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2� 1 ��2� 18 <br /> 4C} ='L�nder" is Hflm� F�deral Sa�i ngs and Laar� Assn of �rar�d Is�and <br /> Lender is a S��i ngs and L��n <br /> or�ax�.�zed and e�.zs��ng under the laws of The Stat� of N�braska . <br /> L�nder's address �s 2�1 South L�cust St Grapd Is1 and NE �884� <br /> Lender�s th�benef���ary under th�s S�curity Instrument. <br /> �D� "T�ustee" �s Arend R Baack, Attorney <br /> 4E� "Noteyr m�ans th�pramiss�r�n�te s�gned by Borrov�rer and da�e� Apri�I ��, 2�16 . The Note <br /> states that Borrawer avves L�nder D�1 E HUN DRE D S Z XTE E N TH�USAN D AIVQ 0 D I�.�D <br /> Dol�ars �U.S. $l l6,4��.�0 }p�us interes�. Borrower has prom�sed to pay�his debt in reguiar <br /> Periodic Paym�nts and to pay. the debt�n fu��n�t l ater than J u ne l, ��3 C . <br /> �F} "Pr�perty" mean�the property. that is d�scr�bed be��vv under the heading "Transfer of R.�ghts in�he <br /> Prop�r�y." <br /> �G� "Loan" mean�the debt e�r�d�nced by the Note, plus intere�t, any pr�payment charg�s and la�e charges due <br /> under the Note, and al� sums due under�his Security Instrument, p�us intere�t. <br /> �H 3 "Riders" mearis all R�ders t�this Secu�.ty�ns�rument that are ex�cuted by Borrower. The follow�ng R�ders <br /> are�o be ex��ut�d by Borr��ver [check bo�.as app��cab�e�: <br /> �Adj ustab��Ra�e Rider � �ondomzn�um R��er 0 S�c�nd Hame R�d�r <br /> 0 BaZ�a�n R.�der 0 P�anned Unit Develapmen�R�der � �-4 Family Rider <br /> 0 VA R.�der 0 Biweek�y Paym�nt Rider � �]�her�s} [spec�fy� <br /> t I� "App�icable Law" means alI contro�xir�g applicable federa�, s�a�e and��ca� statut�s, regulations, ordinances <br /> and admi.n�s�rati�e ru�es and orders ��ha�hav�the effe�t of law} as we�� as a1� app��cab�e�nal, non-appeala�Ie <br /> judicial opin�nns. <br /> �J} "C�mmun�ty Association C�ues. Fee�, and As�essments" means aIl dues, f��s, assessments and o�her <br /> charges that are zm�.posed on B�rrotiver�r the Pr�perty by a�ond�rninium associa�i�n, homeowners <br /> associat��n or similar organizatian. <br /> 4 K� "Electron�c Funds Transfer" m�ans an��ransfer of funds, other than a transac�ion originated b�ch�c�, <br /> draf�, o�simz�ar paper�nstrum�nt, which is in�tiated�hrough an el�ctr�nic�ermina�, �eiephonic ins�rument, <br /> compu�er, or magne�ic�ape s� as�o nrd�r, instruct, or author�ze a finan�ia� institut�on to debit or credit an <br /> accoun�. Such term�ncludes, bu� �s n��limited ta, po�ntWof-sa�e transfers, automated teller machin� <br /> �ransact�ons, transfers initiated by�e�ephone, w�re�ra�sfers, and au��ma�ed clearinghouse transfers, <br /> �L� "Es�row �tems" means thas�z�ems that are d�scr�bed in Secti�n 3. <br /> �M� "M�scellaneous Pr�c�eds" means any ca�npensatian, s��t�em�n�, award of damages, �r pr�ceeds pa�d�y <br /> any thzrd party �other�han�nsuran�e pr�ceed�paid und�r�he coverages descr�bed in SeCti�n 5� far: �i} <br /> dama�e to, or d�s�ructi�n�f, �he Property; �ii}condemna���n flr�ther ta�ing of al� ar any par��f the <br /> Property; ����} conveyance�n lieu�f c�ndem�aatzon; or�i�} misrepr�sentatiflns of, ar�missions as to, the <br /> value andlar condi�ion af the Pra ert . <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl��amity-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRIJMENT Farm 3q28�1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfitN�1 413D2� <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 2❑f�7 <br />