2� 1 ��2594
<br /> Transfer of th�Proper�y ar a�enefic�al In�eres�in Bvrrv�wer.�f a��or any par�of the Pro�erty or�.n.y�nterest
<br /> in it �s so�d or transferred �or if a benef�ial intere5� in Bor�roWer �5 Sfl�d or transferred and BorroWer i5 n�� a
<br /> natura� pers�n} �vithaut Lender's prior v�rit�en consent, Lend��r may, a� ��s op��on, require imrnediate ��ayment �n
<br /> fu�l of a�� sums secured by �h�s Security �nstrument. Hovve�Ter, th�s op�xon shall nflt be exer�ised by Lend�r �f
<br /> exerc�se xs pr�h�bi�ed by federal Ia�v as of�he da�e flf�hi�S�c�:�rity I�strumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �his option, Lender shall give Borrov�rer no�zce of a�celeration. The no��ce shall provzde a
<br /> periad of not Iess �han the minimum number o�days es�abli�hed by App��cab�e Lavv from�he da�e ��ne natice is
<br /> deliver�d or mailed �ri�hin v�rhich Borro,w�r mus� pay a�l sur.ns sec�red by th�s Security Ins�rument. I:E Borra,wer
<br /> fails �o pay �hese sums pri�r to the exp�ration �f��ais per�od, Lender may inva�� any remedies permi���d by tihis
<br /> 5 e cur��y Ins�ru.ment vvi�haut further no�i ce�r der�and on B on��wer.
<br /> Barrotiver's Right to Reinstate. �f Barrov�er mee�s certain c�ndi�ions, Borrawer sh�.�� have �he ri�ht �o have
<br /> enforcemen�of�chis Security Tnstrument discontinued a�any�ime pr�or�o th� ear��er�f: �a) 5 days �flr such o�her
<br /> per�od as Applicable Law may sp�c�fy for reinst�.temen�}befasre sale of the Property pursuant to any pow�r of sale
<br /> conta�ned in �his Security Ynstrumen�; or �b} �ntry of a �u:dgrnent enforcing �his S�cu.rity �nstrumpn�. Those
<br /> conditions are �hat B�rrawer: �a� pays Lender al� sums Whic:h then wot�.�d be due under th�s �ecurity �ns�rum�n�
<br /> and the�ontra�t as�f no accelerati�n had occurre�;�b)cures any defau��of any o�her ca�enant�ar agre�ments;�c}
<br /> pays all expenses inCurred in enforcing�his 5ecurity Ins�rume��t, including,but not lim�ted to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees �o the extent permit�ed by Ia�u; and �d} �akes such action as L��.der may reasonably require t� assure�hat the
<br /> ��en of�.his Securi�y Instrument, Lender's r�g��s in tihe Propert�and Borro�ver's ob��gatxon�o pa.y the su�ns secured
<br /> �y th�s Securi�y�ns�rumen� shall con�inue unchanged. Upon:re�n.s�a�emen� by Borrawer, �his Secur�ty �nstrum.en�
<br /> and�he abliga�'rons secured hereby �hal� remain fu�1y effec�itixe as ��'no accelera��on had occurred. Ho,wever, tihis
<br /> righ�t�reins�a�e sha�I no�app�y in the case of accelera�ion un+�er�he secti�n�i��ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benef�cial Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous SubstanCes.Borr��rer shall no��ause ar permit the presen�e,use, disposal, s��rag�, nr release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances on ar in�he Property.B�rrovver sha��n��do,r�or all�w anyone else ta do,anythin�g affect�ng
<br /> the Pr�per�y tha� is in via�a�ion af any Env�r�nmenta� Law. The preceding �wo sen�ences shail no� apply to �he
<br /> presence,use,or st�rage on the Pr�per�y of sma�l quantit��s��'Ha�ardous 5ubs�ances tha�are generally recogr�ized
<br /> �o be appropriate ta n�rmal resident�al uses and�o maintenance�f the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrovver shall pramp�ly g�ve Lender wri�ten n���ce�f any inv�es�igaxi�n,claim, demand, Iavvsuit or oth�r action b� �
<br /> any go�ernmental or regulat�ry agency or private party �nva:lving �he Property and. any Hazard�us SL�bs�ance or
<br /> Enviranmenta.l Lavv af which B�rrovver has actua� l�n�,wl.edge. �f Borrav�rer learns, or �� no�if ed �by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory authority,�ha�any r�moval or�th�:r rem�diation af any Hazardous �ubs�ance affect�ng
<br /> the Praperty zs necessar�, Borrav�rer sha�l pr�mpt�y take ��11 necessary remed�a� ac�ions xn accordance with
<br /> Environmen�a.l Law.
<br /> A.s used in�his paragraph, "�azardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic �r hazard�us substances
<br /> by Envirnnmen�a� Lavv and �he fol�owing substances. gasol�ne, k�rosene, o�her flamma��e �r �flxi� pe�raleum
<br /> products, t�xic pes�ic�des and herbicides, v�lati�e saXvents, �na�eria�s cflntaining asbes�os or forma�d�hyde, and
<br /> radioac��ve ma�er�als. As used in thzs paragraph, "Environmen�al L,a�v"means federal la�vs and lavvs af�:he s�ate�f
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate�o hea��h,safe�or environmenta�pratec�ion.
<br /> Accelerativn; Remedies. Lender shall g�ve no��ce to Borro�ver pr�or �o acceieration following �orrower�s
<br /> breach of any ca�enan�vr agree�n�nt xn th�s Security Inst�-umQnt or the Contract under whi.ch a�cel�ra�ion
<br /> �s permit�ed �but nflt prior to ac�e�erati�n und�r the secti��n ti�I�d Transfer of th� Property ar a Benef��ial
<br /> In�erest in I3orrovver, unless A�p��cab�e Lav� prov�ides ath erv��5��. The no�ice sha�� spec�f�: �a� thEe defaul�;
<br /> �1�} the a�tion requ�red to cure the d�fauit; ��} a date, not �es5 than �he minimum num�er �f days
<br /> establish�d by Applicable Law from the date�he not�ce is given t�Borrvwer,by which the defau;{t must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure the defa-ult �n or befa�re �he date specffied in the no�i�e ma�r resu�t �n
<br /> a��e���-ation of the sums secur�d by th�s S�cur��y Instriument and sale of �he Praperty. T� �he ex�ent
<br /> permitted by l.aw, the n�ti�e shal.l furth�r infvrm Borrflw�Yr �f the r�ght to reinsta�� af�er ae�elerat�on and
<br /> the r�.ght to brnng a�ourt action�o as�er��he non-ex�stenc��o�a defau��or any other defe�se of Ba�rrower t�
<br /> a�cele�a�zon and sa�e.If the def�ul�is n�t cured on or befor� the date specif�ed in �he no�ice,Lender at�ts
<br /> option may requ�re immed�ate payment �n fu�l of ai� sum� secured by �hxs Se�ur�ty In�trumernt w�thout
<br /> further demand and may invoke the povver �f sa�e and ai�y �ther remedie� permi�ted �ay Appiic�ab�e Layv.
<br /> Tn the ex�ent perrrutted �by �aw, Lender shall be entit�ed to co��ect ai� expenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedx�s provided�n this Section,�ncluding,but nvt l�mit��d��, r�asonable att�rneys' fee�and cos�s of t�t�e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e�s Ynvok�d, Trustee �hall re�ord a nflt�ce of defauZt�n each caunty in wh�ch a�ny part flf
<br /> �he Pr�perty��loca�ed and shall mail cop��s af such not�cf��r� �h� manner prescr�b�d by�pplicab�ie Law�a
<br /> Sorro�ver and to the other pers�ns pres�r�bed h�Appl�c��b�e Law. After the time requ�red b��ipplicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall give pub�ic r�ot�ce of sa�e �� �he persons an� xn the manner prescrib�ed by .A►pplicable
<br /> Law. 'I`rus�ee,withaut demand o� Bflrr�wer,shal� se��the Property at pub�fC auc��on to t�e h�ghPst bidder
<br /> a��he time and place and under the terrr�5 des�gna�ed in�h�no�i�e of sa�e�n one ar rnor�par�els and�n any
<br /> �rder Trustee determines. Trustee ma� pa��pone sale o�f all �r any par�e� of the Pr�perty lby public
<br /> a�nouncement at the time and��ace of�ny�reviou��y�ch�dule�sa�e.I�ender or�ts des�g�e�may purchase
<br /> th e Prap erty at any s a�e.
<br /> Upon �-eceip� of pa�ment of the pr�ce �id, Tru��ee shall. d����ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed ��anveying
<br /> the Property. The reci�als i�n the Trus�ee's d�ed sha�1�e prima fa�ie e�iden�e flf�h��ru�h of the stat�ments
<br /> C�2�44-24I 5 Cornpliance Systems,Tnc.8C54-3 C41-24�5.1 T.3.149$
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secu�ity Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 4 of S www.cvmpliancesystetr�s.cvm
<br />