2� 1 ��2598
<br /> .Borrower's change of address,fhen Borrower shal�only report a chan�e of addiress t�augh that specified proc�dure.
<br /> There may be�nly one designated nv�ice address un�er this 5�curity Instrumenf at any one time.Any nat��e to Lender
<br /> sha11 b�given by de�i�ering i�or by mailing it by fir�t class mail t��end�r's address s�at�d herein un�ess Lender has
<br /> de$�gna�ed anather address by notice to Borra�rer,An}�nofi�e in cannection with this SeGurit}r Instrument sha�l not be
<br /> deemed to have b��n gi�en ta Lender unt�l ac�kually recei�ed by Lender.If any notic�requir�d by this 5ecu.ri�ty Instrument
<br /> is also required under Ap�plicable Law,the App�icable Lav�r requir�ment will satisfy the cvrr�spanding requirement under
<br /> thxs�ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 1fi.Go�erning Law��everabii�ty;Rules of�onstruction.T�iis Security�nstrument sha�.l b�go�erned by fecieral
<br /> law and the law�f t�e jurisdic�.on in wh�ch fihe Fr�perty is l�cated.All rights and�b�igatians conta�ned in this Securit}r
<br /> Instrument are subject to an�requiremen�s and �imitat�ans af Applxcable Lav4r.App�icable Law m�ght expl�citl}� or
<br /> impl�citly all�w �h� parties to agree by cantrac� ar it migh�be silent, but su�h sz�ence shal� n�t be �onstrued as a
<br />_ prohibitian against agreemen#by�antrac�.In the e�ent that at�y provision ar c�ause of this 5ecurity Instrument or th�
<br /> Note conflicts with Applicable Law,such cvnf�i�t sha��nvt affect ot�aer pxo�risions of�his S�curity Ins�rument�r the Nafe
<br /> which can be g��en effe�t without the conflicting pro�isiari.
<br />; As u�ed in this Security�nstrument:�a}word�of the mas�uline gend�r shal�mean and include corresponding neuter
<br /> words or words of the fem�nine gender;�b}wards in the singular sha��mean ari.�.include the plural and vice versa;and
<br /> �c}the v►��rd"may"gi�es sole di�cret�on without any obligation to take�ny actian.
<br /> 17.Barrawer's�opy.Borrower sh�1�la�gx�en ane copy af the Note and af this Se�urity Insirument.
<br /> 18.Transfer of the Propex-�y ar a Benef cial Interest in Borrower.A$u��d in�his Section 1 S,"�nterest in the
<br />_ Pr�pert�"means any leg�.l a�r heneficial interest in the Praperty,in�Iuding,but not limited to,thos�b�nefi��al interests
<br /> t�ransferred in a�ond for d�ed,c��ntract f��deed,irista�lment sa�es co�tract ar es�row ag�e�menfi,th�int�nt of which is the
<br /> transfer of title by Borr�wer at a futur�date�❑a pur�haser.
<br /> �f a��ar an}�part of#he Property ar any In�erest in the Prap�rty�s sold or transferred�or xf Borrower is not a natural
<br /> �erson and a benef cia�in�eres�in Borrower is svld Qr#ransferred}v�i�hou�L�nder's prior written consent�L��nder may
<br /> require immediate payment in full of all sums secure.�hy this 5ecuri�y Instrument. How�ver,��i�Qptifln shall not he
<br /> exer�ised�y Lender�f such exercise is prahibited b�r App�icab�e Law.
<br /> If'Lender exercises this�ptivn,Lender Sha�l gi�e�orra�er natice of acceleration.The notic�sha��pro�vide a period
<br /> of not le�s�han 3�days from the dat�#he notice is given�n ac�ordance with Sect�4n 15 within which B�rrower must pay
<br /> all sums secured by�h�s Security Instrument,If Borrower fails t4�pay these surns prxor to the expira��an�f this period,.
<br />__ Lend�r may inWoke any remedies pernu�ted by this Security Ins�rument�nrithout further natice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 19,Barraw�r's 1�ight to Reiastate After Accel�ration.If Borrav�er meexs certain conditions,Borr�wer shall ha�e
<br /> th�right ta ha�e enforcement of this 5�curity Inst�ument discantxnued at any time prior tn#h�earliest of,�a�five days
<br /> before sal�a�the Propert}�pursuan�to ax��r pawe�of sale�an�axned��.this 5ecurity Instrumen�;�h}such v�her periad as
<br /> Ap�licahle Law might specify for the ternuna#ian of Borrar�ver's right�o reinstate;or�c}�ntr�of a�udgment enforcing
<br /> this Se�urity Instrumen�k.Those c�nditians are that Borrower:�a}pays Lender all sums whi�h then would be due urid�r
<br /> � this Security Instrumenti and�he Note as i.f no a�celera�ion had occu�rred;�b}�ures an�defa�xlt�f any other���enants or
<br /> agre�rnents;�c�pays all expenses incurred in enforc�ng this Security In�trument,including,but not limited ta,reasonabl�
<br /> a�t�rneys'fees,property inspectian and valua.tion fees,and other fees incurred for th�purpose of protecting Lend�r's
<br /> interest in the Property and rights under this Securrty Instrurnen�;and(d}take�suc�actian as Lender may reasonahly
<br /> require to assure that Lender's in�erest in th� Property anc� rights under thi� 5e�urity Ins�rum�nt, and B�rrovrrer's
<br /> o�ligafiion to pay the sums secured by thzs Security Ynstrument, sha11 car�tinue unchanged. Lender may require that
<br /> Barrawer pay such reinstaternen#sums and�xpen$es in one or mare of the fa���wing forms, as s��ected lay Le�ac�er:
<br /> �a�ca�h;�h�money arder;�c}ce�tzf ed ch�ck,bank che�k,trea.�urer's check vr cashier's che�k,p�ovzd�d any such�heck
<br /> is drawn upon�n�nsti�ution�nrhose deposi�s are irisured hy a federal agenc�r,instrumentality ar entity;or�d�Electranic
<br /> Funds Transf�r.Upan reins�at�ment by Borrower,this�ecurity Ins#rument and ob��gati�ns secured h�reby shal�r�main
<br /> NE�RAS�CA-S+ng�e Famiiy-Fannie MaeJFr�die Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT Form 3028 11��
<br /> Pa�e�4�f 13 �S
<br /> �os,�r�,-��s�s Borrower s Initia�s� �
<br /> � } �
<br /> �
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