2� 1 ��284�
<br /> ���It�N�f�NT �� f��NT�
<br /> ���ntl[1u�G�� Pag� �
<br /> Rents except as prflvided in th�s Assignment.
<br /> LENDER'� RtGHT T� RECE[VE AND �DLLECT RENTS. Lender shall have �he right at any t�me, and even though no
<br /> default shall hav�accurred under this Assignment, ta Gol�ect and r�c�ive the Rents. For this purpvse, Lender is hereby
<br /> given and gran�ed the following rights, po�vers and authori�y:
<br /> Not�ce tv Tenants. Lender may send notices �v any and a�l tenants v�F the Proper�y adv�sing th�m af this
<br /> Assignmen�and dire�ting al�Ren�s to be paid dire�tly�o Lender vr Lender's agent.
<br /> Ent�r the Praperty, Len�er may en�er upon and take possession �f the Property; d�mand, collect and receive�rom
<br /> the tenants ar#rom any other persans fiahle therefor, al� of the Rents; �nstitute and carry ❑n a#I legal proceed�ngs
<br /> . nece�sary for the prvtection of #he Property, including such prviceedings as may be neces�ary to recover
<br /> passessian ofi the Praperty; �o��ect the Rents and remove any��nant or tenan�s❑r other persons frorn the Property.
<br /> Maintain the Prnperty. Lender may en�er upon �he P�oper�y to main�ain the Proper�y and keep#he same in repair;
<br /> t❑ pay the casts thereof and of al� servic�s of al! emplayees, including their equipment, and o�aii continuing Gosts
<br /> and expenses af maintaining the Proper�y in proper repair and conditivn, and als❑ta pay al�taxes, assessmen�s and
<br /> wate�utilities, and the prem�ums�n�ire and ather insurance eff�cted by Lende�an th� Property.
<br /> �vmp�"rance w'r#h L�ws. Lender may d❑ any and a�l things �o execute and comply with th� iaws of the 5tate af
<br /> Nebraska and alsa a�l other �av+rs, rul�s, orders, or�inances and requirements Q� all other gvvernmental agencies
<br /> affecting fhe Praperty.
<br /> Lease the prvpe�ty. Lende�may rent or IeaSe the vuh�le or any part v�the praperty fv��uch term or#erms and on
<br /> such �ond�ti�ns as Lender may deem apprapriate.
<br /> Employ �4ge�ts. Lender may engage such agent ar agents as Lender rnay deem appropria�e, either in Lender's
<br /> name vr in Grantor's name,tfl rent and manage the �'raperty, including the ca#lecti�n and app�ication o�F Rents.
<br /> Dther Acts. Lender may do afl such o�her things and acts vvith respe�t to the Pr�perty as L�n�er may deem
<br /> apprvpriafe and may act exclusively and sole�y in the place and s�ead af Gran�ar and �o have a!! af the powers of
<br /> �rantar far�he purpases stated abo�e.
<br /> Na Requir�men��o Act. Lender sha�� not be require� ta do any of the �areg��ng acts or things, and �he fac�that
<br /> L�nder shail have perfvrmed one a�mvre af the foregoing a�ts a� things shal! nat require Lender tn d� any ather
<br /> SpBGIf1C 8Ct Oi"�hing.
<br /> �.PPLICA'TI�N OF RENTS. All costs and �xpenses irrcurred by L�nder in �onne�tion wi�h the Prope�y sha�i be fiar
<br /> Grantvr's ac�ount �nd Lender may pay such costs an� expens�s firam the R�nts. Lender, in its sole �iscretian, shafl
<br /> determfne the appl�catian vf�ny an� alI Rsnts r�ceir�ed by it; hvuveWer, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are
<br /> not appl�ed �o such costs and expenses shall �e applied�a the lndebtedness. All expenditures made by Lender under
<br /> this Ass�gnment and not reimbursed fram the Rents shall become a pa�k af �he Indek��tedness secured by th�s
<br /> Ass�gnment,and shall be payable pn demand,with ipteresf at�he NQ�e rate fr�m date of expenditure unti]paid.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANGE. !f Grantor pays ail of the lnd�btedness when due and �ther�wise pet�orms all the obligafions
<br /> impvsed upon�rantar under this Assignment,�he Note,and the Refated Da�umen#s, Lender shall execu�e and de�iU��tv
<br /> Grantor a suitable satisfaction o�f�his Assignment and suitable statements of termination of any financing statement an
<br /> file e�idencing Lende�'s s�curity interest in the Rents and the Prop�rty. Any t�rmina�ion fee r�quir�ed by law shall be
<br /> pa�d by Gr-ant�r, if permitted by appli�able lavr�.
<br /> LENDER`5 E�CPEN�]ITIJRES. �f any ac�ian ar proceed�ng is cammenced that wvuld materially a�Fect Lende�'s in#erest in
<br /> the Property vr i�Gt�antor fafls to camply wi�h any provision of this Assignment or any Re�ated Documen�ts, including bu�
<br /> nnt�imited�❑ Grantvr's failu�e#o discharge or�pay when du��ny amounts�rantar is required ta dis�harge or pay under
<br /> th�s Assignment or any R��ated Dvcuments, Lender on Grantar's hehalf may �bu� shall nr�t be abl�ga�ed #o} �ake any
<br /> acti�n that Lender� deems appropriate, inc�uding but nat limited �o dis�harging ar paying a!i �axes, liens, security
<br /> it�terest5, encumbrance�and o�her claims, at any�im��e��ed or placed on the Rents or the Prope�-ty and paying all cos�s
<br /> fo� insuring, rnaintainin� and preserv€ng �he Proper�y. All such e�ependitures incurred ar paid by Lender for such
<br /> purposes wil!then aear interest at the ra�e chargecl under�he Note from the date incurred�r paid by Lend�r to the da�e
<br /> af repayment by Gran�ar. A(t such �xpenses vtirill b�cvme a part of the 1n�Ieb�edness and, at Lender"s�ptian, wil� �A}
<br /> be payab��on c�emand; �B} be added to th� balanoe o�the IV�te and b� appartioned among and be payahle with any
<br /> inst�l�men� payments to become due during either �1} the ��rm ❑f any appiicable insuran�e p�licy; or ��} the
<br /> remaining term af the Note; or (C} b�treat�d as a ba�loan paymen� which wil� �e due and payable at th� Note's
<br /> maturi�y. The Assignm�nt a�s�wii! secure payment of th�se amaunts. Such right shall be in addition to a�l a�her�ights
<br /> and remedi�s�o whi�h Lender ma�be entitfed up�n D�fau��.
<br /> �EFAULT. Each of�he fa�fowing, a�L�nder's aption, shal!�onstitute an E�en�o�D��ault unde�this Assignment:
<br /> Paymertt De�ault. Borr�wer fails to make any payment when due under the lndebte�ness.
<br /> �ther Qefaults. Borrawer ar Grantar fai�s �a comply with or ta perFarm any other term, ❑b�igativn, �ovenant ar
<br /> conditian contained in this Assignment or in any ❑�the �elated Docum�nts ar to campfy with ar to perForm any
<br /> term, ab�igation,�vvenant ar condifiion can�ained in any vther agreement b�iween Lender and Borrower❑r�rantvr.
<br /> Default an t7ther Payments. Failure v�Grantar within the time requ�red by this Assignm�nt to make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insurance, ar any other payment ne�essary�❑ prevent�i�ing of or to ef�ect d�scharge of any iien.
<br /> ae�au�# in Favvr o� Th�rd Parties, Bvrrawe� ar ��antor defauIts under any loan, e�ct�nsinn of cred it, s�curity
<br /> agreement, purchase�r sales agreemenfi,or any❑ther agreement, in favor❑f any oth�r creditvr❑r persan that may
<br /> materia�ly affect any o�Bvrrawer's or Grantor's p�operty ar abi�ity to perfarm th�ir resp�ec�i�re afaligations under this
<br /> Assignmen�vr any of the Related Documents.
<br /> �alse Statemen�s. Any warranty, representation ❑r sta�em�n�made or furnished to Lender by Borrow�r vr`Gran�ar
<br /> or an g�rr�wer's ar Grantar's behalf under this Assi�nmen�t or the Related Documen�s is false or misleading in any
<br /> materiaf respect, either now or at the time made �r �u�rnish�d vr becomes �alse ar misieading at any time
<br /> thereafi�er.
<br /> Defec�ive Coliaterali�ativn. This Assignment or any vf the Related Dacuments �eases ta be in fiu II force and eftec�
<br /> {including failure of any calla�erai dacumen�to create a�al�d and perfected security inter�st ar(ien� at any time and
<br /> far any reason.
<br /> Death vr Insolvency, The dissa�ution or t�rminatian af Bvrrower's or Grantor's ex�stenGe as a going business, �he
<br /> insol�ency ❑f Barro�rver or Grantor, the app��ntment�f a receiver for any par�af Barrvwer's or �rantvr's prope�ty,
<br /> any assignmen�for the bene�it o�creditors, any type o�creditar wa�kauf, �r the �omm�ncement��an�proceeding
<br /> under any�ankruptcy or ins�IvenGy Iaws by or against Borrawer ar Granto�.
<br /> Cred�tar 4r For-feiture Proceedings. Cammencem�nt of foreclasure or �vrfe�ture proceedings, wh�ther by judicial
<br /> prviceeding, self help, repossession or any oth�r method, by any credi�or v� Borrawer �r Grantor or by any
<br /> gavernmental agency against th� Rents vr any property securing�he tndeb�edness. This includes a garnishment vf
<br /> any of Barrower's ar Grantar's accoun�s, including deposi�a�counts, wi�h �.ender. However, this Event af fle�auit
<br /> shall not app�y �f there is a goQd faith dispute by Bvrrawer�❑r Grantor as�a �he �afidity ar reasonableness of the
<br /> claim which is the basis af the �reditar vr forfeiture praceeding and �f Borrower or Granto� gi�es Lender written
<br />