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2� 1 ��2582 <br /> 11. ENVIRaNMENTAL LAWS .AND HA►ZARD(�US SUBSTAN�ES. As used in thxs section, <br /> �1� En�ir�nmen�a� Law means, wi.thout limitation, the �omprehensxve Environmental. Response, <br /> Campensat�on and Liability Act �CER�LA, 42 U.S.�. 95�� et seq.}, anc� a].1 a�her f�deral, state and Iocal <br /> laws, regulat�ons, ordinances, court arders, attorn�y general opinions or in�erpretz�e letters �oncerning the <br /> public health., safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and �Z} Hazardous 5ubstance means any <br /> t�xic, radioacti�� ar hazardous mater�al, waste, p�llutant or can�aminant whxch has chara�teristics which <br /> render�he su�stance dangerous ar poten�ia��y dangerous ta the publxc health, safety, w�xfare�r en�ironment. <br /> The term xnc�udes, withaut Iimxtatxon, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "�d�C�C 511�5taI1C�'.'S�'� <br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any Environmentai Law. <br /> Trustor repres�nts, warrants and agrees that: <br /> A.Except as prev�ousiy disclosed and acknovv��dg�d in writing to Benef�ciary, no Hazardaus Substance is <br /> ar will be located, stored or released an ar in �he Property. Th�s res�riction does not apply to sma.�1 <br /> quantities of Hazardaus Su�stances that are genera��y recognized to be appropriate for the normal use <br /> and maintenance of the Property. <br /> B. Except as pre�iously disclosed and acknow�edged xn writing to �enefzciary, Trustor and e�ery tenan� <br /> have been, are, and sha�.�remain in ful� compliance with any applicable Environmenta� Law. <br /> �.Trustor shall immediately notify Beneficxary if a release ar thr�aten�d r�lease of a Hazaxdaus Sul�stance <br /> occurs an, under or abflu�th� Proper�y or there is a vxolatxon�f any En�ironmental Law concerning the <br /> Properry. In such an event, Trustor sha�l take al.l nec�ssary remedial ac�ion in accardance wi�h any <br /> Enviranm�ntal Lavv. <br /> D.Trustor sha11 immed�ately natify Ben�fi�iary in wrxting as soon as Trustor has reasnn to helieWe there is <br /> any pendrng or �h.reatened inv�stigation, claim, or proceeding re�a�zng ta the re�ease or threat�ned <br /> release of any Hazardaus Substance or the�iolation of any Env�ronmen�al Law. <br /> 12. ESCRDW F�R TA.�ES AND INSiJRANCE. Unless otherwise pro��ded in a separate agr�ement, Trustor <br /> vv�11 not be required ta pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance�.n escraw. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; �a-SI�NERS; SU�CESS�RS ANI� A�SI�NS B�UND. A�1 <br /> duties under this S�curity Instrument are j oint and indivxdual. Yf Trustor signs this Se�urity Instrum�nt hut <br /> dnes not sxgn an evidence of debt, Trus�ar daes sa only to mor�gage Trustor's interest in the Prop�rty to <br /> secure payment�f th.e Secured Debt and Trustor daes na� agree to be personally��able on the Secured Debt. If <br /> thxs Security Instrument s�cures a guaran�y between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustor agrees to wa�v� any <br /> rights tha� may pr��ent Beneficiary from bringing any actian or claim agaxnst Trustar or any party xndebted <br /> und�r the o��igation. These rights may inciude, but are not Iim���d to, any antx-def�ciency or onewaction laws. <br /> The duti�s and benefits of this �ecur�ty Instrument shal.��ind and bene�t�he suc���sars and assYgns of Trustor <br /> and B�nefx�iary. <br /> 14. SEVERASILITY; I1�IT'ERPRETATI�N'. Th�s Security Znstrument is comple�� and fu�Iy integrated. This <br /> Secur�ty Ynstrument may not �e amended ar modified by ara� agreement. Any section in thzs Security <br /> �nstrument, atta�hm�nts, or any agreement rela�ed�o the Secured Debt that conflzcts w�th applicable law wi�I <br /> not b� effec�xve, unless that Xaw �xpressXy or impliedxy permits �.he variations by written agreement. If any <br /> sectian of this Security Ynstrument cannot be enforced ac�ording �o its terms, that sec�ion w�I1 be se�ered and <br /> will nat affect th� enforceabilrty af the remainder of this 5ecurity �nstrument. Whenever used, th� singular <br /> shall �nclude the plura� and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of�.e sectians of this Security <br /> �nstrument are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpr�t or define the terms of thrs S�cur�ty <br /> �ns�rument. Time zs of the essence in this Securi�y Znstrument. <br /> 15. SU�CES��R TR[TSTEE. B�neficiary, at Beneficiary's ap�ion, may frflm t�me to time r�mave Trust�e and <br /> app�int a successor trustee wxthou� any other farma.Z.ity than the designation in writ�ng, The succ�ssor trus�ee, <br /> wxthaut con��yan�e of�he Prop�rty, shal.x succeed to aII the�itle, power and du�ies conferr�d upon Trustee by <br /> �iis Security�nstrument and applicable law. <br /> 1�. N�TICE. LTnless �therwise requ�red by Iaw, any notice shai� be given by delivering it or by mailing it by <br /> first �1ass mail to the appraprYate part�y's address �n page �. of this Secur�ty Lnstrument, or ta any other <br /> address designated in writxng. IVo�ice to ane trustor will be deem�d ta be na�ice to al.l trus�ars. Trustor and <br /> Ben�ficiary h�reby request a copy of any notice of defaul�, and a copy of any notice of sale thereunder, be <br /> mailed ta each party at the address for su�h pa.rty set forth on page I of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. W.AIVERS. Excep� to �he extent prflhrbxted by law, Trustor wazves a.�I appraYsement and homestead <br /> exemption rights re�atrng to the Property. <br /> 18. LINE �F �REDIT. The Secured Deb� �ncXudes a re�olving Iine of credit. Although th� Secured Debt may <br /> be reduced to a zero balance, this Security xnstrum�nt will remain in effect until r�leased. <br /> Se�urity lnstrument-��en-�nd-C�nsumer-N� �CP-RE[]T-NE 7I212Q�1 <br /> VMPU 6ankers SystemsT"� VMP-C4Ba{N�7 t�107y.00 <br /> Waite�s Klcawer Finan�iai 5er�ices Q�994,2f71 1 Page 5 af 6 <br />