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2� 1 ��2879 <br /> Transfer of the Prvpe�ty vr a Be�.Qfi�ial I�iterest�n Borro�er.�f a�X��any part of the Froper�y�r any�n:teres� <br /> in i� is �old or transferre� �or if a bene�ci�.� �n�erest in B�rrov�rer is sold or �ransf��rred and BorroWer i5 no� a <br /> nat�xra� person} vvi�hau� Lender's p�ior vvri�t�.n consen�, Lend�r ma�r, a� its op��on, requ�re immedta�e pa�rrn�nt �n <br /> ful� of a�l sums secured by this Securi�ty �ns�rument. Hawe�er, �h�s op��on shall no�t be exerc��ed b�r L�n�der if <br /> exerc�se is prohibited by federal�a�r as of�h�date tif�hzs Securzfiy Ix�strum�n�. <br /> �f Lender exercises this option, Lender sha:ll give B orrawer notice of accelera�ion. The no�ice sha�I provide a <br /> period of nn� Iess tha.n the minimum numbe:r of days esta.blished ��y App�icab�e Lav�,� from the da�e �he natice is <br /> de�ivered or mailed vv�t�-i�n Which Borrower m�st pa�r a�l surns secured by this Secur��y �nstrument. �f�or.rower <br /> fails t� pay�hese sums prior �� �he expiratiG�n �f�his per�od, Lendnr ma� ��vflke an.y remedies permi��ed by �his <br /> S e curity Instrument witxiau�fur�her no�i ce ar demand on B on ovver. <br /> Borr�wer's Righ� to �einstate. If BorrovU�er mee�s cer�ain cond:�t�flns, Borrower ,�hall have the righ� �a have <br /> enf�rcement of-this Security Instrument disc��n�inued a� any p�ri�r�Q �he ear��er�f �a} 5 days �or s�ch o�her <br /> period as Appl�cab�e La�r may spec�fy for re�ns�atement}befor�salf�of�he Pr�perty�ru.rsuant to any power af sale <br /> con�air�ed in this S�Gurity �nstrurnen�; or ��b} entry of a judgmer�t enfor�ing �his Security �nstrum�nt. �'hose <br /> cond�tzons are tha�Borrflyver: �a� pays Lender al� surns titiThich then.v�au�d be due ur�der �his 5ecuri�y�ns�m.ent <br /> and the�ontra��as if no acc�leratian had accurred;�b�cures an�defau�t of any a�her c�venan�s�r agreemen�.s;�c} <br /> pa�s aIl e�penses incurred in enforcing this 5ecurity�nstrumen�, incl�uding,bu�not lim.��ed to,reasonable atto�neys' <br /> fees to the extent perm��ted by law; and�d} �ak�s such a�tion as Lender may reasnnably require t� assure�ha��he <br /> Iien of this Securzty�ns��~unzent, Lender's rights�n the Pr�per�y an�Barro�ver's obligat�on to pay the sums secured <br /> by this 5ecur�ty�ns�rument sha�l cQntinue unch�.nged. Up�n reinst���emen�by Borro��er, �h�s Secur�ry �ns�umen� <br /> and the obligations secured h�reby sha�l ren�a�rn fu�ly eff�ct�v� as i:f na acc�lerat��n;had occurr�d. Haw�ver, this <br /> rxg�.t to reinstate shal�no�app�y in the case of acceleration under th��sec�ion tit�e�Tr��nsfer of the Property or a <br /> Be�efic�a�Interest in�orr�wer. <br /> Ha�ardous Su�stan�e�a Borrawer shall no��cause or permi�the pres�nce,u�e, disposa�, starage, or release Qf any <br /> Hazardaus Substances Q�or in the Proper�y.Borrov�er sha�l not do,:nar allavt�anyone eise��do,any�.ing aff�ct�ng <br /> �he Property tha� i� zn vio�at�on af an��a� L�w. The precedi�g �vo sent;�n�es shal� n�� apply �o the <br /> presence,use,�r storage on�.ie Proper�y of s�:na�l quan�x�ie�of Ha�a:rdous Substances�that are genera�ly re�ogn�zed <br /> ta be apprapriat�to norr�al res�dentzal uses and�o ma�ntenance�f the Praperfiy. <br /> B�rrawer shal�promptly give Lender wri�ten no�ice of any znv�st�gatian,claim, demarid, lavvsu�t or other�.c�zan by <br /> any gov�rnmenta� or regulatory agency or p�zvate par�y �nvolving 1:he Frop�r�y and ���.y Hazardaus Sub�ta�ce ar <br /> Environmen�a� I.,avv of ,which Borro�ver has actual know��dge. �f Borrovv�r �earns, or is no�ified by any <br /> gnvernmen�a� or regulatary au�thor�t�, �hat an.�r r�moval �r�ther remediati�n af any H���ar�ous 5ubs�an�e aff�cting <br /> the Proper�y �s nec�ssary, Borrovver shall pramptly ta�e a1� nec,�ssary remed�al act�ons in ac�ordance wi�h <br /> Enviranmen�al Law. � <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazardflus Subst�.nces" are those subs�ances defined as��3xic or hazard�us substances <br /> by Env�r�nmenfial Lavv and the fal��yv�ng subs�ances: gasaline, k{erose�e, o�her flammala�e or toxic p��ro�eum <br /> products, �oxic �esticides and herbic�d�s, vo�atile solven�s, z�.a�eri;a�s co��aining as��estos �r f�rma�d�hyd�, anti <br /> rad��ac�ive materials. A�used in th�s paragra_�h, "Environmental La�w"means federal �av�s and laws of�he��ate❑f <br /> Nebraska that re�ate to h�a��h,safety or environmen�a�prote���or�. <br /> Ac�e��rat�vn; F�eme�i��, Lender shall give n��ice to �orrovver pr�or to a�celer����on fo����v�ng �orro�ver's <br /> bre��h�f any�ove�ant vr agreement�n thi�Se�urfty Instrumen��flr the�ontra���under vvhY�h ac�e�er�.�ion <br /> is p�rmitted�bu� n�t�r�ar tfl a�Celerat�on under the se�ti�n t�t�ed Tran�fer�f t��e Pr�perty ar a Benefi�ia� <br /> Interest�n Bor�o�v�r, un�ess App�icable L�.�v provides otherwi5�e�. The moti�e sh:all specify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b} the a���on required tv cure the defat�l�; �c} a �ate, nflt �es5 than the m�nimum �umher vf days <br /> establi�hec�by AppX�cable Law from th�date th�notice�s given �o Borr�w�r,by vvh��h the defau�t�nust be <br /> cur�d; and �d} that f���ure �o �ure th� de;eauit on or before th� date specif�ed i� the notice may r�su�t in <br /> acc�lera���n of the sums secured by th�s ��curfty I�strumen�: and sa�le of th�� Pr�perty. T� the exten� <br /> per�utted by Iaw, the not�ce shall further i�form�orrower of th� rfght to re�ns����e affer a��e�erat�orn and <br /> �he r�ght tfl br�ng a�vurt actfon�a asser�tl�e�on-exist�n��of a��efau�t�r�ny v��her d�fense of BvrroYv�r�o <br /> acc�lera���n an�l sa�e.If the default is nv� cured om or b�f�re t�� date spec�f�ed iin the na��ce,Lend�r�t its <br /> apti�n m�y rec�uire immediate payment i.n fu�� of all sums s�z;ure� b� �h�s S�+�ur�ty InS�rumer�t w��hvu� <br /> further demanc� and may invoke the puw�r af sal� and an� fl� rem�di�� per�r�itted by App�icab�e LaVv. <br /> To the ex�ent �ermitte�l by �aw, Lender sh��� be enti�led to cv�l�c� all �xpense�� �ncn�rred �n pursuinb the <br /> remedies provid.ed in�his Sect�on,�n��uding��bu�not limuited to, reasonable a�tar�neys9 fees and costs of��tle <br /> eviden�e. <br /> If the power vf sa�e is imvoked,Trustee shall.�-ecord a x�atice of+iefaui�i�n each �[�unty i�n vvhich any p�.rt of <br /> the�r�perty is Iocated and shal�rnail copi�s of such nvti�e�n the manner pres�riib�d by Appl��able L�w to <br /> B�rrtiwer and �:o the ��her persons pres�ribed by Applieahle Law. Aft�r �he t��r�e requxred by App�i.�able <br /> Lav�, Tru�te� s�hail giv� public nnticQ vf���e to the p�r5ons an�d xn the manner pre�cr�bed hy Applicable <br /> Lav�, Trus�ee,v�iri�hvut demand on Borro�v�r, �hal�se�l the Prop��rty��p�bli� au+c��on t� the highest bidder <br /> at�he time and place�.nd under the�erms+designated���he noti��e of sal�e�n one��r mure p�rceis and i� an� <br /> �rder Trus�ee deter�n�s, Trustee may �pa�tpon� 5ale Q� all vr �ny parce� of th� Property by p��lic <br /> annvun�ement at the�inne and pia�e af any pre�iausly�chedu�e��sa��.L+�nder vr its des�gnee may p�rehase <br /> the Prnper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon re��ip� o�'paymemt af th� pri�e bid, Trustee sha� de��ver to the purchaser 'T'ruStee's deed �o�vey�ng <br /> the Prtipe�-ty. The re�it�ls in the Trustee's de�d shall�be pr�ma facie�vid�nce of 1:he��uth flf th�sta�emen�s <br /> �2D44-201 S Cor3-ipliance SysteFns,Inc.8C5�-AACF-2415,t 1.3.I498 <br /> Consurner Real Estate-Secu�ity Instnament DL2036 Page 4 of S . www,cvmpIiancesystems,com <br />