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<br /> Home Federa�Sav'.ngs&Laan Associat�on�f I3�me Federa�Sav�ngs&Loan As�oc�at�fln of
<br /> Grand Is�and �rand Is�and
<br /> Z�1 South Lacust Street 221 Sauth Lacust Street
<br /> (5pace Above This Line For Record�ng�]a�a}
<br /> L�AN��ICrINAT�R C�MPAN'Y N�A.ME:Home Federal Savings&Loan Assvciat�on af Grand I��and
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENTIF�ER: 446443
<br /> L�AN�RI�`rINATflR NAME: Chrxs I�as�i�e
<br /> NMLS �RI�'rINAT�R�DENTIFIER.: 4946F8
<br /> I���D �F TRUS'T`
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Secur��y Ins�rumenrr'� �s made on Apr�� 25, 2016. The gran�ors ar� TR�Y J
<br /> LEITING, �rvhose address �s 171G RIfl GRANDE �IR, GRAN"D ISLAND, Nebraska 6SS41-75�7, and
<br /> TERESA A LEITIN�, HUSBAND AND WIFE, v�rh�se address is 1716 RI� GRANDE CIR, GRAND
<br /> ISLAND,Nebraska�SS�1-7567�"Barrotiver"}.B�rrov�er is not necessarily th�same as�he Person ar Pers�ns vvho
<br /> sign �he Hvme Equity L�ne of �redi� Agreemen�, da�ed Aprii 25, 2�16 �"C�n�rac�"}. The nbliga�ions of
<br /> B�rraw�rs w�.� did no� sign th.� ��ntract are e�.p�ained further �n the sect�on tz���d Successors and Assigns
<br /> Bound; J�in�and Se�eral Liab�X�ty;A���mmodativn S�gners.The�rustee is Arend R.Baa�k�At�prney�vhflse
<br /> address is P.�. �30� 79U, Grand Island, Nebras�a 685�2 �"Trus�ee"). The benef ciary is Hvm.e Fed�ral
<br /> Sav�ngs & L�an Associat�an of Grand I��and, wh�ch is �rgani�ed and ex��tzng under �he �aws of�the Un.i.tied
<br /> S�a�es �f Arner�ca and whflse address is 22l Sauth Lo�us� Street, Grand I�land, Nebraska 6SH01 �"Lender"}
<br /> TRflY J LEITING and TERESA A L�ITING have entered�n.t� a Contrac�v��th Lender as �f Apr�� ZSy 2U16,
<br /> u�der the terms of which Barrower may, from time �o time, obtain advances nflt �fl exceed, a� any �ime, a
<br /> ��*MA�IMUM PRIN�IPAL AM�I�NT �E��LUDING PR�TE�TI�"E ADVAN�ES�*** af �Cwenty
<br /> Thousand and OUIl�� Da�lars �U.S. $20,000.U�3 �"�redzt Lxmi�"}. Any parCy in�ere��ed �n the deta��s related to
<br /> Lender's con�znui�g obl�ga�zan to ma�e ad�ances �o Barrovver is ad�ised ta cnnsult direc��y with Le�.der. If no�
<br /> pa�d earlier, the sums owxng under Barrower`s Can�rac�vaith Lender vvill be due on May 15, 2021. Thi.� Securi�y
<br /> �ns�rument secures tQ Lender: �a} �he repa�m.en� of�he debt under the �on�rac�, w�th �nteres�, �nc�uding fu�ure
<br /> adva.n�es, and aI1 rene�va�s, extens�ans and m.od�fications of the Can�rac�; �b} �he paymen�of all a�her sums, vvxth
<br /> i��erest, advanced to pratec� the securi�y of this Security �nstru.m�n� under �he prflvis�ons of�he sec�ion ��t�ed
<br /> Prote�t�ian of Lender'�Righ�s in the Property; and�c}the p�rf�rmance of Borrov�r�r's c�venan�s and agreements
<br /> under�h�s 5ecurity�ns�rume�x�and th� �on�ract. F�r th�s purpose, Barravver, in considera�.ion of the debt and the
<br /> �rust herein crea�ed,irrevocab�y grazz�s and conveys�o Trus�ee,in trust,W�th p�wer of sale,the fo��owing descr�bed
<br /> praperty loca�ed in the CUUNTY af HALL, S�a.�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 1716 RI[)GRAND�CIR, GRANI3 ISLAND,Nebraska 6$SO1-7557
<br /> Lega] Descrip�zon: L�T SEVEN �7}, M�RNINGSiDE ACRES SUBDIVISI�N, IN THE� �ITY �F
<br /> T�GETI-3ER WIT�I aIl the i.mpravemen�s noW or hereaf�er erected �n the proper�y, and a1I easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fzxtiure� nov�r nr hereafter a part of the properfiy. AIl rep�acements and add���ons shall also be
<br /> covered by �his 5ecurity Instrumen�. A�I af the fareg��ng is referred to �n �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� as �he
<br /> "Property."
<br /> BQRRDWER C�VENANTS �ha�Barr�wer�s lavvfu��y seised af�he es�a�e hereby conveyed and has �he rzgh��o
<br /> grant and convey �he Praper�y and �hat �he Propez-ty is unencumbered, excep� far encumbrances af record.
<br /> B�rr�wer warran�s and wiil d�fend generally �ae ���le �o the Prop�rty against a�l claims and demands, subjec� �o
<br /> any encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borr�Wer and Lender cavenant and agree as f�llou�s:
<br /> Q Z044-2015 Compiian�e Systems,in�,8C54-4C21-2415.I 1.3.1098
<br /> Consumer Rea3 Estate-Se�u�ity�r�st�-ument DL2a3d Pa�e I of 5 www.cvmpliancesys#ems.cam
<br />