� 2� 1 ��2879
<br /> Pa�ment of Pr�n�ipal a�d Interest; �th�r ty�arges��3orraw�r sh�.��prom�t�y pay when due�he princ�pal of and
<br /> int�rest an the deb�flwed un�er the Con�rac��vnd iate charg�s ar any other fees and charges due under th�Con�rac�.
<br /> Ap�ali�ab�e Law. As used �n �his Security In��rumen�, the term "Applicab�e La�v" shal� mean al� contr�Iling
<br /> applzcab�e federa�, s�ate and lacal statutes, re�gulati�ns, ordinances and adm�nis�rat�ve rules and �rd�rs ��.ha�have
<br /> the effec�of lavv}as urell as alI applicable fnal,x��n--appealable�ud�c�al op�n�ons.
<br /> Ch�rge5; Lxen54 Borrower shall pay all ta�:es, ass�ssmen�s, �harges, fnes and im�3�sitians a��ribu�a.ble tQ the
<br /> Pr�per�y�rh�ch may at�azn pri�r�ty�v�r this ►aecurity Ins�rumen�, a�d leas�hold pa�znen�s ❑r ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> At�he request of Lender,Borrovv�r sha�l pran�pt�y furnrsh to Lender rece�pts evidencin�g�a�pa�m�nts.
<br /> Borrflvver shall pr�mptly discharge any�ien tiv�ii�h has priorit��o�rer this Security��s�rument unless Barr�vver; �a}
<br /> agre�s in v�riting to the paymen� of�h� ob�ig�.�ian secured lby �h� Iien in a mar�ne:�r acceptab�� t� Lender; �b}
<br /> contests �n good fai�h the lien by, or defend�� aga�r�s� enforcemen� �f�he lY�n in, Iegal proceedxngs wh�ch �n �he
<br /> Lender's apinian opera�e �a preven� the enfc3rcern�n� ❑f the 1�en; or �c} se�ures frorn the holder af�he li�n an
<br /> agreemen�satisfactory to Lender subordi.nat���g the X�en to th�� 5ecur��r Ins�ru.ment. �f'I�ender determin�s tha�any
<br /> part af�he Property is subject to a lien whicl�may a�tain priar�� c�uer this S�curi�y�:ns�rumen�, Lende�may give
<br /> I3flrrower a no�ice �den�ify�ng�he ��en. B�rro�wer shal� satxsfy the �i�n or tak� ane or�nore �f the acti�ns set forth
<br /> abave within 14 days of�he g�ving af no�ice.
<br /> Ha�ard �r Propert�Insur�nce. Barrovver sha��keep�he impr�vem.�nts no�u existin�; or hereaf�er erec�ed�n�he
<br /> Property�nsured agains�Iflss by fire,ha2ards includeci wi�hir��he term"ex��nded c�v���ag�" and any a�h�r hazards,
<br /> in�luding floods or fla�d�ng, fa� tivhich Lerider requires insuranc�. This insurance shall be mainta��ed i� the
<br /> am�un�s an�far the peri�ds that Lender reau�res. The insurance carr�er pr��iding the insurance shall be c�osen by
<br /> Borrovver subjec� t� Lender's approva� Whic�� shall na� be ur�reasanably vv��hhe�d. �f'Borrnvver fazls ta maintain
<br /> coverage descr�bed above, Lender may, a� Le�der's op��on, obtain c�verage �fl pr��tec� Lender's rz�;h�s xn �he
<br /> Properfiy in acco�dance vvxth section ti�led Pr��te�tion af Lend�r's Rights�n�he Pr�p��r�y.
<br /> Al� insurance po�xcxes and renetivals shall be a�c�ptab�e tfl Lender and sha�� include a s�andard martga.g� cl�.use.
<br /> Le�.der shall ha�re�he r�gh�to ho�d the po�ici��s and renewals. �f Lender requires,Borr��vver sha�l pramp�ly give to
<br /> Lender a1I receip�s af paid premit�ms and rern�wal n�tices. In the ev�n�of�oss, B�rra��ver shall give prompt noti�e
<br /> �o the insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make proof of Ioss if not made promp�tly by Barro�rer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrovtrer o�herw�se agre.e in wriring, insurance proceeds sha�� be app��e� �� res�ora��nn or
<br /> repair af the Property damaged, zf, �n Lender's sole discretion, the restorati�n or repair �s economically feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's security is not Zessened. �f, in L,ender's so�e discre�ian, the res�ora�i�n flr repair �s not econom��ally
<br /> f�asible or Lender's security v�rouXd be�essene�,�he ins�rance�roceed�sha�l be appliet��o�h�sums secured b�th�s
<br /> Security Instrument, u�he�her or n�� �hen d�xe, v�rith any ex�ess pa�d �a �arrnv�rer. I�' B�rro�ver aband�n� the
<br /> Property, or does not ansvve�w��hin the numbvr�f days pre�cr�bed b�Appl�cab�e Law as se�far�h in a ria�ice fr�m
<br /> Lender to Borrower tha�the insurance carrier has offered�o s�tt�e a c�a�m, �hen Lend��r rnay collect the ir�surance
<br /> proceeds. Lend�r may use the prflceeds �o repair or res��re �e Property or ta pay sur�s se�ured by�h�s Se�ur�ty
<br /> Instrument,�whe�her or not then due.The peric�d�f�zm�for Bor�o�ver�o ansvver as se�forth in the r�o�ice w�Il beg�n
<br /> �vhen the not�ce�s given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Bflrrflvver atherw�se agree �n writ�ng, any�pplicat�on of praceeds��a principal shaXX not extend
<br /> or pos�p�ne�he due date af�he paymen�s due� under�1�e �ontract or change�he amau�lt of�he payments. �f�nder
<br /> the sec�ion�itled A�celeration; Remedies, ��_� Proper�ty zs acauired by Lender, Borrower's right t❑ any znsurance
<br /> palicies and proceeds resulting from damage �o t�ie Property prior �o �he acqu�sition shail pass to Le�.der tfl the
<br /> ex�ent of the sums secured by th�s 5ecurzty Inc�trurnent immedia��ly prior t�the acquisit:i�n.
<br /> Preservati�n, 1VIa�.ntenance and Prote��io�r� vf the Prope�ty; L$orrflv�e�'s Loan App�i�ation; Lea�eh�v�ds.
<br /> Borrawer shall n���estr�y, damage or impair�th�Property, a�l�w�he Pra�erty�� de�eriara�e, or commxt vvas�e an
<br /> �he�roperCy.Borrov�er sha��be in defau���f a�ly�orfe��.ure act�on or proceeding,whe�h+:r civi�or criminal,xs begun
<br /> that in Lender's good fa�th judgment c�uld r�°sul�.in fQrfeiture Qf th� Property or o�h��z-wzse materially�mpair the
<br /> lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's �ecur�t� in�erest. Borrower m��y cure such a d�faul� and
<br /> re�ns�a�e, as provided in section�i��ed B�rro�ver°�s Righ� �o R�ins���e, by caus�ng th�; act�on or pr��eeding�.a be
<br /> dismissed vvi�h a ru�ing tha�,in Lender's go�d fai�h det�rmina�iQ�,pr�cludes forf�iture�af the Borrovver's in�er�s��n
<br /> the Pr�perty or ather material impairmen� of the l�en created b� this S��urity Instrumen� or L�n�er4s secur��y
<br /> interes�.Borro�ver shal�also be in defaul�if B��rroWer,during the loan appl�ca��on proce�s,gave ma��rially fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e informati�n or statements to Lenc�er (or fax�ed �o pro��de Lend�r w�th a�1y mater�a� informatio�i} in
<br /> con�ect�on vvith the loan evidenced by the Con�ract. If th�s Secur�ty�ns�rum�n� is on a Ieaseh��d, Barrower sha��
<br /> comply urith aIl�he pravis�ons of�he lease. If Bo�rav�er acqu�r�s fee title�o�he Pr�perl.y, �he Ieaseh��d an�.thr fee
<br /> t�t�e sha1X not merge unless Lender agrees to�h:e merge�in wr�ting.
<br /> Prote��ian of L�nd�r'� Rights �n the �ro��er�y. If Barraw�r fa��s to perf�rm �he covenants and agreen�.ents
<br /> con�ained�n this Securi�y�ns�rumen�, or there �s a legal proc��ding tha�may s�gnzficar�tly affec�L�nder's rzgh�s in
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a pr�ceeding in bankrup�cy, probate, for c�ndemna��on ar forf�,�ture or �fl enfar�e lav�s or
<br /> regulati�ns}, txien Lender may do and pay f�r whatever �s necessary �o pratec� �he value of the Prvperty an�
<br /> Lender's r�gh�s in the Propez-ty. Lender's ac��o��s ma��nclude pay�ng�ny sums secured��a�ien wh�ch has pri�r�ty
<br /> over this Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�, appea.ring�n coi�,pay�ng r�asonable a�tflrneys'fees and entering on the Frop��°ty ta
<br /> ma1�e r�pairs.A�though Lend�r may take ac�iac�under this sec��on,L�nder does not have to d4 so.
<br /> A.ny arnnun�s dis�ursed by Lender under this section sha�� become additi�na� debt of�3arrovver secur�d by �h�s
<br /> 5 e curi�y Instrum�nt. TJn�ess B�rrower and Lender agre� �o ��her ��erms of p ayment., �hese am�un�s shal� b ear
<br /> C�2004-2�15 Campliar�ce Systems,Inc.8C54-AACF-2n 15.I i.3,t 098
<br /> Consumer Rea1 Estate-Security Instrument DL2435 Page 2 of S www,�ampliancesyste�ns.com
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