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� rn <br /> ��, m Cn Z <br /> m,rt � m � � � <br /> m� �° r�T1�' � � rn <br /> o � � �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� � �� �o rn �C p � <br /> o u' y� 'nz � � Z� � y <br /> � � � �� �� Q � �Z �7 U] <br /> oa �n�7 �� Z� � � �`�T1 � Z <br /> o° i �C �� p � �Ov � U] <br /> �� �� rn� rn �� � � <br /> 'C � m rn� Q � y CI] QD C <br /> �a� � �� Cn � r � <br /> N r� <br /> � a7 0 <br /> � m � `�`� Z <br /> . � o� � � � <br /> I�] � <br /> Don�.Janssen- #15584 <br /> �line�]C�illiams Wright Johnson <br /> 8v Q�dfather, L.L.P. <br /> �33 �. 13�St., #19�� <br /> Linco�n, NE 655�8 <br /> � �u���L��n� �EEr� <br /> �]LTilliarn V. Kuehr��r a.r�.c� �a.x-ol�rn E. �ueh�.er, husband a�d v�rif�, �ra.rit�rs, <br /> for g�oc� a�c� valu�bl� consideration, rec�ipt hereby acl�ri�wledge�l, c�nvey t� <br /> �u�hrier Fa�-ms, Inc, a Nebraska�orpo�ation, Crantee, the fallowi�g described rea7 <br /> estate, as defi�ed in 11T�b. Re�r. �tat. � '��-��1: <br /> Ar� und.ivi�l�d one-l-�alf�1��} int�rest i�.-�. �ts Thr�e �3� and ]E'ive �S} in <br /> ���tior��ev�nteer� �1'��,�'ownship Ter��1�} North, l�.ar�ge 11Tine ����Test <br /> of the �th P.M., Hal1 �aunty, Ne�ras�a, an�l; <br /> An ux�.divided. �ri�-�ialf�1/2� rnter�st i� L�ts �r� €�� �.nd Three �3� i� <br /> �ectio� rTv�r�nty ����, Towr�shi� fier�. �1�� North, Rarige 11line €9� �]LT�st <br /> of th� 6t�i P.M., I�a11 �au�t�, N��bras�a, a.nd; <br /> �� .P� tract of land ��mprisirig a pa�t �f t1-�e �outl�.west Quarter �S�LT 1/4� <br /> of�e�tion Tw�rity-F�v� ��5}, Townshi�T�n �1 D� Nort.�i, F�ari�e Niri� �9� <br /> �Test af the �tl-� P.M., I�a11 �ounty, Nel�raska a.r�c� more pa�-ticularly <br /> clescrib�d as fa�.lows: <br /> ��gin�irig �.t th� nor�triw�st c��-ner of said Southw�st Quarter <br /> ���][T 1/4�; th�r�c� run�.-a.i�g southerly, a.long �nd upo�. th� west <br /> lin� of said �outhwest �uarter ���]tT 1/��, a �iistance of Si� <br /> Hundr�ec� 'I'v�renty 'I�v� anc� '�I�r�lve I�undred�ths ����.��} feet; <br /> . the�..�e deflecti�g left S9°3'�'3�" a�d ru�.-1.ning easterly, par�l�l <br /> �i.t�i the �.ort�i� lira.e �f said S�uthwest Qu�-te� �S�LT 1�4}, a <br />���e �f Fou� Hun�.re�l Five ��-��.�� f��t; then�e d�flecti�g <br /> 1�ft��°��'��'' ar�d�un�ing n�r�he�-Iy, parallel�vith th�w�st 1in� <br /> of said �outhwest Quarter ���]LT 1�4�, a �ist�ce of�ix Hur�c�r�c1 <br /> T�rent�'�wo a.�d Tw�lv� Hur�dredths €���.1�} feet to a�aoi�t or�. <br /> �� ~no�r�� line o� s�d Southvr�est Quarter ���]�T 1�4�; thence <br /> defle�ting left�9°�7'35" a.rid ru1-irli�.-�.g westerly, al�rig ar�d upan <br /> th� no�-t.h 1i�.e �f said �authw�st �uarter �S�1/4�, a clistanc� <br /> �f F�u�- HU.�.clred Fiv� �4�5.D� f�et ta th� poir�t af�beginning. <br /> ��e�ut�d this 1�th c�ay of I3�cemb�r, 2�15. <br />