2� 1 ��25�5
<br /> [�EED �F `f���`f
<br /> ��v�tir�ue�� Pag� 7
<br /> �f such c�nsent by Lender in any instance shall n�t cansti�u#� cantinuing consent to subsequent instances where
<br /> such cvnsent is required and in all cases such consent may be granted vr withhe[d in the svl�discretion of Lender.
<br /> 5everabi�ity. [f a c�ur� of �vmpe�en��urisdiction fi�ds any prv�isivn o�this Deed o�Trust tv be �llegal, [n�alid, ❑r
<br /> unenforceable as tv any p�rson vr circumstance, that finding shal� nvt make the v�fending prv�isivn illegal, in�a�id,
<br /> �r unenforceable as �o any vther person ar circumstance. If feasibie, the offending p�ovision shail be cvnsidered
<br /> mvdified sv tha� it be�ames l�gal, �a[id and enf�rceabl�. I�the vf�ending pra��sion cannot b� so mvdified, it shall
<br /> be cvnsidered deleted from this Deed vf Trust. Unfess otherwis� required by law, the i[[egali�y, fn�alidi�y, �r
<br /> unenfvrceability �# any pro�isi�n of this Deed of Trust shall not affect the {egali�y, Walidity or enfvrceabi[ity of any
<br /> other pro�isivn�f this Deed of Trust.
<br /> SuCCB5S�C5 and Assigns. Suhject t� any lim'ttativns s�ated in this Deed af Trust on transfer ❑f Trusfvr's interest,
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure ta the benefiit of the partie�, their successars and assigns. !f
<br /> awnership v�the Property becomes �ssted in a persc�n vther#han Trustor, Lender, without notic� to Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trus��r's successa�-s with referen�e�v this Deed o�Trust and the [ndeb�edness by way vf forbearanGe ❑r
<br /> extension without releasing Trustor frvm the�b�igativns of this Deed vf Trust❑r�iabiiity under the [ndeb�edness.
<br /> T�me is of the Essence. Time is vf the essen�e in th� per#orman�e❑�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 1J1laivsr vf Hvmestead Exempfiivn. Trustvr here�y releases and waives aE� rights and bene#its of �he hvmestead
<br /> ex�mptivn laws of�he State of Ne�raska as to a�l fndeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFfIVIT[�]NS. The following capitalized words and terms sha[f ha�e#he tollowing meanings when used in this ❑eed ❑�
<br /> Trust. Unless specificalfy stated �❑ the contrary, all references ta dnllar amaunts sha�f inean amoun�s in lawful money
<br /> ot �he Uni�ked S�ates of America. �IVvrds and terms used in the singular sha�1 include the plural, and the plural shall
<br /> include the singu�ar, as �he cvntext may requir�. VIlords and terms no� o�herwise defined in this De�d o� Trust shall
<br /> ha�e�h� m�anings attribu��d��such�erms in the Unifvrm Cvmmercia! Code:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Bene�iciary" means Bank�f C[arks, and its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> E3orrv►rver. The wvrd "gorrvwer" means Jon 1111. Fitchhorn and �elly 5. Fit�hhorn and includes ai� ca-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing�he Nate and alf th�ir successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust. The wvrds rr Deed of Trust" mean �his De�d ❑f Trust amvng Trustvr, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inc�udes wi�hout limita�ivn all assignment and se�urity interest prv�isians rela�ing �a fihe Personal Praperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Defautt. The word "flefaul�" means the Default se�forth in�his Deed ❑f Trust in the sec�ivn titfed "Default".
<br /> Envirvnmen�ai Laws. The wvrds "Envir�nmen�af Laws" mean any and a�l s�at�, federal and fnca� s�atutes,
<br /> regu[at€ons and o�dinances re�ating to the prvtection o� human health vr the envirnnmen�, in�luding without
<br /> fimita��on the Comprehensi�e En�irnnmental Respvnse, C�mpensation, and Liability Act flf-"[98U, as amended, 42
<br /> U,S.C. Sectivn 96��, efi seq. �"CERCLA"}, �he 5uperfund �4mendments and R�auth�riz�tivn Act o� �986, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"}, the Hazardous Ma�erials Transpvr�a�ion A�t, 49 U.S.C. SeGfiion 18Q�, e�se�., �he Resvurce
<br /> Cvnser�a�ion and Re�o�ery Act, 4� LJ.S.C. Section �9�'1, et seq., vr vther applicabfe s�ate vr federa� �aws, rules,
<br /> ❑r regufations ad�pted pursuant theretn.
<br /> Ev�nt nf Defautt. The wvrds "E�en��f❑efault" mean any��the e�ents o�de�ault set�or�h in this Deed of Trust in
<br /> the eWents ��default sectivn of this Deed a�Trust,
<br /> Guaranty. The �rvard "Guaranty" means�he guaran�y�rvm guarantvr, endorser, surety, �r a�commoda�ion par�y tv
<br /> Lender, in�luding rivi�hou�Iimita�ion a g�aranty��all or part of�he Nvte.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es. The w�rds "Hazardous Substances" mean mat�rials �hat, because v� �heir quan�ity,
<br /> concen�ra�ion or physicaf. chemica[ or infec�ious characteristics, may cause or pose a presen� or pvten�ial hazard
<br /> to human heal�h ❑r the en�ironment when improp�rfy used, trea�ed, s�ored, disposed v�, generated, manufa�tured�
<br /> t�anspo�ted ar otherwise handled. The words "Hazardaus 5ubstances" are used in their �ery br�adest sense and
<br /> in�lude wi�hvut limitatian any and all hazardvus or taxic su�stances, ma�erials vr waste as defin�d by flr [isted
<br /> under the En��ronmental Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Substances" alsv includes, v�ithout[imi�a�ion, pet�oleum and
<br /> petrvleum by-prvducts vr any fra�tivn�herevf and asbestvs.
<br /> �mprv�ements. The word "lmprvWements" means af[ existing and future �mpro�emen�s, buildings, s�ruc�ures,
<br /> mabile hames affixed on �he Real Property, facili�ies, additions, replacements and �ther cvnstruc�ion an �he Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word r�lndeb�edness" means all principaf, interest, and ❑ther amvunts, casts and exp�n�es
<br /> payahle under fihe Note ❑r Refa�ed ❑ocumen�s, �oge�her with all renewafs v�, extensions o�, modifications o�,
<br /> cons��ida�ians ��and substitu�ivns fvr the Nvte o� Related Dacuments and any am�unts expended or ad�anced hy
<br /> Lender t❑ discharge Trustar's obligatians ❑r expenses �ncurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor`s
<br /> abliga�ions under this Deed af Trust, together �rvith �nfierest on such amflunts as pro�ided in this ❑eed v� Trus�.
<br /> Specifically, wi��out limitation, [ndelatedness inc(udes the future ad�ances set forth in �he Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�isi�n, tvgether with all interest �hereon and all amounts that may be indire�tly secured by the
<br /> Cross-Cv1la�eraliza#ion prv�isian o�this Deed v#Trust.
<br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender" means gank vf Clarks, i�s su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The w�rd "Nvte" means the promissflry note dated Apr�l 25, 2��6, in th� v�ig�r�al princi�al amvunt
<br /> o$ $45,�D�.�� �rom Trust�r to Lender, �o�ethe� wi�h a�l renewals o�, extensi�ns of, modi�icativns vf,
<br /> refinancings o�, consolidatians af, and suhstitutions �vr #he promissory note or agr�ement. The ma�urity date o�
<br /> this Deed �fi Trust i� No�ember 1, ��1�i.
<br /> PersvnaC Praperty. The words "Personal Property" mean aff equipment, f�xtures, and ather articles of pe�sonal
<br /> prvper�y now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and naw or hereafte�- attached ar affixed ta �he Real Property;
<br /> tvgether with all accessions, parts, and additions ta, all replacem�nts ❑f, and alf substi�u�ivns fivr, any of such
<br /> proper�y; and tvge�her with al[ proceeds tincluding withflut limitation all insurance proceeds and re�Funds vf
<br /> premiums} from any sale�r vther dispvsition❑�the Prop�rty.
<br /> �roper�y. The wvrd "Prvpe�-ty" means c��lecti�ely the Real Property and the Pers�na[ Property.
<br /> Rea[ Praperty. The r�vords "R�aI Property" mean�he real property, interests and righ�s. as further described in this
<br /> �3eed a�Trust.
<br /> Related �ocuments. The words "Related ❑ocumen�s" mean al[ prorr�issvey notes, cred�t agreements, I�an
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaran�ies, securi�y agreements, mor�gages, deeds �f trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mortgages, and all other instrum�nts, agreements and docum�nts, whether now vr herea�f�er
<br /> exis�ing, executed in �onnecti�n with�the fndebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The wvrd "Ren�s" means afl present and future rents, re�enues, income, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> vther benefits deri�ed�r�m�he Property.
<br /> Trus���. The wvrd "Trustee" means Bank of Clarks, whose address is P.D. Box 1�5, Clarks, NE �8C28 and any
<br /> subsfitute vr successor trust�es.
<br />