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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> 1' z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> �� �rn � �� � � <br /> rnm rn =� � � <br /> rn� p � y�n � C <br /> �� � � �� � <br /> 0 0 � �.�. rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> THIS INSTI�LTMENT PREPARED I3Y: AFTEIZ RECQRD�N�RETURN T�: <br /> Home Fed�ral Savings�Loan Association of Home Federal Savings&Laan Association�f <br /> Grand Is�and Grand Isxand <br /> 221 South Locust Stree� 2�1 South Lacust Stree� <br /> G-RAN�3 ISIIAND,NE GSS�l GFIAND ISLAND,NE�85�1 <br /> �5pa�e Aba�e This Line For Recarding T.3ata} <br /> L�AN�RIGINAT�R C�MPANY�AME:Home Federa�.Savz.ngs&Loan Associa�ion of Grand Island <br /> NMLS ��MPANY�I]ENT�F�ER: 446443 <br /> LDAN�RIGINAT�R NAME: Chris�askie <br /> NMLS C3RIGINAT�R�DENT�FIER:494558 <br /> D�ED �� TRt.JST` <br /> �PR�AUTI�3�RIZEI3 �C]P�N END) CR�DIT -FUTURE ADVANC�S AR� SECURED <br /> BY THIS DEED �F TRUST} <br /> TH�S DEED aF TRUST �"Security �nstrumen�"} is made �n Ma� 3, 2016. The gra�.tars are EDMUND R <br /> I�ERSHAW, a�so knflwn as EDMUND R. KERSHA�V III alkla ED �R.SHAW, and MICHELLE K <br /> KERSHA'W, HUSBAND AND WIFE, whase addr�ss is 35�7 S BLAINE ST, GR.AND ISLANl3, Nebraska <br /> 688D1-S8�3 �"Borr�wer"�. Borrower is nflt n.�cessarily �h� sam� as �he P�rson or Persons who sig�a. th� Home <br /> Equxty Line vf Cred�t Agreement, da�ed May 3, ZU16 �"Contrac�"}. The a1��zgat�ons af Borrotivers wha did na� <br /> sign �he �on�ract are exp�ained fur�her�n �he section �it�ed Successors and Ass�gns B�und; Jo�nt and Severa� <br /> L�ability; Accommodat�fln S�gners. The�rustee �s Arend R. Baa�k� At�orney whose address is P.�. �3ox 794y <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska �88D2 ("Trus�ee"}. 'The benef ciary �s Home Federa� Savings & Loari Assv�iat��n of <br /> Grand IS�.and,�vhich�s organi�ed and ex�s�ing ur�der the�aws of�he IJni�ed 5�ates ❑f Amer��a and whose address <br /> �s Z21 Sauth Locust Street, Grand Is�and, Nebraska �88D1 ("Lender"�. EDMIJND 1� I�ERSHAW and <br /> MICHELLE I� I�ERSHAW have en�ered into a C�n�ract wi�h Lender as of Ma� 3, 2�16, under �h� tierms of <br /> vvhzch Borrov�er may, from ��me tio time, obtazn advances nat ta exceed, a� any �ime, a ***MAXIMUM <br /> PRINCIPAL AM�UNT �E��I1Ul3ING PR�TECTIVE AI]VAN�ES}*** af �ne Ilundred F�fty <br /> Thousand and 4411�4 I3v��ars (U.S. $15�,QUD.4�} �"Credi�L�mi�"}. Any party�n�eres�ed�n �he de�ails rela�ed to <br /> Lender's Cori�inuing ob�zga�ion to make advances to B�rrawer zs advised �o consu�� direc��y w��h Lender. �f not <br /> pa�d ear��er, the sums ov�ring u�a.der Barrower's �antract with Lender v�ri�l be du� on�Vlay 15, ��17. Thzs Se�uri�y <br /> Instrument s�cures to Lender: �a} the repayment of�he debt under �he Can�ract, wi�h znteres�, � fu�ure <br /> advan��s, and aI� reneWa�s, ex�ensi�ns and modif catzons of�he Contract; �b� the payme�.�of aIl o�her sums, wi�h <br /> in��res�, advanced �o pratec� the securi�r �f�h�s 5ecurity �ns�rumen� under the pro�i�ions �f�he �ection �z��ed <br /> P�ote���on of Lender's Righ�s�n the Pr�perty; and�c��he performance af Borrov�rer's co�renants and agreern�nts <br /> under�us Secur�ty Ins�ruxnen�ax�d�he Cantrac�. For�his purpase, Barrav�r�r, in co�.s�dera�ion of�he deb�and�he <br /> �rus�herein cr�ated,irrevocably gran.�s and canveys to Trustee,in�rus�,wi�h pa�wer of sale,�he foliovving descr�bed <br /> praper�y Io�ated in�he C�UNTY of HALI.�, Sta�e of Nebraska: <br /> Address: SEE "EXHIBIT A«, GRA.NI�ISLAND,Nebrasl�a 68SD1 <br /> Lega��3escrip�ian: SEE "EX�IIBIT A"HERET�ATTACH�D FDR I1E�AL DESCF�IPTI�NS <br /> T�GETHER �ITH aIl �he �mpr�vements nQw or hereafter erected on the propez-�y, and a�l easemen�s, <br /> appur�enar�ces, and f�xtures n�w or hereaf�er a par��f�h� praperty. A��replacemen�s and addi�ions sha�l also be <br /> cov�red by th�s Security �nstrument. AI1 of �he fflregazr�g is referred ta �n this Se�urity �nstrumen� as th� <br /> "Pr�perty." <br /> BURR�yL1'ER C�VENANTS tha�Barrower is �av�full�r se�sed of�he estate hereby c�nveyed and has the righ�t� <br /> gra�.� and co�xvey the Praper�y an� tha� �he Praperty is unencumbered, except far encumbrances of record. <br /> �3orrvvver warrants and wi�1 defend generally the ��tle �o the Property agaizxs� a�I c�a�ms and demands, sub j ect ta <br /> any encumbrances af r�c�rd. <br /> Barraw�r and Lender cavenan�and agree as fo��aws: <br /> C�2afl4-Z015 Carnpliance Systems,Inc.8C54�a518-2flI5,11.3.1�98 <br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Security Insttument DL2�3b Page 1 of 5 www.c� <br />