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2� 1 ��2582 <br /> The property is 1�cated in ...Hal l............................. .................. a� ..................................... <br /> ... <br /> ��ounty} <br /> 2 l 0 4 W I{o eni g.S t......................... ..Grand,I s 1 and.................., Nebraska 6 8 8 4 3 . <br /> ........................ ... . ........ ........... .,.................. <br /> �Address} (City3 �ZYP�ode} <br /> Together with al� righ�s, easements, appurtenances, royalt�es, mxneral rights, oil and gas r�ghts, all water and <br /> riparian rights, ditch�s, and water sta�k and a11 ex�s�ing and future impravements, structur�s, fi.xtur�s, and <br /> replacements that may novsr, or at any t�m�rn the future, be part of th�real estate describ�d a�ave�a11 referred <br /> ta as "Prop�r�y"}. <br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BLIGATI�N LIMIT. The tatal principal amount secured by Security Instrument at any <br /> one tim� shall not exc�ed � 5 o r.�o o.,o.�................................... . This 1�mitation af amount daes nat <br /> include interes� and other fees and charges �aiid�y made pursuant to thxs Security Ins�rument. Alsa, this <br /> limitat��n does not apply to ad�an�es made under the terms of thxs Security Instrument to protect <br /> BenefY�iary's securYty and�a perfflrm any of the co�enant� canta�n�d zn this Securx�y Znstrument. <br /> 4. �ECURED DEST AND FiJTU][2E ADVAN�ES. The�erm "Secured Debt" is defxned as f�Ilovvs: <br /> A.D�bt incurred under the�erms of aII promissory nate�s�, cantract�s}, guaranty(i�s} or ather eviden�e of <br /> debt described �elo� and a11 their extensions, renewa�s, modYfi�ations or substitutxons. �You m�est <br /> s�eci�cally identify the de�at�s� secured and you shnuld in�lude�he final maturity date af su�h de�a��s).} <br /> No�e Dated. A ril l� 2Q16 In The Amount af $5�. ��4.U� <br /> � A�cruing At � Varia�le Rate With A Maturit Da�e �f A ril 25� ���1 <br /> Said Loan In Th� Name�s� �f Ronald B Baldwz�r�. � <br /> And Rhonda J Baldwin <br /> B. A�l future advances from B�nef�c�ary to Trustor or ather future abligatiflns af Trustor ta BenefYciary <br /> under any pr�m�ssory not�, contra�t, guaranty, or other eW�dence of debt execut�d by Trust�r in fa�or <br /> of Beneficiary after this Secur��y �nstrum�n� whether or nat this Se�urxty �nstrument is sp�crfica��y <br /> referenced. Zf more than �ne person 5igns this Security �nstrument, each Trustor agr�es that this <br /> Security Instrument wil� se�ure all future advances and future obl�gations that are given �o ❑r incurred <br /> by any ane or more Trustor, ar any one or mare Trus�or and others. A11 future advances and other <br /> future abligations are secured by this 5ecurity Instrumen� e�en thaugh all or part may nat yet be <br /> advanced. Al� future ad�an�es and ather future o�Iigat�ons are secured as if made an the date of�his <br /> SeGurity �ns�rument. N'athing in th�s Security Znstrumen� shall const�tu�e a commitment ta make <br /> add�tional or future Ioans or advances �n any amoun�. Any such commxtmen� must b� agreed ta �n a <br /> s�para�e vvrit�ng. <br /> C.A11 ather obliga�ions Trustor�wes ta Beneficiary, which may�a�er arise, ta the extent nat prohibited by <br /> law, including, but nat �im�ted to, l�ab�lities far o�rerdrafts r�Iat�ng to any depasYt account agreement <br /> between Trustor and Beneficiary. <br /> I3.All additianal sums adva.n.ced and e�penses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or <br /> otherwxse prote�t�ng �h� Propex�y and its �a1ue and any oth�r sums advanc�d and �xpen�es incurred by <br /> B�neficiary un.der the terms of this S��urzty �nstrument. <br /> In�he even�that Benefxciary fa�.�s to pravid� any requir�d not�ce of th� right of rescissian, Benefic�ary waives <br /> any subsequent security xn�erest in the Trustor's prxncipal dwe�l�ng that is created by thYs Security Instrument. <br /> S. DEED aF TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustar agrees that the covenan�s in thxs sectian axe material obl�gations <br /> under the Secured Debt and this Securx�y Znstrumen�. �f Trus��r breaches any cov�nant �n this �ect�an, <br /> B�nefic�ary may refuse to mak� addi�ional extensians of credit and r�duce the credi� I�mit. By not exercising <br /> e�ther remedy an Trustor's breach, Benefzc�ary daes no�wai��B�nefzc�ary's righ�to �ater consxder the e�en�a <br /> breach if it happens again. <br /> Payments, Trustor agrees �hat a�I payments under th� Secur�d Debt wi11 be paid when due and in acc�rdance <br /> w�th th�terms �f the Secured Debt and th�s S��urxty Instrument. <br /> Prror Secur�ty Int�rests. With regard to any other mortgage, de�d of trust, security agreem�nt or oth�r l�en <br /> documen� that created a prior securi�y �nterest or �ncumbranc� an the Property, Trustor agrees to make a�.l <br /> paymen�s when due and �o perfarm ar comply with al� cavenants. Trustor aiso agrees not ta allow any <br /> madification or extension af, nor�o r�quest any future advances under any note or agreement secured by th� <br /> ���n document w�thout Ben�f�ciary's prior written approval. <br /> Claxms AgaYnst Title. Trus�ar will pay a11 �axes �including any tax assessed to this Deed of Trust}, <br /> assessments, liens, encumbrances, Iease payments, ground rents, utzlzties, and ather charges rela��ng to the <br /> Property when due. Bene�cxary may requir� Trustar ta pra�zde to Ben�f�ciary copies of aii notices that such <br /> amounts are due and the recexpts evidencing Trustar's payment. Trustflr will d�fend title ta the Property <br /> a�ainst any �laims that wfluld the lien of this Se�urity Instrument. Trustar agrees ta ass�gn �a <br /> Beneficiary, as reques�ed by Beneficiary, any rights, claims flr d�fenses Trustor ma�ha�e against part�es who <br /> supply Ia�ar or materials to main�ain or impra�e the Property. <br /> SeGurity lnstrument-��en-End-Consumer-N� ❑CP-R��T-NE 7��l201 1 <br /> VMP�Sankers Syst�ms�'^ VMP-C4fi5{NEy t�T D7f,�D <br /> Woiters Kluwer�inar��ial 5er�ices Q'1994,2aT T Page 2 vf 6 <br />