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<br /> TRU�TEE'S DEEI�
<br /> RETI�R�T�:Farecl.Iaept,VValent�ne,O'Taule,M�uillan&�ordan,�,.L.P., l 124�Qavenport�tr�t,A.O.Box 5401�5.Qmaha,NE bS154
<br /> That a D�ed of Trust was ma�e and entered int� on or about July 9, 2��?, by and between
<br /> Timathy �Viuilins and �hristina 1Vlullrn�, as husband an� wife, as Trustors, and 1V[ori�age Electr�nic
<br /> R�gistrati�n �ystems, Ir�c., Bene�ciary, v�rhereir� Drap�r and I�ramer Mortga�� �or�. �ras named Trustee.
<br /> This I�e�d af Trust �ras re�nrded Ju[y� l�, �0�7 in the I�e�ords of the Re�ist�r of Deeds �f Hall �aunt�r,
<br /> 1Ve�raska as Ir�strument IVo.20�?�583?.
<br /> �n or about �cto�er 8, 2�13, Mortgage El�ctr�nic R��1S�I'��101] Sys�ems, Inc., B�n�fictary,
<br /> assigned all of �is right, tit�� and benef cia� inte�est in the I3eed of Trust �� JPMorgan Chase Bank,
<br /> National Assa�iation. The Assignment was recarded �ctober � 1, ���3, in the of�ce of the Re���ter af
<br /> D�eds of Ha�l��unt}r,Ne�raska,as Instrument No. 2�13D827?.
<br /> �n or about Aprt 1 i, 2014, J PMorgan �hase Bank, National Asso�iati�n, B�nefi��ary, assi�ned
<br /> . a�l �f`its ri�ht, title and benef cial inter�est �n the �ee� of Trust t� �arringt�n M�rt�a�� Ser�rces, LLC.
<br /> `I'he Ass�gnment �ras re�orde� May 5, 2�]4, in the ot�ce of the Re�ister �f Deeds of �a11 C�unty,
<br /> Nebraska,a.s Instrument Na.2�1�0���9,
<br /> Cam i!1� R. Hawk, Attorney at Law, has been appainted Su��essor Trust��, pursuant to a
<br /> 5ubs��tution�f Truste�f led f�r rec�rd w�th th� Regist�r af Deeds of Hal� �ounty, Nebraska. Hereinaft�r
<br /> the Suc�ess�r Trus#ee,�am i��e R. Hawk,Attorney at l�aw,w�l l be referred to a�GRANT�R.
<br /> The GRANT�R in consi��rat�on of �ae Hundred �ne Thousand Fi�� Hundred Twenty
<br /> Do��ars and No Cents ��1�1,5ZU.��� and �ther va1 uabte consi�lerati�n re�ei�r�d �'rom ��rringtan
<br /> M�rtgage Servic�s LL�, her�inafter �RANTEE, d�es her�e�y grant, bar�ain, sel i, con��y and �an�irm
<br /> unto�RANTE�the fol�o��ng des�ribed real propert�r in Hall �Qunt�r,Nebraska:
<br /> Lots Thirte�n (l 3� and F�urteen �l 4}, in Black Fi�re �5�, in the �riginal �C��rn of
<br /> �airo, Hall County,N�braska
<br /> To have�nd io hold the a�a��-des�ribed premises t�gether with all t�nements, her�ditam�nts and
<br /> appur#enances there�o be�on��ng unto the �RANTEE, and ta the �RANTEE'S su��es��rs and assigns
<br /> far�ver,
<br /> �RANT�R daes hereby c�venant v►rith the �RANTEE and ���h the G RANTE�'S successars
<br /> and assigns:
<br /> �l} That Timothy N[ullins and �hristina 1�Iu��ins, as E�usband and �ife, a� Trustors, �ailed to
<br /> pa� the Benef��iary paym�nts v�rhich v�r�re cont�ctua�ly due, and the �RA1�T�R, at the re�uest �f th�
<br /> Benefi�iary, elected to decfar�the entire un�ai� prin�ipa� balan�e, t��ether with int�rest thereon, at�n��
<br /> imm�diate�y du�and payable.
<br /> �2� That a Notic� af Defaul� was recorded b}r �RANT�R on September 1, �O 1 S, as
<br /> Instrumen� No. �O 15�5�?7, in the re�ords of the R�gist�r�f De�ds, Hail �ounty, Nebraska. V�ithin ten
<br /> �1�} days thereafter, a c�py of the record�d Natice �f Default was ma�Ied by certified mai1, pa�ta��
<br /> prepaid,to al� parties entitl�d to notic�, �ursuant to��id D��d af Tru�t an�i in complian�e with Neb. Rev.
<br /> Stat. § 76-l�08.
<br />