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2� 1 ��2454 <br /> Inspe�t�on. Lender or ��s agent may make reasanable entr�es up�n and inspe��ions af�he Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give�orrower notice at the�zme of ar�rior�o an fnspe���on s�e�zfy�ng reasanable cause for�he�nspectian. <br /> C�ndemnat��n. The proceeds af any award or claim for damages, d�rec�or consequen�ial, ir�coz�.ec��an vvith any <br /> condemnatian or other�aking�f any part of the Proper�y, ar f�r conveyance rn I�eu af condemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be paid to Le�d�r. <br /> Zn the e�en� of a �atal taking of�he Property, �he proce�ds shall be appl�ed to �he sums seCured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�, vvhe�her or nvt then due, Wi�h any �x��ss paid to Borrawer. �n the even� of a partial �aking af the <br /> Property�n which the fair market va�ue of�he Prope�y zmm�diate�y befor� �he taking is equai to �r greater�han <br /> th� amflunt nf the sums secur�d by this Security I�.strument immed�ately before �he tak�ng, un�ess �orr�wer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing,the surns se�ured by this Secur��y Instrumen��hal�be reduced by�h�amaunt af <br /> �he pro��eds multiplied by�he folio�ving fraction: �a}�he�o�al amaun�of�he sums seGured�mmed�ate�y befflre the <br /> ta��ng, di�rided by [b� �h� fa�r mark��value af the Pro�erty�mmed�ately�ef�re the �aking. Any ba�ance sha�� be <br /> pa�� �a Barro�wer. �n �he even� of a partia� �aking of the proper�y in v�rh�ch the fair marke�value of�he Praper�y <br /> immedia�ely�efare the �aking is less than the amount of the sums secured zmmed�a�e�y before the taking, unless <br /> Borrnv�rer and Lender o�herw�se agree �n wr��ing or unless Applicable Lativ o�herwise pro��des, the proceeds sha1l <br /> be applied�o�he sums secured b�th�s Secur��y�xzs�rumen�whether or n���he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Proper�y�s abandoned by Borrourer, ar if, after na��ce by Lender to Borrower�ha�the Gandemr�or affers to <br /> make an award or set�le a claim far damages, Borr�vver fa��s�o resp�nd to Lender withir��h�minimum number of <br /> days estab��shed by App�icable La�t7v a�er�he dat��.a.e n�t�ce is given,Lender is au�harized��co��ect and app�y�he <br /> praceeds, at i�s ap�ion, ei�her �� res�ara�ion or repa�r of�he Property or ta �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> �nstrumen�.,tivhe�her ar n�t�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower a�herwise agree �n writing, any applica�ian af praceeds to pr�ncipa�sha��not exte�.d <br /> or postpar�e the due date of the paymen�ts due u�.der the Car�trac�or change the amaunt of such paymez�ts. <br /> Borrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender No� a Wai�er. E�tens�on af �he �ime f�r payment �r <br /> mod�f Gatzon �f amar�izati�n of the sums secured by this Secur��y Instrument gran��d by Lencler�o Borrourer or <br /> any successor in interest of Barrower sha11 n�� operate ta release th� liab�ti�y of the o�igina� �3orr�,wer �r <br /> Borrower's sucGe�sars xn znt�res�. Lender sha�X na�b�re�uired to commenc�praceed�ngs agains�any successar�.n. <br /> �nteres�or refuse�o extend�ime f�r paym����r��herwise rnodify amar�iza�ion of the sums secured by t�iis Security <br /> �nstrumen�. by reaso�. of any demand made by the or�g�na� �orrawer ar Barrov�er's successars zn �nteres�. Any <br /> for�earazxce by Lender in exerczs��g any righ�or remedy shall no�be a v�razver vf or preclude �he exercise of any <br /> r�ght�r remedy. <br /> SucceSs�rs and Assigns Bound; J�int and Severai Liability; Accommodativn S�gners. The c�venan�s and <br /> agre�m�z��s of this Securxty Ins�rumen� sha��bind and benef�t�he successars and ass�gns af Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub j ect �o the pravisians of sec���n ti�led TranSfer af the Property �r a Benef c�a� Interest in Barrower. <br /> Boz-rau�er's covenan�s and agreements sha�I be j o�nt and several.Any per�on who co-signs�h�s Se�uri�r�nstrument <br /> but has no personal 1iab��ity under the Contrac� �'�Accomrnada�zan Signer"}: �a� is co-sign�ng th�s Security <br /> Instrument ar��y �a mar�gage, gran� and cn�.vey �iat Accamm�da�ian S�gner's interest in th� Pr�per�y wa.der �he <br /> �erms af the Security �ns�umen�; �a} �s na� persona��y obligated to pay the sums secured by xh�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rum�nt; and�c� agrees tihat Lender a�d ariy o�her I3arrawer may agree to ex�end, zxxodify, forbear�r make any <br /> accommadations�v�th regard to th.��erms�f this Secur�ty Instrume���r�he �on�rac�wi�hou�tha�Accammoda�ion <br /> S�gner's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. If the �oan secu�ed by th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrumen� is subj�et tv a �a�v v�rhich sets maximurn I�an <br /> charges, ar�d�ha�Iaw is finally interpre�ed so�hat the �nteres�ar o�her loan charges calle��ed ar to be co�lec�ed in <br /> cvnnec�ion u���h the ��an exceed the permz�ted Iimits, then: �a} any su�h �oan charge shall be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce�he charge �o the permitted �imi�s and�b} any sums a�ready Co�Iected fram B�rr�wer <br /> which exceed�d perm��ted l�mi�s w��� be r�funded t� Borr�wer. Lender may choose �o rnake th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng the principa� avved under the �on�rac� or by ma�ing a direct payment to �orroWer. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,�he reduc��on v�ill be treated as a par�ia�prepay�nent under�he Co�.trac�. <br /> Not�ce5. Ax�y notice to Borrovver prov�ded for in th�is Security �ns�rumen� sha�X be given by de�iverit�zg �t or by <br /> mailing��by f�rst c�ass mail un�ess App�icab�e Lav�requzres use of a�.other m�thad. The natice sha1�he d�re��.ed�o <br /> �he Pr�perty Addr�ss or a�.y o�h�r address Borrovver designa�es by not�ce to Lerider. Borrower agrees to pr�v�de <br /> Lender W��h B�rrovver's mos� current mailing address, as �t may change fram time-to-time. Any no�ice to Lend�r <br /> shall be given by firs�class rna��to Lender's address s�a�ed herein or ar�y a�ther address Lender designa�es by no��ce <br /> �o Barrou�er. An�notice prov�ded for in this Securi�y�nstrurnen�sha1�be deemed ta have been gzven�o B�rr�wer <br /> or Lender vvhen gzven as prav�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Gaverning La�v; Severab��i�y.Th�s 5ecuri�y Instrumen�sha1�be go�erried by federa�1aw and�he�avvs of�he sta.�e <br /> af Nebras�a. �n the even� �hat any pr�visian �r c�ause af this S ecuri�y Instrument or �he Con�rac� c�nflicts with <br /> Appl�cable Law, such conflict sha�� not affec� ather provisions af this Secur�ty Instrumen�or�h.e C�n�ract yvhich <br /> can be g�ven effec�W��.�u�the conflict�ng prav�s�on. Ta�h�s end�he provisions of�his Secur�ty Ins#rumen�and the <br /> Con�ract are dec�ar�d�o�be severable. <br /> Borr�wer's Copy.Barrovver shail be g�veri one copy of th�s 5ecurity Zns�rument. <br /> Transfer�f the Prop�rt�or a Benefic�a�.Interes�i.n Borrower. If alI ar any par�of�he Property or any in�eres� <br /> �n i� is so�d or �ransferred (nr if a ben�ficial ��terest in �orra�ver �s sald �r �ransferred and Borrawer �s no� a <br /> na�ura� person} withou� �ender's priar wrz�ten conse�xt, Lender may, a� �ts option, requ�re �mmedia�e paymenti xn <br /> C�2404-201 S Compliance 5ystems,in�.8C54-4bAE-20I 5.11.3.t 098 <br /> Ca�sumer Real Estate-S�curity Instrutnent DLZ�36 Pa�e 3�f S www,comp�iancesystems.c�m <br />
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