2� 1 ��25�3
<br /> sat�sfactian, provided that such �nspec�ion sha�l be und�r�aken pr�mp�ly. Lender may pay for�he re�airs
<br /> and rest�rat�on in a sing�e dzsburs�ment flr�n a ser�es of progress paymen�s as �he work is comp�eted.
<br /> Unless an agr�ement�s made�n writing�r Applicab�e La�v r�qu�res �n�erest t�b�paid an such
<br /> N.�isce��aneaus Proceeds, Lender shall no�b�requ�r�d to pa�r Barr�wer any int�rest or earnings�n su�h.
<br /> Miscel�aneous Proceeds. �f th�r�s�orati��ar repa�r zs not�conorn�cally feasible or Lender's securi�y would
<br /> b�Iess�fled, �he Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds �hall b�appl�ed to the sums secured by this Securz�y �ns�rument,
<br /> �vhe�her ar not�hen due, with the e���ss, if any, paid t� Borr�wer. Such M�sce��aneous Proc�eds sha��be
<br /> app���d in th�arder pra�ided for in Secti�n 2.
<br /> �n�he even��f a tota� ta.kzng, destruct�on, or�oss in value of the Proper�y, the Miscellaneous Pr�c�eds sha��
<br /> be app��ed to th�sums secured b� this Securzty Xnstrument, tivhether or n�t then due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Barr�w�r.
<br /> In�he even�of a partia� ta.k�n�, des�ruct�on, �r loss �n�a�u�of the Pr�p�rty in�hi�h�h�fa�r mark�t va�u�e�f
<br /> the Property irnmed�ately befflre the partial taking, des�ruction, or�oss �n va�ue�s equa� to�r greater than the
<br /> amflunt af the sums se�ured b�th�s Securi�y �nstrument immediately befare�he partial �aking, des�ruction, ar
<br /> �oss �n�a�ue, un�ess B�rrow�r a.nd Lender��herwise agree in wr��ing, the sums secured b��h�s Securit�
<br /> �nstrumen�sha11 be reduced by the a7moun�of�he Misce��aneous Pr�ce�ds mult�piied b�the follovving
<br /> fract�an: �a)th�tatal amaunt�f��e sums s�cur�d �mmed�a�e��before the par�ial taking, des�ru�tion, or loss
<br /> �n�aiue d���ded by �b}��e fa�r rnarke�valu��f the Property�mmed�a�ely before�he partia� tak�ng,
<br /> des�ruction, or��ss in va�ue. An�ba�ance shai�be paid��B�rrower.
<br /> �n the e�en�of a part�al ta�ing, �estruc�z�n, or 1�ss in�ralue nf�he Praper���n wh�c�the fair market�alue af
<br /> �he Pr�per��r irnmed�a�e�y before�he par��al�akin�, des�ruGt�an, or loss in value�s les�than�he amoun�of�h�
<br /> surn.s s��ured�mmediate�y befo�e th�par��a�tak�ng, des�ruction, or loss in value, un�ess Borrou�er and
<br /> Len�er��herw�se agree in wr���ng, the Misc�lla�aeous Prace�ds sha��be app�ied�o the sums secur�d by th�s
<br /> Security�nstruxne�t whether ar n�t the sums are�hen�ue.
<br /> If th�Prop�r�y is abax�.�oned��Borrower, or�f, after no�i�e by Lender to Barr�wer�hat the�pp�sing Party
<br /> �as defined in the ne�t sentence} off�r� �o m.a.ke an award to set��e a ciaim for damages, Borrower fai�s ta
<br /> respand�o Lender within 30 days after th�date the notice�s g��ren, Lender�s au�harized t�col�ec�and app��r
<br /> the M�sc��laneous Pr�ceeds either��r�st�rati�n�r repair of the Proper�y or to the sums secured by �his
<br /> Se�urxty �nstrum�nt, v�hether or not t�a�n due. "appasing Party" m�ans th��hird par��r that ow�s Barro�ver
<br /> Misc���aneous Praceeds or the par�y against whom B�rr�w�r has a r�ght af action�n regard��M����l�ar�.eaus
<br /> Praceeds.
<br /> Borrower sha��be in d�fault if any acti�n or pr�ceeding, wheth�r c�vz�or�r�mina�, zs begun�hat, in Lende�'s
<br /> judgmen�, cauld resui�in forfeitur��f�he Proper�y or��her materia� �m�.pa�rment of L�nder's znter�st i��he
<br /> Prop�r�y or r�ghts under thi� Security �nstrum�nt. Borrower�ari�ure such a defau��and, if acceleratian has
<br /> nccurred, r��nsta�e as provided in Sectian 19, by caus�ng the aC���n�r prace�ding t�b�dism�sse�w�th a
<br /> ru��ng that, in Lender's judgm�nt, precludes forfe�ture of�h�Pr�p�r�y ar other material zmpa�rmen�of
<br /> Lender's interes�in the Pr�per�y or rights under�his Secur�ty�nstrum�nt. The proceeds of any a�rard ar
<br /> claim far damages�ha�are attributable to the impairm�nt af Lender`s �ntere�t�n�he Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and��a�� b�paid to Lender.
<br /> A�� N��sc��la�eous Prnc�eds that ar�na� app��ed�o restora��an or repa�r of the Praperty sha�l b�app�ied�n�h�
<br /> c�rd�r pr�v�d�� far�n Sec�ion 2.
<br /> NEBRASICA-Single Farr►ily-�annie Ma�l�re�die Mac UNI��RM 1NSTRLJMENT F�rm 3�28�1��
<br /> VMP Q VMP6�N���13Q23
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 10 nf�7
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