2� 1 ��2872
<br /> tG}"I.o�n"means�he debt err"�denced by the Nv�e,plus interes�,a�y pr�payment eharges and�ate ch�arges due under the
<br /> Note,and all sums du�unde�this�ecurity�nstrumenfi,p�us interest.
<br /> �H}{�R�iders"m�ans all Ride�s�a this Security In.stzurnent�hat�re ex�uted b�$orrawer.The f��lvwir�.g R.aders a�r�tv be
<br /> executed by�3orrawer[che�k box as applicable�:
<br /> ❑ Ad�ustab�e Rate Rider ❑ Cand�m�u�iu.m Rider ❑ Secon�Home Rider
<br /> � Bal2a�n R�der ❑ Planned Un�t I3�velo�men�Ridez ❑ VA Rider
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Family Ridtr ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ❑ 4ther[5pec�fy�
<br /> ���"Applica�le Law"means al] can��roiling applicable federal, state and lvca�statut�s,regu�a�iflns, ardinanc�s and
<br /> admua�stratiWe ru�es and orders ��hat have the�ffec�af�aw} as wel� as all applicable final,non-ap�ealabl�judie�a�
<br /> opinions.
<br /> �.�3"Cornmuaity Associatiaa Dues,Fees,and A�sessme�ts"means all dues,fees,assessn�ents and��he�eharges that
<br /> are�mposed�n Bonro�ver ar��e Property by a�ondvminium associati�n,homeawners as�ociati�n or simi�ar organizatio�a.
<br /> �K�"Eiectranic Funds Transfer"means any transfer vf funds,ather than a�ransac�ian originated by che�k,drafk,or
<br /> sim�lar paper�nstrument,wh�ch�s ini�ia�ed th�ough an electronic t�rminal,�e�ephar�c�ns�rument,computer,or magne�ic
<br /> �ape so as t�order,iristruct,or autharize a f�nan�ial inst��utian ta debi�or credat an account.5u�h�erm in�ludes,but�s not
<br /> ��m�t�d�a,poin�t-flf-sale transfe�s,automated�eller machine transac�ians,iransfers initiated by te�ephan�,w�re transfers,
<br /> and au�oma�ed c�earinghouse transfers.
<br /> �L�"Es�rvw I�ems"means those it�m�that are d�scr�hed in Seetiion 3,
<br /> �M}"Misce�laneous Proceeds"m�ans any campensati�n,settlement,award of damag�s,or proceeds paid by any third
<br /> par�y�othe��han insurance pz-aceeds pai€�under the coverages described in Se����n 5}far:�i�damage to,or des�:ruc�ivn
<br /> �f, th� Prop�rty; (ii}cvndemnatian oz a�her tak�ng of a�l �r any par� of the Proper�y; �iii)conveyance �n Ii�u of
<br /> condemnation;or�i��misrepresen�akions af,or omiss�ans as�o,�he�alue andlar condition of the Propert�.
<br /> ��i}"Mor�gage lnsuranc�"mean�insurance pra�e�t�ng Lender agains�the nonpaym�nt of,or default on,t��Laan.
<br /> ��}"Periodi�Paymeat"means t�e regularly sGheduled amoun�due f�r�i}p�in�ipal and inter�st under the No�e,plus
<br /> �ii}any amaunts under 5��tion 3 of�h�s Security�ns�rum�nt.
<br /> (p�``RESPA's means�he Rea� Es�ate 5e���rnent Pra�edures Ac� ��.� LT.S.G. � 2��1 e�seq.} and its implementing
<br /> regulatian, Regulat�on� ��.� �.�.R. Part 1�2�}, as th�y rni.ght be amended frvm�in1e�a�ime, ar any add�tional o�
<br /> succe��or�egisla�i�n or regu�a�ion that governs the same subject rnatter.As used in this Security�ns�rurnlen�,"RESPA"
<br /> r�fers ta al�requir�ments and rest��ctians that ar�impased�n.regara ta a"fed�ra��y r��ated mar�gage�van"e��n if the
<br /> Loari daes no�qualify as a"federai�y rela�ed r�grtgag��oa�"under RESPA.
<br /> €�}"Successor�g�ateres�vf Borrower"means any party that�as�a�en��tle to�he Property,whether or not that party
<br /> has assurned Borrawe�r's ob�zgat�ons ux�der the Note an.dJar this 5ecur�ty�r�strumen�.
<br /> Th�s Security Instrument secu�es�v Lender: ��} �he repaymen� af the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and
<br /> madifications gf�he Nvte; and �ii) the perfarman�e af Borrower's cQ�enants and agreern�nts un�er this Secu.rity
<br /> �ns�rurnent and�he�v�e.For this purpose,Bvrraw�r ir3revocab�y grants and conve�s to Tru�tee,in�ru�t,with pawer af
<br /> sa�e,��e fo��owing de�ribed pr�p�rty located in the C�unty of Ha�i:
<br /> Lat[3ne�1},Bellai�rs Estate Subd���sian,Hal�County,Nebr$s�a.
<br /> Parcel II]Number:4Q�43b14U
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fann�e N�aetFr��ie Mac�lN1F�RIVI INSTRUMENT Farm 3D�8 '��9
<br /> Page���13 ,� r
<br /> €os,i�c.-31�39 Barrower�s}�r��ia�
<br />