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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> 1' z� �' � �rn � z <br /> oa �� p � �ov � U] <br /> � rn �� � <br /> rnm rn � _� � � <br /> C� � y CI] Q� C <br /> �� � � �� � <br /> o�'a o � ��. rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> WHEN REGC)RDED MA�L TD: <br /> Ex�hang�gank <br /> C[-Allen Drive Branch <br /> "i��4 Atfen Dr <br /> PO Box �793 <br /> Grand Isfand, NE 688�2 F�R REC�R�ER'S USE�NLY <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> THIS DEED ❑F TRUST �s dat�d May 5. 2U'I�, among [Vlidwest Prem�er In►►estments, L.L�C.; A <br /> Nebraska Limited Liabil�ty Company �"Trustvr"�; Exchange Bank, whose addr�ss is GI - Allen <br /> Dri�e Bran�h, '12�4 Allen Dr, P� Bax �793, Grand Is�and, NE 688�� �referred ta belvw <br /> sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"�; and Ex�hange Bank, ►n►hvse address �s <br /> P�B 7 6U, G i bbon, N E 6884� �refer�ed to he�vw as "Trustee"'�. <br /> CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. Fvr�aluable consideration, Trustvr c�nveys to Trustee �n trust, INITH P�WER OF SALE, <br /> for �he benefi� vf Lender as Benefi�iary, all ❑fi Trustar's right, title, and interest in and to the following described rea� <br /> prope�ty, �ogether with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed huildings, impro�ements and fix�ures; all <br /> easements, rights of ►rvay, and appurtenances; al1 wat�r, water rights and ditch rights f including StOC�C in utilit�es with <br /> di�ch or irrigation rights}; and al� other rights, royalties, and profi�s re�ating �o the �eal property, including without <br /> �imitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, �th� "Real Prnperty�*� Io�ated in Hall Cvunty, <br /> State vf NebraSka: <br /> Par�e� 'l: The Easterly �2 feet of a tract vr par�e� af land lacated in the Northwest Quarter <br /> of th� Northwest C�,uarter tN�lII'l14 NW'114� of Se�tion Twenty-twv tZ�}, Tnwnship Ele�en <br /> t't�} IVorth, Range Nin� �9} �Ill�st of the �th P.M., farm�rly appearing as part of Block �ix ��� <br /> on tne plat of South Grand Is�and, described as cammencing at a po�nt 8� feet 5outh of the <br /> 5vuthwest corn�r af Lvt F��e �5� in Bfock Fi�e t5� South Grand Island, and runnin� thence <br /> Easteriy �ne Hundred Th�rty-Two t�32� feet, thence Southerly 5�xty�Six ���� feet, thence <br /> Vllester�y Dne Hundred Thirty�twa {'132} fe�t, th�nce Nvrtherly S�xty-six �6�� f$et tv the <br /> place af b�ginning, Hafl County, Nebraska. ���5 VII [)klanoma W Tax �D #4�D'i 48'I(3�3 <br /> Parcel Z; The Vllest 5e�enty Feet 4W7�'y vf a tract or parce[ of land lo�ated in the <br /> tVorthwest Quarter of the Northwest �uarter {NW�l4 NW"l 14} af Sec#ion Twenty-twv �22�, <br /> Tvwnship Elerren �'I'!� North. Range Nine �9� �lllest of the �th P,M., formerly described as <br /> Part of Block Number Six ��} an th� plat of South Grand �sland, mor� particular�y described <br /> as follaws: Cvmmen�ing at a point Eighty 4��� feet 5outh of the 5autnwest �arner of Lot <br /> F��e �5� in Black Fi�e {5�, 5vuth Grand Island and running East for a distance vf Se�enty <br /> �7D� feet thence 5outh far a distance of Sixty�5�x �6�} feet: thence 'UV'�st for a distance vf <br /> Sixty-Six ���3 feet: thence North, paraliel with the East side af Locust Str�et, a distance of <br /> 5ixty-Six ���; f�et tv the place of beginning and being a re�tangu[ar tract vf graund ha�ing <br /> a West Frvntags ❑f 5ixty-Six �66� feet on Lacust Str�et in the City of �rand Island, <br /> Nehraska and a depth of Se�enty �7�} feet, except�ng theref�rvm that pnrtion shawn <br /> con►►eyed to tne �ity ❑f Grand �sland, recorded in Book '164, Page �4� of Deeds in th� <br /> Dffice of the Register of Deeds, Hall C�unty, Nebraska. t8�3 S Lacust � Tax ID <br /> #4DC]'i 48�'I 3� <br /> Parcel 3: Part vf wnat was fo�merly Block Six ��� of South Grand �sland, of part of the <br /> Northwest L�.uarter af th� Narthwest Quarter �NW�14 NVI!'114} of Section Twenty-Two �2��, <br /> T�wnsnip E[even �'i"i} North, Range Nine �9� Vllest af the �th P.M., mare particularly <br /> desc�ibed as fvllows: Beg�nning at a po�nt Sixty-Six ���} feet south of the N�rthwest <br /> Garner af said Blvck S�x �6�, S�uth Grand Island, runn�ng thence east and parallel with the <br /> North I�ne of sa�d Block fnr a distance of �ne Hundred TnirtyWTwa t�32� feet: thence turn�ng <br /> a right angle and running sauth far a distanc� of 5ixty 5ix t6�3 feet, thence turning a right <br /> ang�e and running west far a distance af �ne Hund�ed Thirty Two �"13�� feet t� the VIlest <br /> �ine of said black; thence turning a right ang[e and runn�n� north fo� a distance of S�xty-5ix <br /> t�63 feet to the place vf beginning, except�ng a certain tract more parti�u�arly d�s�rihed �n <br /> Vllarranty �eed to the City of Grand Island recorded in Baak 'i�4, Pag� 496. 48D9-8Q9 '[IZ <br /> S Locust - Tax �D #4�D'I 48'1��� <br />