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r <br /> , rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> � z� �' � �rn � z <br /> a� �� � � �ov � cn <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� rn � =c�r� � � <br /> 0 <br /> �o � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> �o � �.�. Z <br /> �� IV U�] � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> WHEN REC�R�ED �IrfAIL T�: <br /> Exchan�e B�nk <br /> Gibban Bran�h <br /> '14 LeBarre Street <br /> P�8ox l�Q <br /> _� G,ibbon. NE 688� , _„ F��#REG�R�ER'S U�E aNLY <br /> �EED �� TRV�T <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST is d�ted May 4. ��'1�, among LBE Family Limited Partnership. A <br /> Ne�araska Partnership {"Trustar"�; Exchange Bank. whose address i� Gib�on Bran��, '14 La�arr� <br /> Str�et. RC] Box 7��, Gibl�on, N E ��84� t r�ferred ta below s�m�times ss "L�nder" and <br /> sam�t�mes as "B�nsficiary"�; and Exch�nge Bank, whose �ddress i� P�B 7��, Gibban, NE <br /> ��840 �r�f�rred #� �elaw as "Tru�tee"}. <br /> CONVEYANCE AND�RAMT. For�sluabla consid�ration, Trustor c4n��ys ta Trustee in t�ust. WITH P�VIIER �F SALE, <br /> for the benefit of Lender as Benaficiary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and #v the fa�lowing described real <br /> property, together with sll existing af subsequent�y erected or affixed buildings, impraaem�nts and fi�ctures; all <br /> �as�ments. ri�hts af way, and appurtenances; all water, wa�#er rights and ditch rights (in�lud�ng stock in u#ilities with <br /> ditch or irrig�ti�n rightsf; �nd ali ather ri�hts, rayalties, and profits felatin to the real property, inc�udir�g withaut <br /> limitatian all mineral�, oil, �as, geothermal and simi�ar matters, �#h� "Re�l ��op�rty"� locat�d in Hal! �aunt�, <br /> State of Nebraska: <br /> Lat Five �5� in Block �ne t 1� in �olonial Esta#es 5�cond Suhdivisi�n, City af �rand Island. <br /> Hell ��unty. N�brask� <br /> The Real Property �r it� �ddress is camrnon�y knawn as ��� Faidl�y �t, Grand �sfand. NE <br /> GSB�'1. The Re�l Property t�x identific�tian number is 4����6�1�. <br /> FUTURE ADVAN�ES. In addition to the Note,th�s De�d af Trust secures all future adWances made by Lender to Trustor <br /> whether �r nat the advances are made pursuant ta a cammiiment. Spe�ifically, withaut limitatian, �his D�ed of Tru�t <br /> secUres, in addition ta the amounts specified in the fVate, all future amounts Lend�r in its disc�retion may Ioan ta <br /> Trustor, tngether with�II inter�st therean. <br /> Trustor presently a�signs to L�nd�r talso known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust} al! af Trustor's right, title, and <br /> inte�est in and to �rll �r�sent and �utuf� �easss ot th� Propert� and al� Rents from the Pro�aerty. �n additi�n� Tru$tor <br /> grants to Lender a Uniform �ommerciat�ode security interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TIiIS DEED�F TRUST, INGLUQING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SE�UAITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS ANa <br /> PERSaNAL PF�aPERTY, IS �11�EN TO SECUFtE �A� PA1fMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNE55 AMQ �B� PERF�RMAN�E �F <br /> ANY AND 14LL �BLICAT#DIVS UNDER THE fV�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS �EED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> aEEa�F TRUST IS�IVEN AN�AG�EPTED aN THE F�LL�YVING TERMS: <br /> PAYIVIENT QN� PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise pravided in this Deed of Trust, Trust�r shall pay ta Lender all <br /> amounts secured by this D�ed af Tr�st as they bscame due, and shall strictly and in a tim�ly manner perform all of <br /> Trustor's obligations under the NQte, this Qged of Trust, and the Related Qocuments. <br /> PQ�SESSIQN AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRaPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's passession and use of the <br /> �roperty sha�l be ga�erned by the following pr��isians: <br /> Passessi�n an� U$e. lJntil the �ccurr�nce of an E�ent of Defau�t, Trustar may t 17 remain in possessiQn �nd <br /> contral af the Pr�perty; t�� use, operate or manage the F�raperty; and �3� �olle�t the Rents from the Property. <br /> Duty ta Maintai�. Trustor shall maintain the Rroperty in tenantable condition and promptly perfarm aEl repairs, <br /> replacemsnts, and maint�nance ne�essary ta preserve its value. <br /> Camp�iance With En��ronrnental Laws. �rustor reRresents and warrants t� Lender that: �?� �uring the period of <br /> Trustar's Qwnership of the Pr�p�rty, ther� has been no use. generatian� manufacture. storage� tre�tment. di�posal, <br /> rel�a$� ar threaten�d release af any Ha�ardous Substance by an}� Rersan on, under, abaut or fram the Prvperty; <br /> {2� Trustar has no knowl��ge af, vr rsason to heli��� that th�re has been, except as pre�iously �liscl�s�d t� and <br /> �cknowl�dged by Lender in writing, {ay any bre�ch 4r violation af arry En�ironrnental Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, storag�, treatm�nt, disposal, r�l�ase �r thr�at�ned r�l�as� of any Hazard�us 5ubstance <br /> an, under, abaut or �rom th� Property by any pri�r 4wners ar occupants a� the Property, or [cf any a�tual �r <br /> threatened litigatian ar claims �f an� kind by any persan relating t� sUch m�t#ers; �nd {3f Except as pre�i�usly <br /> dis�la�ed ta and acknow�edg�d by L�nd�r in writing, ��f neither Trust�r nor any t�nar�t, Gantractor, a�ent�r ather <br /> authorized user o�th� Praperty shall use. �enerate, manufacture, stvre, treat, dis��s�of ar releas� any Hazardous <br /> �ubs#ance on. under, ahaut or ir�m the Pr�p�rty; and �b� any such activity shall be canduc#ed in compltance with <br /> all app�icable federal, state, and laca! laws. rsgulati�ns and ordinances, including without limitatian al� <br /> Enviranmentai L�ws. TrustQr �uthari�es Lender �nd its agents to en#er upvn the Prvp�rty to mak� su�h <br /> in�pections and tests� at Tru�tar's experrse. as L�nder may deem appropriate ta dete�min� ��mpliance of the <br /> F'roperty with this section of #he Deed af Trus#. Any inspecti�ns or tests m$de by Lender shali b� far L�n�er's <br /> purposes aniy and shall not�e constru�d to create �ny responsibility or liah�lity vn #he part o# Lendsr ta Trustor ar <br /> to any other pers�n. The repre�entatians and warranties �ontained herein are b�sed an Trust�r's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property for Ha�ardvus Substances. Trustc�r hereby [1� relesses and waives arry future cl�ims <br />