1. I am a Registered Abstracter, duly licensed and qualified by the Abstracters
<br />Board of Examiners of the State of Nebraska, and employed by ATI Title
<br />Company, L.L.C., which is the holder of a duly issued and subsisting Certificate
<br />of Authority issued by said Abstracters Board of Examiners.
<br />2. In the course of my employment and in my capacity as a Registered Abstracter,
<br />I have searched and examined the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, with respect to the following- described real estate:
<br />The W '/Z SW '/4 of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />3. In the course of my search and examination of such records, I thoroughly
<br />examined the following instruments, which are shown on the Numerical Index
<br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as affecting all
<br />of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />a. Assignment and Conveyance from UTAH INTERNATIONAL INC. to
<br />LADD PETROLEUM, INC., recorded March 3, 1975 in Book 28 at Page 267,
<br />Miscellaneous Records, Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />b. Statement of Claim and Notice of Intent to Preserve, executed by LADD
<br />PETROLEUM CORPORATION, entered as Document No. 85- 000782 on
<br />February 19, 1985, Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />I, THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT, being first duly
<br />sworn upon
<br />my oath, hereby
<br />depose and state as follows:
<br />1. I am a Registered Abstracter, duly licensed and qualified by the Abstracters
<br />Board of Examiners of the State of Nebraska, and employed by ATI Title
<br />Company, L.L.C., which is the holder of a duly issued and subsisting Certificate
<br />of Authority issued by said Abstracters Board of Examiners.
<br />2. In the course of my employment and in my capacity as a Registered Abstracter,
<br />I have searched and examined the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, with respect to the following- described real estate:
<br />The W '/Z SW '/4 of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />3. In the course of my search and examination of such records, I thoroughly
<br />examined the following instruments, which are shown on the Numerical Index
<br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as affecting all
<br />of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />a. Assignment and Conveyance from UTAH INTERNATIONAL INC. to
<br />LADD PETROLEUM, INC., recorded March 3, 1975 in Book 28 at Page 267,
<br />Miscellaneous Records, Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />b. Statement of Claim and Notice of Intent to Preserve, executed by LADD
<br />PETROLEUM CORPORATION, entered as Document No. 85- 000782 on
<br />February 19, 1985, Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />