2� 1 ��2� 18
<br /> sat�sfact�on, pro�ided�hat such �nspect�on sha��b�underta�en prom.p��y. Lend��ma�pay for the repairs
<br /> and r�storatz�n�n a singl�disbursem.ent�r in a series af pr�gr�ss paym���s as th�work is conzple��d.
<br /> L7n�ess an agreemen�is made in wr���ng or Applicabl� Law re�uzres interes� t�be pa�d�n such
<br /> Misce�laneous Proceeds, Lender shal�not be re�uired t�pay B�rrower any int�rest flr earnzngs on such
<br /> Mis�e��an��us Froceeds. If�h�res�ora��on�r r�pair is nat econamical�y feasible ar Lender's s�curi�y�v�u�d
<br /> be l�ssen�d, �he�iscellaneous Proc�eds shaXl he app��ed to �he�ums s�cured by this S�curi�y Ins�rument,
<br /> whether or n��then due, with th�ex�ess, �f any, pa�d�o Barrower. Such Misc�I�aneous Pro��eds shall be
<br /> app�ied in�he order provided far in Sec�ion 2.
<br /> �n the event�f a to�al tak�ng, destruct�o�, or�oss �n�a�ue of�he Praper�y, the M�sce��aneous Prace�ds shail
<br /> be app�ied�a�he sums �ecur�d by this Security �nstrument, whe�her or n�t then due, w�th the excess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d�� Borrower,
<br /> �n�he e�e���f a par��a� �ak�ng, des�ruct�an, or l�ss in�a1u�of the Prope�.y in which�he fair marke�va�ue of
<br /> �he Propert� im�med�atel�before�he par�zal �aking, destruction, or loss in�a1ue�s equa� to�r greater than th�
<br /> amount of�he sums s�cur�d��this Secur�ty�nstrum�nt�mmedia�e�y before the par�ia� tak�ng, d�struc�i�n, �r
<br /> lass �n value, unless Borr�wer and Lender othervv�se agree�n�vrzt�ng, the sums secured by�his Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced by�he amoun�af th�Mi��e��an�ous Pro�eeds mu���p�ied by�he fo��ow�ng
<br /> frac��on: �a}the�a�al amount of�he sums s��ured immediately�efor�the part�a� taking, destruc�i�n, �r loss
<br /> �n�a�ue d�v�ded�y �b}the fair market va�u�of the Pr�p�rty imm�d�a�e�y before the partial taking,
<br /> d�struct�on, or�oss in value. Any ba�ance shal.��e pa�d to Borr��ver,
<br /> �n�he e�ent of a partia� �aking, �es�ruct�on, or�oss �n�a�ue of the Pr�perty in which�he fa�r market�a�ue of
<br /> �he Proper�y irnm�d�a�e�y befar��he par�ial takzng, des�ruc��fln, or x�ss in value�s ���s than the amoun�of�he
<br /> su�ns secured in�ediately before�he par�ia.l taking, d���ruct�on, ar�oss xn va�u�, uniess Borraw�r and
<br /> Lender o�herw�se agree�n vvri�ing, �he M�s�ellan�ous Praceeds sha��be appli�d to the sums seGured by this
<br /> S�curi�� �n��rument whether ar nat the sunr�s ar�th�n due.
<br /> �f�he�Praper�y is aband�ned b�Barrow�r, or�f, after na�ice�y Lender to Borra�ver tha��he Qppos�ng Pa.r��
<br /> �as de��ned in the next sen�ence}�ff�r� t�make an award�o sett��a c�a�m for damages s B�rrow�r faiis �a
<br /> responci�o Lender wi�hin 30 days after the da�e th�n��i�e is given, Lender is auth�riz�d to�ollec�and apply
<br /> the Misc��laneous Pro�eeds �ither t�restarat��n or r�paxr of the Property�r�o the sums secured by�hxs
<br /> Securi�y �ns�rum�n�, whether or not then due. "�pposzng Par�y" mea.ras the third par�y that nw�s Barrflwer
<br /> M�sce��an�ous Proc��ds ar�he par�y against whom Barr�wer has a rzgh��f ac�ian in r�gard�a M�scellaneaus
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> B�rraw�r sha��be in default if an� ac�i�n or pr�c�ed�ng, whether�i�i� or�r�minal, is begun that, in L�nder's
<br /> �udgmen�, couid resu�t�n forfeiture of�he Proper�y�r ather mater�al�mpairmen�of Lezad�r's �n�eres��n�he
<br /> Property or r�gh�s under th�s Securit�r Instrument. Borrawer can cure such a defau�t and, �f a��e�erat��n has
<br /> oc�urr�d, r�instate as prov�ded in Secti�n 19, b�causing�he action or pr�ceeding to be d�sma�sed�vith a
<br /> ruling tha�, �n Lender's judgment, prec�udes forfeiture of the Praperty or ather materia� impairmen�of
<br /> Lender's in�er�st�n the Property or r�gh�s under�h�s Security Instrument. The proceed�of ar�y award or
<br /> c�aim for damag�s�hat are attributable�o�he impairment�f L�nder's interes�in the Pr�p�r�y are h�reby
<br /> assigned and sha��be pa�d t� Lender,
<br /> A�l Miscellaxzeflus Proc�eds�hat are nat app��ed to restflra�ion ar repair�f the Pr�p�rty �ha��be app�ied in the
<br /> �rder pr�vided f�r�n Section Z.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac l3NlFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3��8 7141
<br /> VMP� VMP6tNE�t#3�2�
<br /> Wotters lCluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1 n af 7 7
<br />