2� 1 ��2541
<br /> Payment of Principal and Inter�s�; Qther Charges.Barroti�er sha11 prompt�y pay urhen due�he principal of an�
<br /> interest on the debt�vved under the�on�ract an��ate�harges+ar ar�y�ther fees and charges due under�h.e��n�rac�.
<br /> Applicabl� Law. As used in this Security Ins�rument, �he term "Appl�cab�e Lavv" �ha�l mean aI� con�rolling
<br /> applicable fe�eral, s�a�e and 1�cal s�atu�es, regu�a�ior�s, ordin��nces �.r�d administra�ive rules and orders� ��hat have
<br /> �he eff�ct of�aw�as,well as alI applicable final,non-app�alabl�judi�ial opinions.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Barrovver sha�I pay al� taxes, assessments, ch.arges, f�nes and �mpositions attribu�ble �v the
<br /> Praper�y vvhich may at�ain pr�ority over�his Secu.�i�y Ins�rum�n�, and Ieasehold pa�rments ar ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A�the request of Lend�r,SorroWer sha1�pram��ly furnish�o I,ender receipts evidenc�ng�he pa�m�nts.
<br /> Barrovuer sha��promp��y discharge any�ien vvhi�h has pr�or�ty over th�s Securi�.y�nstrument unless Barro�er: �a}
<br /> agrees �n �r�t�ng to the payment of the abliga�ion secured by �h� �ien in a manner accep�ab�e �o I�ender; �b}
<br /> contes�s in gaod fa�th the �ien by, or defends agains� enf�rcE:ment �f the lien in, �egal proce�d�ngs �w�h�ch in �he
<br /> Lender's o�inion flperate �a preven� the enforcemen� af the �ien; ar �c� secu.r�s from th� ha�der of��he Iien an
<br /> agreemen�satisfaCtflry�o Lender subordinating�he lien�� th�s SecUrity Instrument. If Lender determ�n.es �hat any
<br /> part of the Property is subject ta a lren tivhich may attain pri��rity �ver this Security Ins�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> BorroVver a natice identifying�he 1ien. B�rravver shall sat�sfy the li�n or tal�e �ne or more af the acti��ls se�f�r�h
<br /> above wz�hzn I�days of the giving af not�c�.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insur�nce. �orro�rer shall keep the im�rovements now existing ar her�af�er erer�ted on�he
<br /> Prop�rt�r insured agaxns�loss by fire,hazards inc�uded vvi�hin��he�erm"extended coverage" anc�any other hazards,
<br /> inc�uding floods or f�ooding, for vvhich Lende� requires in,�urance. This insuranc� shall be maintained in the
<br /> amaunts and for the peri�ds�ha�Lender re�uires. The�nsuran�e carrier providing the insuran�e shal��be:chosen by
<br /> Sorro�ver subject ta Lender's approva� which sha1l not be u��reasoriably withhe�d. �f Borrov�rer fails to mainta�n
<br /> coverage d�scr�bed above, Lender ma�r, at Lender's opti�n., obtaz�. coverage �o pro�ec� L�nder's ri�h�s in the
<br /> Praperty�n accordance�with sec�ion�itled Protec��on of Lender°�Itigh�s in the Property,
<br /> A�� insurance pa�ic�es and reneu�als sha�l be accep�able to L��nder and sha�� include a standaxd mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha11 have the r�gh�to hold the poticies and renewal�. If Ler�der requires, B�rrower shal�prom��t�y give�o
<br /> Lender a1�receip�s of paid pre�ruums and rene�val n�tices. In the ev�nt of los�, Borrow�r sha��give prampt natice
<br /> to the insuranc�carr�er and Len�er.Lender may make praof of Ioss if not mad�promp��y by Borrower.
<br /> IJnle�s Lender and Borr�wer o�h�rtiv�se agre� in writ�ng, zn;�uran�� proceeds sha1� be app�i�� to restora�ian �r
<br /> repair af�he Pr�perty �amaged, if, in Lender's sole discreti�n, the rest�ration ar repair is economical��y feasib�e
<br /> and Lende�'s security is nat les�ened. If, in Lender's sole disGfre�ion, the res�arati�n or repa�r �� not ec�nami�ally
<br /> feasibl�or Lend.er's securi�y vvould be��ssen�d,th.e�nsurance��race�ds shall b�applied to the sums�ecured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, whether flr not �.hen due, u�i�h any ex�ess pa�d �o Borrovver. If Borrawer a�and�ns the
<br /> Property, �r daes n�t ans�vver with�n the number of days prescribed by Applicable LaW as��t fo�h in a riot�ce fr�m
<br /> Lender to B�rr�wer�hat the insurance carrier has offered�o s et��e a�la�m, then Lender may collect�h�: �nsurance
<br /> praceeds. L�nder may use the proceeds ta repa�- or res�or� ��e Property or �o pay sums secured by t�.is Security
<br /> Ins�rument,Whe�her or no��hen due.The period of time for B��rrower to ansvver as se�farth�n the no�ice uril�begin
<br /> When the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borr��ver otherwis� agre� in writ�ng, any��.pp�ication vf proceeds tn principal shal�na�ex�end
<br /> or pas�p�n��he due date of the payments due under�he �ont�-act or change the amount of th�paymen�s. If un�er
<br /> the sec�ion ti�led A�celeration; Remedies, �he Property is ac��uired by Lender, B�rrovver's right�� any�nsurance
<br /> po�icies and praceeds resul�ing fran� damage �o t�ie ProperCy pr��r tn the acquis�tion shal� pass to Lender to the
<br /> ex�ent of�h�sums secured by this Security�nst�rument imm��i��.tel�prior to the acquisi�i�n.
<br /> Pr�servation, Main�enance an� Prot�ct�an of �he Property9 �arrovver's Loan App�icat�nn9 Leaseha�ds.
<br /> Barra�er shall not des�r�y, �Iamage ar�mpair th�Prnperty, al�ow the Praperty to de��ri�ra�e, or comm�it uraste an
<br /> �h�Froperty.B�rro�er sha1l b�in default if any farfe�ture acti�on or proceeding,vtrhe#her civil nr criminG�I,is begun
<br /> �ha�in Lender's goad faith�udgment cou�d result �n farfeitur�. of�h� Pr�perty or otherwi�e materially xmpair �he
<br /> Xzen crea�ed by this Securi�y Instrumerit or Lender's securi�y ir�ter�s�. Borra,t7ver may cure such a default and
<br /> re�ns�ate, as provided in sec�ion titled B�rro�v�r's Right tv F��instate, by caus�ng the act�on c�r proce�,ding to be
<br /> dismissed�vi�h a ru�ing tha�,�n Lend�r's goad fa��h determznation,pr�cludes forfeiture of the Borro,w�r's in�eres�in
<br /> the PrQperty or other ma�erial ixnpairment of�he �ien creat�d by �hrs Secur�ty �ns�.rumen� ar Le�der's s�curi�y
<br /> interest.Borravver shall alsa be in default if Borrovver,during�:he�oan appl�cation process,gave ma�eria:lly fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e information or sta.temen�s �o Le�der (ar failed �� pravid� Lend�r v�ri�h any ma�er;al ir�f�r,mati�n} i.n
<br /> c�nnec�inn with�he loan evidenced by the Con�ract. �f�his SE�curi�ty Instrument is an a�easeha�d, �orrower shall
<br /> comply w�th aI�the provisions nf the lease. If BorroWer acquir�s f�e�it1e ta�he Pr�perty, �he�easeh��d a�nd the fee
<br /> �i��e shall no�merge uniess Lender agrees��the merger in wr��:�ng.
<br /> Protec�ion af Lent�er's R�ghts �n the Pr�per�y. �f Borrav��er fai�s t� perfflrm the covenan�s and agreements
<br /> contained i�.this Securzty Instrurnen�, or there zs a��gal pr�cec:ding��at may signif cantiy aff�c=Lender's righ�s �n
<br /> the Properry (such as a proceed�ng ir� bankruptcy, proba�e, fc�r condemna�ion or farfei�ure �r�o enforre lativs or
<br /> regulat�ans}, then Lender may do and pay for v�rhatever is r�e�essary to pr�tect the value af the Prcaperty and
<br /> Lender��rights in�he Property. Lender's ac�ions may include p�.y�ng�ny sums secured by a Iien vvhzch has pr�Qri�y
<br /> over this Security Instrument, appearing in�aur�,paying reaso�ab�e at�orneys'fees and�n�ering an�he Pr�perty to
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may tal�e a�tion under th�s sect�:on,Lend�r does nat have�o do so.
<br /> 1�ny amounts d�s�bursed b�r Lender under th�s sec�ion sha�l b��caxne �ddit�onal deb� �f Barrower secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrument. �C..�n�ess Borrovt�er and L�nder agree to �ther �erms of payment, these amounts sha�I b�ar
<br /> �2a�4-2�15 Camplia.r�ce Systems,Inc.SC54-DQB7-2015.11.3.Ia�8
<br /> Cansumer Rea!Estate-Se�urity�nstnimen#DL243d Page�of 5 www.cvmp�iancesysterns.com
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