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<br /> �Cantinued� Page 4
<br /> �n�urred in recnrd�n�, per�e�ting ar continu�ng �h�s ���d Q� Trust, inc�ue�fng wfthc�ut I�m�tat�on all taxes, f��s,
<br /> dv�umen�ary stamps, and other charges for recording flr regist�ring this ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this se�tion applies: �1� a s�ecific �ax up�n this type o�
<br /> Deed of Trus� or upon all or any part o�the Indebted�ess secured by this �eed of Trust; {2� a specific tax vn
<br /> Trustor which Trustvr is authori�ed vr required to dedu�t�rom payments ❑n the Indebtedness secured by this typ�
<br /> of Deed o�Trus�; �3� a tax on this type of Deed of Trust cha�gea�l� against th� Len��r or the holder of the Gr�dit
<br /> Agreement; and 44� a specific �ax on all ❑r any portion of the Indebtedness or an paymen�s of principa[ and
<br /> interest made by�rus�or.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. If any tax ta whieh this section applies is enacted subsequen� to the date a� this De�d ❑#
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e �he same effe�� as an E�ent �f aefault, and Lender rr�ay exer�ise any or al� o� ifis
<br /> a�ailable rem�dies for an E�ent ❑f Default as pro�ided �elaw unless Trus�or ei�her t 1� pays fihe tax be�ore it
<br /> becomes delinquent, or {2} contests the tax as pro�ided abv�e in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bvnd❑r othe�se�urity satisfactory ta LenE�er.
<br /> SEGURITY ►4GREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. Th� �of[owing pro�is�ons relating to this Deed af Trust as a
<br /> secur�ty agreemen�are a part of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shali constitute a Seeurity Agreement to the extent any af �he Property
<br /> canstitutes �ixtures, and Lender shal! ha�e a�l v�the ��ghts of a secured party under the lJni��rm Commer�ial Code
<br /> as amended�ram time to time.
<br /> Securi�y inte�est. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall �ake whate�er ac�ion is requested by L�nder ta perfiec�
<br /> and con�inue Lender's se�uri�ty in�eres'� in the Personal Property. In addi�ion to recarding this Deed of Trust in the
<br /> rea� prvperty records, Lender may, at any time and without �further au�horiza�ivn from Trustar, file executed
<br /> counterpar�s, cvpies ar repraductions ofi this Deed afi Trust as a fiinancing sta�ement. Trus'�or shaf� reFmburse
<br /> Lender �or all expenses in�urred in per#e�ting o� continuing th3s security interes�. lJ�on default, Trustor sha[[ nat
<br /> remo�e, se�er or detach the Persona� Prape�ty from �he Prope�ty. Upon de#aul�, Trustor shall assemble any
<br /> Personal Property not a���x�d to the Prope�ty in a manner and at a p�ac� r�asonably con�enient to Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailabfe �o Lender withEn three {3j days after receipt of written demand frvm Lender to the
<br /> extent permitted by app�icable �aw�
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus�or �debtvr� and Lender �se�ured party} from whi�h in�vrmativn
<br /> con�erning the se�urity interest gran�ed by this Deed of Trus� may he obtained �eaGh as required by the lJniform
<br /> �ommercial Code� are as sta�ted on�he firs�page of this ❑�ed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> FLJRTHER A55URANGES; Ai"T�RNEY-fN-FA�T. The fvl�owing pra�isians relating �o further assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-�act a�e a par�vf this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assu�ances. At any t€me, and from tEm� �o �ime, upon request o� Lender, T�stor will make, �xecut� and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause fio b� made, exe�uted or deli�ered, tv Lender or ta Lend�r's desi�nee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be #iled, �eGarded, refiled, or rere�arded, as the case may be, at s���h times and in such offi�es
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of t-ust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, financing statemen�s, �on�inuation statemen�s, instrumen�s of further assurance, ��rti�icates, and
<br /> other do�uments as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary vr desirable in crder to efte�tuate, cvmplete,
<br /> perfec�, con�inue, ar preser�e ��� Trustar`s abliga�ivns under the Credi�Agreement, fihis Deed of T�ust, and �he
<br /> Related Do�umen�s, and ��� �he fiens and security in�erests �reated by this Deed of Trus� vn the Prope�ty,
<br /> whethe�nar►v ❑wned or herea#ter acquired by Trust�r. Un�ess p��hibited hy lav►r ar Lender agrees to the �ontrary in
<br /> writ�ng, T�ustflr shall reimburse Lender for all costs and exp�ns�s incu�red in �onne�tian wi�h the matters re�erred
<br /> to in th�s paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. ffi Trustor �ails to do any vf the things re�erred to in the preceding pa�-agraph, Lender may d� so
<br /> f�r and in the name of Trus�ar and at Trust�r's exp�nse. Far �uch purpases, Trus�o� hereby irre�ocably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's atto�ney-�n-�act fior�he pu�pose ❑f making, exe�uting, de�i��ring, �iling, recording, and doing all
<br /> ather fihings as may b� necessary or d�sirabfe, in Lender's sole ❑pinion, t� accamplcsh the matters referred to in
<br /> the pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FUL� PERF�RiVIAN�E. If Trustor pays afl the Indebtedness when due, terminates the�redit line account, and vtherwise
<br /> perfo�ms all the obligativns imposed upvn Trustor under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall exe�ute and deii�er to Trustee
<br /> a request far full re�on��yance and shall execu�e and deli�er to Trus�or suitable statem�nts of �erminat�on of any
<br /> financing s�a�emen� on file e�iden�ing Lender's securi�y interes� in the Rents and the� P�rsona{ Pr�perty. Any
<br /> recon�eyance fee required hy law shall b� paid by Trus�or, if permitted by appli�able law.
<br /> EVENTS flF DEFAULT. Trustor will be in default under this t]eed o#Trust if any of the f��llowing happen: {A� Trustor
<br /> �ommits fraud or makes a mater�a� misrepresentation at any time in conne��ivn with the �redi'� Agreement. This can
<br /> in�lude, �or examp�e, a fialse statement about Trustvr's in�vm�, assets, lia�ilities, ❑r any ❑ther aspects ofi Trustor's
<br /> financia! conditian. 46} Trus�or does nat meet the repayment �erms v�the ��edit Agreement. tC� Trustar's action ar
<br /> inacti�n ad�ersefy atfects the callateral or Lender's rights in the �ol�ateral. This ean in�lude, �vr example, fai�ure ta
<br /> maintain required insurance, was�e ar destructi�e use af-�he dwelfing, failur�tv pay tax�s, dea�h of all persons liab�e on
<br /> the a��vunt, trans�er vf title or sale o� the dwelling, c�eat�an o� a senior l��n on th� dwelling without Lender's
<br /> permission, foreclosure �y the holder o�an�ther lien, or the use of funds�r the dwe��ing�vr prahibi�ed purposes.
<br /> Ri�HTS AND REMEDiES DN DEFAULT. If an E�ent of ❑efauft vccurs under th�s De�d vf T�ust, at any �ime thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exerciss any one or more of the foflowing rights and remedies:
<br /> l�cce�eration Upan []efau�t;Add�t�onal Remedies, lf any E�ent of �efiault occurs as per�he terms v#the �redit
<br /> �4greement secur�d hereby, Lender may declare all lnd�btedness secured by this ❑eed of T�ust ta be due and
<br /> payah�� and the same shafl thereupan beGome due and payable withaut any presentm�nt, demand, pra�es�or
<br /> nvtic�o�any kind. Th�r�aft�r, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Either in �erson or by agent, wi'th or withvut bringing any act�on or p�oceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appo�nted hy a court and without regard ta the adequacy of its security, enter up�n and tal�e possessian
<br /> of the Proper�Cy, or any part thereof, in its awn name❑r in the name of Trustee, and do any acts whi�h i�
<br /> deems necessary ar desirable to preser�e the Walue, marketability or rentaf�i�ity v�the Proper�y, vr part❑f
<br /> �he Pr�perty or int�rest in the Praperty; increase th� income firvm the Pr�p�rty or prate�t �he securi�y af
<br /> �he Property; andr with or with�ut taking passession of the Property, sue for or otherwise �ollec� the
<br /> rents, issu�s and profits �f the Property, in�luding those past due and unpaid, and app�y �he same, I�55
<br /> costs and exp�nses o�ope�ation and co�lection attarneys' �ees, t� any inde���dness s�cured by�his ❑eed
<br /> a� Trust, ail �n such ord�r as Lender may determine. The entering upvn and taking possessian ofi the
<br /> Property, the c�lle�tion o� such rents, issues and pro�i�s, and the application thereof shall no� cure vr
<br /> wai�e any de�Fau�t or natiee o�d�taudt under�his ❑eed Q��rust or in�a�idatE any a�t done in response to
<br /> su�h de�au�t or pursuant to such notice af de�ault; and, nvtwithstand�ng the cvntinuance in possessian of
<br /> the Property or the cvllection, receipt and app�icati�n af r�nts, issues ar pr��F�ts, Trustee or Lender shafl
<br /> �e entitled to exer�ise e�ery r�ght pro�ided �or in the �r�dit Agre�ment or �_he Re�a�ed Do�uments �r by
<br /> law upvn�he accu�rence of any e�ent o�default, in�lud�ng the right to exerc�se the power of sale;
<br /> �b� Commence an a�tion to foreclose this ❑eed of Trust as a mar�gage, ap�oint a �eceiver or speci�ically
<br />