2� 1 ��2734
<br /> DEE�7 �F TRUST
<br /> �C�r7tirlu�d� Page 4
<br /> any proc��ding or purchase in lieu of condemnativn, Lender may at its eiectian r�qui�e that ali vr any portion v�fhe
<br /> net proceeds ❑f the award be applied �o the Indeb�edness or th� repair or restoration o� the Property. Th� ne�
<br /> proceeds ofi the award shal� mean the award after payment o# all reasanable costs, expenses, and a�torneys' �ees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in �onnection with the condemnation.
<br /> IMP�SITIQN QF TA�CES. F�ES AN❑ CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTHaRiTIES. The fo��vwing pro�isians relating
<br /> to go�ernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Deed�#Trust:
<br /> Currenf Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon r�qu�s� by Lender, Trustor shal� execute su�h documents �n addition to
<br /> this Deed of Trus�and take whate�er other action is reque�ted by Lender�a per�fec�and Gontinue Lender`s lien an
<br /> the Real Prvperty. Trustor shal� reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, �og�ther with all expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, per#ecting or can�inuing this Deed o# Trust, in�luding withvut limitation all taxes, fees,
<br /> do�um�n�ary stamps, and oth�r�harges far recording or registering this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The following shall cons'�i�ute taxes to which this section applies; �1� a sp��ffic tax upon this type v�
<br /> ❑eed vf Trust or upon all or any pa�t o# the indebtedness secured by this De�d af Trust; �2� a specific tax on
<br /> Bfl�rower which Barrower is autha�iz�d vr ��quired to deduct fram paym�n�s on the indebtedness seeu�ed by th�s
<br /> type o� Deed o�Trust; {3j a tax on this �ype vf Deed af Trust chargeable agains�the Lender or the halder of�he
<br /> �redit Agreement; and t4� a specific tax on all or any pvrtivn o#�he fndeb�edness vr❑n payments vf principal and
<br /> interest mad� by 6��r�wer.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section app�ies is enacted subsequent �o the date o� this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e �he same effec� as an Euent of De�ault, and Lender may exerc�se any or all o� its
<br /> a�ailable remedies for an E�en� ❑f De�ault as pro�ided b�fow unless Trustvr either (1� pays the tax befo�e it
<br /> be�vmes delinquent, or �2} contests �he �ax as pro�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sectian and deposi�s with
<br /> Lender cash❑r a sufficient corporate surety [�and or other se�uri�y satisfactory to Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT� FINANCIN� STATEMENTS. The fiallowing pro�is�ons relating to this Deed vf Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part vf-this Deed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument shal! �onstitute a Security Agreement to the extent any o� th� Praperty
<br /> consti�utes fix�ures, and Lender shail ha�e al! of the rights flf a se�ured party und�r�he Uniform C�mm�r�iai Code
<br /> as amended fram�im�to t�me.
<br /> 5ecuri#y Interest. Upon request E�y Lender, Trustor shall take whate�e� a�tivn is requ�sted �y Lender �o perfect
<br /> and cont�nue Lende�'s security.in��r�st in the persanal Proper�y. �n addition to recording this Deed �f Trust in the
<br /> real praperty r�eords, Lender may, at any �ime and without �urther author�zation �rom Trustvr, #ile executed
<br /> cvunt�rparts, ��rpi�s �r reproductions of �his ❑eed a� Trust as a �inancing statement. Trustor shall �eimburse
<br /> Lender for all exp�nses inGurred in per�ect�ng or continuing this security �n#eres�. lJp�n default, Trustor shai� no�
<br /> remo�e, se�er or detach the Personai Prope�ty from the Proper�y. Upon defaul�, Trus�vr shall assembfe any
<br /> Personal Prvperty na� a�fiixed ta the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably can�enient �o Trustor and
<br /> Lender and mak� it a�ailable �o Lender within three �3� days after receipt �f written demand �rvm Lender to the
<br /> ext�nt p�rmitted by appficabfe f aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses o# T�ustar tdebtarf and L�nder �secured party� from which in#ormat�vn
<br /> cancerning the security interest gran�ed by �h�s Deed af Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Cvmmercial Code} are as sta�ed on the��rst page of this Deed�f Trus#.
<br /> FURTHER ASSIJRANCESi ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fiollvv��ing pra�isions relating tv further assuran�es and
<br /> attorney-in-fiact are a pa�t of th�s Deed a�Trust:
<br /> Fu�ther Assurances. At any time, and �ram time to time, upan request o� Lend�r, Trustor w��� make, execu�e and
<br /> delr�er, or will cause to be made, exe�u�ed or deli�ered, tv Lender or t❑ Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause to be #il�d, recorded, refiled, or r�recorded, as the case may b�, at such times and in such o���ces
<br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem app�opriate, any and a!I such mortgages, de�ds of trust, se�urity d��ds, security
<br /> agreements, financing statements, continuation statements� instruments af fur�her assurance, cerfE€�i�ates, and
<br /> �ther dacuments as may, in �he sole apini�n of Lender, be n��essary or desirable in arder to effe�tuats, compiete,
<br /> perfiec�, continue, ❑r preser�e �1 f Borr�wer's and Trus�or's abligations under�he Credi�Agreement, this Q�ed o�
<br /> Trust, and the Re�ated ❑ocum�nts, and {�} the liens and security in�erests creat�d by this ❑e�d vf Trust on the
<br /> Property, whether now owned or hereaft�r aCquired by Trusto�. unless prahibited �y faw ar Lender agrees to the
<br /> cont�ary in writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender �or all costs and expenses incurred in �annec�ion wi�h the
<br /> matters referred t❑ in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fac�. If Trustor#ails tv do any of the things r�-�erred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> �or and �n the nam� ot Trustor ar�d at Trustor's expense. F�r such purposes, Trust�r h�reby irrevocab�y appaints
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's a��orney-inWfac�far the pu�pose vf making, executing, deli�ering, fiiling, recording, and do�ng all
<br /> a�her �hings as may be necessary or d�sirat�le, in L�nder's sale opinion, to accamplish the matters referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. l� Ba�rawer and Trustor pay all �he Indebtedness when due, terminates �he credi� line accaunt,
<br /> and Trustor othe�wise per�orms aff the obligations impvsed upon Trustor under this Deed ��rrust, Lender shall execu�e
<br /> and deli�er to Trustee a request for full recon�eyance and sha�� execute and deli�e� to Trusto� suitable statements vf
<br /> terminatian �f any ��nancing stafiement on file e�idencing Lender's se�urity interest in the Rents and the Pe�sonal
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyance fee required by law �ha�� he paid h�Trustor, �f permitted by app�Eca��e law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor will he �n defaul� unde� 'this D��d ❑�Trust if any of the f�llowing happen: �A} Trustor
<br /> cammits firaud vr makes a material misrepresentation at any �ime in c�nnection with the Credit Agreement. This �an
<br /> include, �ar exampfe, a fa�s�statemen�about 8arrawer's o�Trust�r'� income, asse#s, liabiliti�s. or any other aspeGts ❑�
<br /> Borrvwer`s or Trustor's�inancial conditivn. {B3 B�rrQwer does na�fi meet the repaymen�terms of the Credit Agre�m�nt.
<br /> �C� Trustar's action ar inaction ad�e�seiy a'�fects th� cv�fateral ❑r Lender's rights in the collateral. This can in�lude, far
<br /> example, failure to main�ain requ�red insurance, waste or destru�c�i�e use af the dwelling, �a+�ure to pay taxes, death af
<br /> a�� persons liab�e vn the ac�ount, t�ans�er of title or sale afi the dwe�i�ng, crea�ion of a senior lien on �he dwelling
<br /> without Lende�'s permissivn, fareclosure by the hofder vf anv�h�r f�en, or the use of funds or the dwelling �or prohibited
<br /> purp�ses.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REME�]IE5 �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent of De�ault ��curs under�his Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any one ar mare of�he�vllowing rights and �emedies:
<br /> ►4��e�era#�an Upan D�fault;Additivnal Remedies. I�any� E�ent of D�faul�t❑c�urs as per the terms of the �redit
<br /> Agreem�nt secured hereby, Lender may deciare a!! I ndebtedness secured �y this Deed of Trust t� be due and
<br /> payable and the sam� shall 'thereupvn became du� an� payable w�thout any presentment, demand, protest or
<br /> natice ot any kind. Ther�after, Lender may:
<br /> �af Either in persvn or by agen�, w�th o� with�ut bringing any action or praceeding, vr by a re�ei�er
<br /> ap#aointed hy a court and without regard to the adequacy o�its sec�rity, en�er upvn and take poss�ssfon
<br /> of the Property, ❑r any part�hereof, in its own name ar in the name af Trustee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirabfe t❑ preser�e the �a[u�, marketability or�entabili�y of the Property, nr part of
<br /> the Property �r interest in the Praper-�y; incr�ase �he in��me from the Proper�y ar protec�the se�uri#y of
<br /> the Prnp�rty; and, with vr without taking possessivn of the Proper�y, sue for vr o�herwise collect th�
<br />