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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> `� z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � �� � � �ov � cn <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> �� r� <br /> 0 0 � �.�. rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> After fi�ing return ta: EX�HAN�E BANK <br /> P�Box 5793,Grand Island,NE 6884� <br /> DEED �F RE��1�VE�AN�E <br /> KNaW A.LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> IN REFEREIrT�E T�THE Trust Deed ex�cuted by Gary R. Jacobson,Llflyd B.Gunderson,and�arvl J, <br /> �undersvn,nvt personal�y but as Trustees on behalf af Jocar LiWing Trust,to <br /> Ex�hange Bank,Gibbon,Nebraska ,Trustee,for the benefit of Exchang�Bank,�ibbon,Nebraska the <br /> Ben�fi�iary named therein,dated December 2,2�Z�,and recorded Decemher 1�,2�11,in the�ffice of the <br /> Register of Deeds of Hall County,Nebraska recvrded asl�n Instrument No.Z011�9499,the said Beneficiary <br /> has requestec�in writing that the Deed of Recan�eyance be executed and delivered as cvnf�rmed by its <br /> endarsement helaw: <br /> N�W,THEREF�RE, in accordance with the request af the Beneficiary named therein,the undersigned <br /> as Trustee does by these presents, �rant, remise, release and recon�ey to �he persvn or persons entitled <br /> �hereto a11 the interest and estate deri�ed to said Trustee by or�hrough said Trust Deed in the following <br /> d�scribed premises: <br /> A tract af land comprising a part of Lot�ne t 1}�n the Mainland nf the Southwest�uarter of the Southeast <br /> �uarter(SW 114 SE 114}of Section Faurteen�Z�},Township Eleven���}Narth,Range Nine���West of the <br /> f th P.M.,Hal��ounty,Nebras�k�a,said tract being more particuiar�y des�ribed as fallaw�: Beginning at the <br /> Southwest corner of said Lot Two(2};th�nce running on an assum�d b�aring of l�9�a�4'��"E on the <br /> 5outh line of said Lot 1 for a distance vf 585.33 feet to the neander�orner of th�Southeast corner af said <br /> Lot Z;thence S SS°57'23"E on th�agre�d�wx�ership�in�be�vveen Sec�ions �4 and 23,T�wnship �1 <br /> North,Range 9 West of the 6�h P.M.,Hal�County,Nebraska,as recorded in Hal�Caunty Su�veyor's Bo�k <br /> 2,Page Z54, for a distance�f 266.�2 feet to a point p�rpendicular tv and ���.U4 feet from the centerline af <br /> the Bur�ington Northern mainline track as cnnstructed and maintain�d;thence I�T 62°5�'54"an a line <br /> 1 D�.Q4 feet Southwester�y from the centerline of said main�ine track far 952.32 feet ta a p�int an the West <br /> line of 5aid Lat �;thence S 0�°35'U4 E on the�Vest�ine af said Lv� 1 far 427.47 feet to the pvint af <br /> heguZning <br /> T�GETHER WITH all buitdin�s, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances be�anging to �uch <br /> premises. <br /> The Benef�ciary does hereby request that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and deli��red. <br /> DATED th�s ��th day af April,2U 15. <br /> E�CHANGE BANK EXCHANGE BANK <br /> Trustee Beneficiary <br /> �`` By: <br /> .� <br /> gY� thany Port�r,Vice President <br /> 'an Schardt,PresidentlCE� <br /> STATE�F Nebraska } <br /> ��UNTY�F Ha�l �ss <br /> The faregoin�instrument was acknow�edged befo�re me on t,he 15th day af ApriZ,2U��,by <br /> Brian Schardt,Presiden�ICE�,Anthony Parter,Vice Pr�sident,Trustee and Beneficiary of Exchange Banlc, <br /> �n behalf vf said Bank. <br /> � <br /> �����R�����T��Y-����¢Uf�����,s�ca Notary Public <br /> seal,'„'; #�AYE E.V�JEAKLA'�t� <br /> �''�`��.�� �r�G�mm.�xp.�►�+y 5,�t��� <br />