2� 1 ��2537
<br /> Paym�nt�f Prxnc�pa�and Interest; Dther�harges.Borro�ver shall pramp�ly pay when due�he pr�nc��pal of and
<br /> �n�erest on the deb��wed under�he�on�ract and�ate charges{�r any ather fees and charges due under�r�e C�ntrac�.
<br /> Appli�able I�aw. As used in this Secur�ty �ns�ru.m�r�t, the �exn� "Applicable Law" shall n�ean aII control�i.ng
<br /> app�icab�e federa�, s�ate and loGa� sta.�u�es, regula�ions, ordin�nces and adminis�ra�ive rules and order�� ��ha�have
<br /> th�eff�ct af law�as well as alI applicab�e f na1,non-appealable�udiGia�op�n�ons.
<br /> Char�es; L�en�. �arrower shall pa�r a�1 �ax�s, assessments, charg�s, fi�a.es and imposi�ians a��ribut�ab�e �a the
<br /> Proper�whi�h may attain pr�flrity aver�hzs Secur��y Instrument, and leasehflld payxner��s or ground r�:n�s, �f a�.y.
<br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Borrovver shall prompt�y furnish to I�ender receip�s evidencing the pa�m.en�s.
<br /> Borro�er shall pramp�ly discharge any lien Which has priarity��rer�his Security�ns�rumen�un�ess Bc>rrovver: �a}
<br /> agrees in wr�ting ta the paymen� �f the ob�igat��n secured by th� lien �n a manner acceptable ta ��ender; �b}
<br /> con�es�s in gafld fa��h the lien by, or defends agains� enf�rc�ament of the lien xn, lega� proceed�ngs which in th�
<br /> Lender's opini�n aperate �o preven� the enforc�men� af�he �ien; or �c� s�cu.res fram �he ho�der of�he 1�en an
<br /> agreemen�sat�sfactory��Lender subordina�ing the Iien�tn �his SecL�rity Instrument. �f Lender�etermin�es tha�any
<br /> part of�he Praperty is subject to a lien vvhich may attain pr�t�ri�y o�er this Securi�y Instrurnent, Lend�.r may give
<br /> Bflrrower a na�ice iden�ifyin�the �ien. Borrower shall sat�sfy�he lien Qr�ake one or m.nre of the act�o:�s set forth
<br /> above within 14 days of the giving af natic�.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. B�rrov�er shall k�ep the improven�ents n�w existing ar hereafter erected on th�
<br /> Proper�y in�su.red against Iass by fire,hazards�ncluded wi�hin��he�erm"extended covera�e" and any o�h.er hazar�s,
<br /> includxng floods �r fload�ng, for wh.ich Lender requires in,�urance. This insurance sha11 be mainta��ned �n the
<br /> amounts and f�r the periods that Lender requires. Th��nsuran�.e car��er prfl�id�ng th�insuranc� sha�1 be,chosen by
<br /> Borrower subj ect �o Lender's appraval vvhich sha.Il no� be u��reasonably withhe�d. �f Barr�wer fa�Is to maintiain
<br /> coverage descrzbed ab��e, Lender may, a� Lender's op�ion, abta�r� coverage t� pro�ect Le�der's r�,�hts in the
<br /> Pr�p�rty in accordance vvith sec�ian����ed Pr�tecti�n of Lender4�Ri�hts in the Proper�y.
<br /> A�I insurance policie� and renevva�s shal� be acc�ptab�e to L+��d�r �nd shall include a standard mor�g�.ge clause.
<br /> Lender sha�I have the righ��o hflld the po�icies and reneura�s. If�,ex�der requir�s, Bflrrotiver sha�l pram����y gzve ta
<br /> Lender a�l receipts of paid�rer�.ums and renewal notices. �n th� event of��ss, Borro�ver shal�give prc�mpt no�ice
<br /> ta�he insurance ca.rrier and Lender.Len.der may ma�e px�of o E�oss�f no�made promp�ly by B�rrawer.
<br /> UnXess Lender and Barra�ver o�herwise agree in writi�.g, in,�uran�e proc�eds shall be app�ied to restora�ion or
<br /> repair ❑f the Praperty damaged, if, in Lender's sole dis�re�ior�, �he restoration or repa�r is e�onomica�[Xy feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is nat Iessened. �f, in Lender's sale disr,re�i�n, the res�oration or repair i� no� ec�anomically
<br /> feasib�e ar Lender's se�urity w�uld be��ssened,the insura�ce.�roce�ds shall be appli�d�o�i.e sums�ecuxed by�his
<br /> S ecurity I�s�rument, v�rhe�her or n�t then due, w�.th any ex�ess paid to B�rrower. �f B orrvwer abandans the
<br /> Pro�aer�y, or does n��ansvver vvi�h�n�he number af days pr�scr��bed b��Applicab�e Law as set ffl�th i�a r�a�ice from
<br /> Lender to BarravSrer tha�the insurance �arrier has offered�a set�Ie a claim, then Lender may Go��ect thf� insurance
<br /> proce�ds. Lender may use �he proceeds �� repai.r �r res�flre �lie Praperty or�o pay sums secured by��.is Security
<br /> �nstrument,�vhe�her ar no�then due.The period of�im�.�f�r B��rrativer�a ans,t�ver as se�f��h zn�he nfltice uri��begin
<br /> wh�n�he no�ice is g�ven.
<br /> Un�ess Len�ier and Barrovver otherwis� agree in wri�ing, any,�.pp�ication nf pr�ceeds�o principal shall not extend
<br /> or pos�pone�he due date of the payments due under�he Con��-act or�hange the amount af the payments. �f under
<br /> �he sectifln��t�ed Aeceleration; Remedies, �he Proper�y is ac��uired by Lender, Borrower's righ��o any insuranc�
<br /> policies and praceeds resulting from damage �o the Prape�-ty pr�ar ta the acqu�s�t�on sha�I pa�s �o Le�ider ta the
<br /> extent of the sums secured by�his Security Instrumen�immed���tely pr�or tfl the acquisi�i�n.
<br /> Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Protection �f the Property� Borrovver's Loan .A.pplicati�n; Leaseh�Zds.
<br /> Borraurer shall not destroy, damag� or impair th�Prap�r�y, allow�he Property t� de�er��rate, �r camm��t v�raste on
<br /> �he Prapert�.Borrower shal�be in default if any�'orfeitu.re ac�i,�n or proceeding,whe�her civi�a�crim�n��1,is begun
<br /> that in Lender's ga�d faith judgmen� could result in f�rfei�ur�� of�h� Pr�perty ar ��her-wise ma�erial�y impa�r th�
<br /> �ien crea�ed by this Securi�y Instrumen� or Lender's securit�y in�er�st. Borrower may cure �uch a defau�� and
<br /> re�.nstate, as prav�ded�n section ti�led Btirro�ver's R�ght t� Fkeinsta�e, by causing the ac�ion❑r proce�;drng t� be
<br /> dismi.s�ed wi�h a ruling�hat,in Lender'�good fai�h determination,pr�cludes forfeiture of the Barr�wer's interes�in
<br /> �he Prflp�rty ar ��her material impa�rr.�en� af the Iien crea�ed by �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rument ar Lender's securz�}r
<br /> zntierest.Borrawer sha��also be�n defau��if Barr��rer,during the��an applica�ion process,gave ma�eria:�1�fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate informa�ion ar staternents to Lender �ar failed to p�av��e Lender v�ri�h any mater�al inforrmation} in
<br /> . conr�ec�ion tivi�h�he �oan ev�denced by�he Cflntract. If this S�.cur�ty Instrumen�is an a Ieaseho�d, �arr�ower shall
<br /> camply with aII the pravisions af the Iease. If B�rrawer ac�uir�s f�e�itle to�he P�aper�y,the Ieaseh��d a:rid the fee
<br /> t�t�e shall no�merge unless Lender agrees t��he merger in writ�:ng.
<br /> Protect�on �f Len�Ier's R�ights in the Property. If BQrrou�er fails �to perform the covenan�s and agreements
<br /> con.ta�n�d�x��h�s Secur�tv�nstru�en�, a��h�re is�1eg�.I�roce:��ir�g that rnay signif car��y aff�c�Lend�er'�r�ghts��
<br /> the Properry �such as a praceeding �n �anl�ruptcy, probate, fc;r condemna�ion or forfeit�.re �r �� enforc�e laws or
<br /> regulations}, then Lender may do and pay for �vha�ever �s r�ecessary �o pr��ect the va�ue of th� Prc�perty and
<br /> Lender's rights in th�Property. Lender's actions may include p�ying�ny sums secur�d by a lien�vhich h,as priority
<br /> over th�s 5ecurity��.s�rurnent, appearing in�our�,pay�ng reaso:�able att�rneys'fees and en�ering an�he F'raperty to
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake act�on under�his sectian,L�nder does no�have to dfl sv.
<br /> Any amau.n�s disbursed by Len�er under this sec�ion shal� b�=cor�a.e add��zonal debt of Barrawer secured by this
<br /> Security �ns#xument. IJnless Borro�rer and Lender agree tv ��her �erms af paymen�, �h�se amounts sha�� bear
<br /> �2��4-2015 Com�lian�e Systems,Ir�c.8C54-C�69-2415.1 I.3.iD98
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instn.��ner�t DLZa3b Pa�e 2�f 5 www,campliancesystems.com
<br />