f th� Pr�p��� �� �c��d �e <br /> th�� Pr�c���rt� i� �ther��� ���{�ai��d �� L�nd�r, L�r���r sh��� �Rp�I�F no� ��t�r th�� xmt���i��ef� �riar <br /> t� �h� s��� �f th� P�� �� �r �.s � u���t��� b L�n��r �r� Fu��� h�I�i b� L�n�d�r �t th� tim� �f <br /> R � �q � � � � <br /> a�pli�a���n a� � �r��#�t� �in�t�h��um� ��ur�d ���hi� ���ur�� [n�trum�n�. <br /> �. � i��a�tx�r� t�f �ar rr��nts: �nl�e�� � li�ab�l� la� r����l�� �th���ise ��� �'�}� ment� e���i��� <br /> �� � �� � r ['".'� <br /> t�� Len�I�r u�d�r th� �r��d�� ��r�m�nt an� p��r��r��h� � an� � ��r��f sh�l� �� a�p����d �� Lend�r <br /> �rs� in �� ��r�t �af�m��a�ts p���r�l��� L�nd�r �� �orr���e ur��#�r ��ra�r��h � h�re�fs s��c�n�x ��r� <br /> �he �rd�r��nc��r �h���s t� �n �r��r��� �M�r �s �at��r �h�r e� ��d �����cti�� �s�� ��in �n� <br /> � � � � �r <br /> third t�th� r�n�i a� ��[an�e un�l�r t���r�d��� ���rn�nt_ <br /> r � P � <br /> �. Rria�r ��rt���� �nd Q���l� �f Trust; �h�r��s� L��ns_ E��rr���r �h�[� �rf�rm a 1I �f <br /> B�rr���r`� ��li���i�ns ur��d�r an� m�r�����, ���d �f tru�� �r ��h�r ��ur�t� a�r��r�r��n�t �r�h a ii�n <br /> �hi�h h�� pr���r�� a��r �hi� ���urrt� Cn�trum�r��F �n�luc��r�� ��rr���r=s ����n�n�s t€� ma��� <br /> ��m�nts �h�n �u�. E�c��t�t� th� ���n� th�t �r�� �u�h ������� �r imp���it��n� a��e t� �� ��i€� �a <br /> ��n��� und�r �r�❑ra� h � ��rr���r �h��� � �r c�u�� �� �� a�� �I� ta�e� �s��s�rn�nt� �n�i <br /> � r� � f � � � 1 <br /> o�h�r ch�r���x f r��s and irr���s�t��ns ��tfik�u�at�[� �.� th� Pr��p��e�� �h��h rr�a� ��t��n � �r��ri�� ���r <br /> th�s ��cc�r�� ln�t�umen�.f and I���ho��I p��m�n�.� �r �r�a�sn�f r�n�.�, if ��n�. ��.hin fr�� ���� af�er <br /> an� �l�rr��n� b�� L�n�d�r3 ��rrr���r �ha�il ��hi�� �� L�nc��r r����pt� ����n� th�t ��i �m�unt� �ue <br /> un��r�h�� ��r��r�aph h��� i���n pai� �h�n �u�_ <br /> �. 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