2� 1 ��2555
<br /> DEED �]F TRLJaT
<br /> ���t�t�nu�d} Pag� 2
<br /> Trustor's ownership v�#he Praperty, �h�re has heen na use, generation, manufacture,storage, treatment,disposal,
<br /> release or�hreatened refease of any Hazardaus 5ubstance by any persan on, under, abnut or from the Property;
<br /> �2} Trus�or has no knavirledge of, vr reason to belieue tha�there has been, except as pre�i�usly disclosed �o and
<br /> acknvwledged by Lender in writing, (a} any br�each ❑r �iola�i�n of any En�ir�nmentat Laws, �b} any us�,
<br /> gene�a�ion, manu�actu�e, starage, #reatment, dispasal, release or threatened release of any Ha�ardous Substance
<br /> an, under, ab�ut ❑r frnm �he Proper�y by any privr owners or o�cupants ❑f fihe Proper�y, ❑r �c} any actua� Qr
<br /> threatened iitigation ar c�airns of any kin� by any persan re�ating t� such ma�t�rs; and �3} ExGept as pre�iausfy
<br /> disclosed t❑and acknowledged by Lender in writing, ta} nei�her Trustor nnr any tenan�,contractor,agent or❑th��-
<br /> authoriz�d user�f the Proper�y sha�i use, generat�, manufac�ur�, s#ore,treat, dispose o�F❑r r��eas� any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstan�e❑n, under, about or from the Property;�nd ��} any such acti�ity shafl b�conducted in campliance with
<br /> all applicable fed�rai, s�ate, and loca� iaw�, regulations and ordinances, inGluding without �imitat�an a�[
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its agents ta enter upon �he Property to make such
<br /> inspec#ions and tes�s, �t Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to de#ermine compliance of the
<br /> Prope�ty with th�s se�#ion af the Deed af Trust. Any inspec�ions or��sts made by Lend�r sha�� be#or Lender's
<br /> purposes❑nly and sha![ not be canstrued to create any responsibif ity or f iabi�ity an the pa�t fl�Lender�v Trustor❑r
<br /> to any other person. The representativns and warran#ies con�ained herein are based on Trustor's due diligenGe in
<br /> in�estigating the P�-aperky�or Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby {1} releases and waiWes any future claims
<br /> against Lender for indemni�y vr con�ributifln in the event Trust�r becomes �iabl�far c(eanup ar ather casts und�r
<br /> any such laws; and (�} agrees�a indemnify, defend, and hc�ld harm[ess Lender agains�any and a1f �laims, [osses,
<br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and exp�nses wh�ch Lende�may directly ar indirec��y sustain or suffer resul�ing�rom
<br /> a hrea�h ❑�this s�ction af#he ❑eed of Trust or as a �onsequence ofi any use, generation, manu�acture, stor-age,
<br /> dis�asai, reiease❑r#hreatened release accurring prior to Trus�v�'s owne�ship or interest in�he Property,whether or
<br /> na� the same uvas ❑r shou[d have been known t� Trustvr. The pra�is�ons o�this section of tihe Deed af Trust,
<br /> �ncluding the obl9gation to indemnify and defend,shafi su�i�e the payment o�the Indebtedness and the satisfactian
<br /> and recan�e�anc�o�th� iien❑f this ❑eed a€Trus�and �hall not be a�Fect�d by Lender's a�quisition of any in�erest
<br /> in�he Properfiy,whether by foreclosure or otherw�se.
<br /> Nuisance, �lVaste. Trustor shali nat cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor cammit, permit, or su�fer any
<br /> s�r�pping of ar waste on or�o the Prvper�y ❑r any portion of the Propsrty. 1Nithau� iimiting the generality of the
<br /> €oregoing, Trus'�or wilf nat remvve, or grant ta any oth�r party the righfi to remoWe, any timber, minerals�inc�uding
<br /> ❑il and gas},c�al, �lay,s�oria,soif,gra�e�ar rvck proclucts withou�Lender`s�prior written consen�,
<br /> Remo�al o��mpro�ements. Trus�or shal! not dema�ish or rem�rve any�mpro�ements fram'�he�;ea�Pr�perty withaut
<br /> Lender's priar wri��en Gansent. A�a condition to the remo�al af any[mpro�ements, Lender may require Trustar t�
<br /> make arrang�ments satisfactary fio Lender to replace su�h lmpro�err�ents with Impra�ements of a� I�as# equaf
<br /> �a�ue.
<br /> Lender's Right fo Er�ter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upvn t#�e Reai Property at aI�
<br /> reasanable times �o at#�nd fo Lender's Enterests and ta inspect �he Real Proper�y for purpas�s of Trustor's
<br /> comp�iance vui�h the�erms and canditEons af fhis Deed af Trus#.
<br /> Gompjiance with Go�ernmen�al Requirements. Trus��r shall p�vmptly compiy wii�h a�l laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regufativns, nvw ❑r hereafter in effe�t, of ai� governmental autharities appl��able tn the use or occupancy of the
<br /> Prope�ty. Trus�ar may�an�est in goad faith any such [aw, ardinance,or regu�ation and wifhhold campliance dur�ng
<br /> any proceeding, incfuding app�ap�iate appeals, so long as Trustor has nati�ied Lender in writing prior tv doing so
<br /> and so lang as, in Lender's sole❑pinioz�, Lertder's�ntere��s in the Proper�y are no�jeapardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trus�or�a post adequate security�r a sur�ty bond, reasanably safis�ac��ry to Lender,to protect Lender's interes�.
<br /> Duty t� Prafiect, Trustor agrees neithe��o abandan ar leave unattended the Prvperty. Trustor shai� d� afl ofher
<br /> ac�s, in additi�n to thase a��s se#forth above in this sectivn,which from the charac�er and use o��he P'r�perty are
<br /> reasanabiy necessary to pra�ec�and preserve�he Pr�per�y.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-CflNSENT�3Y L�N[]ER. Lendar may, at Lender's vp�ivn, d.eclare immedia#ely due and payabie all sums
<br /> secured by this �eed❑f Trus�upon the safe or transfer,with�ut Le�der's prior written cansent, ❑f ail ❑r any part o��he
<br /> Rea� Praperty, �r any interest in the Rea� Praperky. A"sale or�ransfer" means the Gonveyance of Reaf Properky or any
<br /> righ�, ti�le ar interest in the Rea! Praperty; whe�her legal, benefi�ial vr equitab�e; whe�her �oluntary ar in�o�untary;
<br /> whether by au�rigr� sale, deed, installment saie contraGt, land contrac�, cvntract,for deed, leaseho�� interest wi�h a
<br /> term greater th�n thre� ��}years, {ease�opti�n confirac�, vr by sale, assignment; or#ransfer of any beneficial in��rest in
<br /> or to any {and trust halding ti��e ta �he Rea1 Property, ❑r by any�ther method of conveyance o�an interest in th� Real
<br /> Prvperty. Howe�er, �his ❑p��on sha(� not be exer�i�ed by Lender E� such exer�ise is prahibifed by federal law or by
<br /> Neb�'aska law.
<br /> T�4�E5 AN❑ LIENS. The f�f�awing prov�sions re�a#ing to the �axes and iiens on the P�-operty ar� par�o�this Deed of
<br /> Tru st:
<br /> Payment. Tru�tor sh�ll pay when due 4and in a�i even�s priar to de�inquency}all�axes;special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �in�luding watet-and s�wer},��ines and impositinns f�vied against ar❑n a�ccoun�❑�the Praperty, and shall
<br /> pa�when due a�l claims fiar work done �n �r far services rendered ❑r ma��rial �urnished to the Proper�y: Trust�r
<br /> sha�l maintain the Frope�ty firee afi ai� lier�s ha�ing priarity o�e�or equa��o�he interest of Lehder,under this Deed af
<br /> Trust, �xcept for the lien ❑� taxes and assessmen�s no# due, except far- th� Exis�ing Indebtedness referred ta
<br /> below;and ex�ep�as ofherwise provided in this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Right ta�antest. Trustor may withh�ld payment ofi any tax, assessmen�, or ciaim in cannectio��ini�th a good faith
<br /> dispu�e❑ver the❑b�igation�o pay, s�Iong as Lender's in�ere�t in the Proper�y is no��e�pardized. !f a l�en arises or
<br /> �s filed as a resul� of nonpa�ment, Trustar sha11 within fift�en ��IS} days after�he lien ar�s�s vr, if a �ien is filed,
<br /> withir� fi�teen ��5} days a�ter Trustor has na�ice �a�the f�i�ng, secure �he discharg� a�fhe iien, vr i�requested by
<br /> LendEr,deposit vvith Lender cash or a�uf#;�ient corporate surety band�r ather securi�y�at�sfac�ory to Lender in an
<br /> amaun�sufficient�o discharge the lien plus any co�ts and a��orneys'�ees, or other charges�hat�ouid a�crue as a
<br /> r�sult of a�ore�losure v�-sale under th�iien. in any cnn�es�;-Trustor shall�ef�nd itseif and Lender and.shall satisfy
<br /> any ad��rse�udgment befor�enfarcement agains�th�Properfy. Trus�ar shal�name Lender as an additional ab��gee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he con�est proceedings.
<br /> Evidence af Payment. Trus�or shail upon demand�furnish to L�nder satisfactary evidence of payment of the taxes
<br /> ar assessments and shali authari�e the appropriate gv�ernmental officia��a deli�er tt� Lender�a�any time a written
<br /> statement of�he taxes and assessments against th�Property.
<br /> Nvfi�e af Cons�ructian. Trustor shall nvfify Lender a��eas#fifteen (15} days before any wark is commenced, any
<br /> services are�ur-nish�d, or any materfals are supplied t�the Prvperty, if any mechanic'� lien, ma#erialmen's�ien, vr .
<br /> other lien cauld be asserted on a�count o�the v�rork, services, �r materiaEs. Trustor wiii upan request of Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance a�surances satis�actory ta Lender �hat T�ustor can and will pay the cvst of such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PEF�TY QAMAGE INS�RANCE. The fv�lowing pro�isivns relating�a insuring�he Proper�y are a par�o�'this Deed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> �Vlaintenance v�F Insurance. Trustar shail pracure and main�ain policies o�fire insurance wi�h �tandard extended
<br /> ca�eTag� endars�men�s on a fa�r �afue bas€s �For the fu[I insurabi� �aiue co�ering all fmpro�emen#s on the Real
<br />