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2� 1 ��2373 <br /> Transfer of the Prvperty or�Benef�cial Inter�st in Borrower,�f a�l ar any part of the Property or�ny interes� <br /> in it is sa�d or �ransferred �or if a benefi�ial in�erest in Bo��r�v5rer is sa�d ar �ransferred and Barrflw�er is no� a <br /> na�ural person} v�ri�hout L�nder's pri�r written cor�ser��, Lend�r may, at its op�ion, require immediate .paymen� in <br /> fu11 �f all sums se�ured by this Securi�y Ins�rumen�. Hou�e��er, �his optian sha11 not be exerc�sed b�r Lender if <br /> exercise is prohi��ted by feder�I IaW as of the da�e af this Sec��r�ty In�trumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �.his opti�n, Lender shal� gzve Borrowe�� n��i�e of accelerat�on. The notice shal�� provide a <br /> periad of no� less than �he rr�nimum numi�er of days establi ahed �y Applicable Lav� fr�m �h� date ��ie not�ce is <br /> delivered ❑r mai�ed v�rithin which Barro,w�r must pay all surns secured by this Security �nstrument. �f Borrawer <br /> fai�s to pay�hese sums prior �o th� expira�ion of this perifld, Lend�r may invoke any rem.ed�es perm.i1tted by this <br /> Se�urity�nstirumen�w��hou�fur�her no�ice�r demand an Borr+��rver. <br /> Borrower�s l�ight to Rexnstate. �f Borrovv�r mee�s certa�n conditians, Borrawer shal� hav� �he ri�;h� �a have <br /> enforcemen��f�his Secur��y Ins�rumen� discontinued at any 1.ime p�-iar�o �he ear�ier�f: ta} 5 �ays ��r such other <br /> per�od as App�iCab�e Lav�r may specif�for reins�a�emen��befc�re sa��of the Property pursuant t��any power of sale <br /> conta��.ed in th�s S�curi�y �nstruxnent; or �b} entry of a j�:�dgmen� enforcing �his S�curity �nst��umen�. Those <br /> cond��ions are tha� BorroWer: �a) pays Lender a�� sums which �hen�u�uld be due under this 5ecur��y�nstrumen� <br /> and�h�Cont�ac�as if no acce�erat�an had accurred;�b}cures;�.ny default of any other cflvenants or agreemen�s; �c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in�nfarcing this Sect�-ity�nstrume���, inc��ding,but n�t 1im�ted to,reasonabl�at�orneys' <br /> fees ta the extent permi�ted by la�r; and �d} �akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasana�bly require�o ass�ure tha�the <br /> Iien af this Se�ur��y�nstrumen�, Lender`s r�gh�s in the Prnperty and�orravver's obligation�o pa.y the su:ms secured <br /> by �hzs Security Instrument shal� c�n�inue u.nchanged. Upan �ei.nst�.t�men�by Borr�wer, �his Secur�ty �nstrume�.� <br /> and the ob��gati�ns secured hereby shall r�main fully effecti�Te as if no acceleration had occurre�.. However, this <br /> rxght to reins��e shall not app�y in the�ase af acc�leration un��er th�sect�on t�t��d Transfer of the Praperty�r a <br /> Benef��ial In�erest in Borr�wer. <br /> Hazardflus Substanc�s.B�rrovver sha�I no�caus� or permit the p�es�nce,use, �.isposa�, storage, ar re��ase of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in�he Property.Borro�t�ver sha�l n�3t do,nar a�low anyone else ta da,any�iirig affeC�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �hat is in �riola��on �f any Env�ronrnental La�v. The preceding tw� sen�ences shall no� aa�ply �a the <br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Property o�smail quan�ities��'Hazardous Su�stanc�s that ar�g�nera��y recagnized <br /> �a be apprapriate to n�rmal residen�ial uses and��maintenance of�he Proper#y. <br /> Borro�ver sha11 prarnp�ly give Lender wr�tt�n no��ce af any in�t�estigati�n,c�a�m, demand, lavvsu�t�r oth�:r ac�ion by <br /> any governmen�al or regu�atory agency �r private par�y �nvolving �he Property and any Ha�ardous S��bstance or <br /> Envir�nment.�.I La�v of vtrhich ��rrovver has actua� kno�w:�edge. �f Barrovver �earns, ar �s n���f�;d by any <br /> governmental ar regula�ary au�hority, �hat any removal or ath��r remediation of any Ha�ardous �ubstan��e affecting <br /> �he Prflperty is ne�essary, Borrnvver sha�� promptly �ake ��II necessary remedzal actions i�a aC�ar�anc� with <br /> Envir�nrnent.a�Law. <br /> As us�d in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are th�se subs��.nces def ned as taxic ar hazard�us substances <br /> by Environmental Lavv and the fo�lo�ng subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, ��her flamrnable �r���x�c pe�ro�eum <br /> produc�s, ��xxc pesticides and herbicxdes, valatile solven�s, :ma�er�a�s conta�n�ng asbestos ar�formaldehyde, and . <br /> radzoa�tive materials. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen.�a1 Lavv" means federa��avvs and laws of��he state of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate to hea��h,safety or envirflnmen�al protec��.on. <br /> Acce�erationy laenr�edfes. Lender shail give noti�e to Borr av�v�r �rior to a��elerat�on fvll�w�ng E��rro�ver's <br /> breac�of any c�venant or agreement xn this Security Inst�~urnernt or the�ontract under which ac:ceiera�ivn <br /> �s permitted �but n�t priar t� acce�erat�on und�r the se�ti vn �itled T�-ansfer of the Property or a Bene�c�a� <br /> In�erest in Borr��ver, unlesS Appli��ble LavY prov�des ot��erwise]. The n�tice shal� speci�fy: �a} the defauit; <br /> �b} the ac�i�n requ�red to cure the default; �c� � dat��, no� �e�s �han �he m�nimum num�er �f day� <br /> estak�lished by Applicable Law from the date the notice�s g���n to Borrower,by which t�e d�fault mus��e <br /> cured� an� �d) that fa��ure to �ure the �efault on vr bef��re th� date specif�ed in the no�ce �n.a;y result �n <br /> acceleratron of th� sums secured by th�s Security Instrurn�nt and sale of the Property. To the extent <br /> perm�tted by�avv, �he n�tice sh�Ii furth�r infflrm Borrow�r �f t�e r�ght tv re�ns�ate after accele��a�fon and <br /> the rx�ht t�br�ng a cvurt action to a�sert the non�exist�nc+�of a�efault ar any�ther defer�se of B��rrower to <br /> a��e�era�ion and sa�e.If the default is �.�t cured on or be�ore t�� date specified�n the natxce,Le�nder at�ts <br /> vptxon may �equ�re immedx�te payment �in full of al.� su�ns se�ured by th�s Securi�y Instru�ne�it w��hvut <br /> f�rther demand and may invok� th� power of sale and a�:�y ot�n�r remedies perm�.tted b�Appli�.ab�.e Law. <br /> To �he extent permitted by �aw, Le�de�r shall be enfi.tled t� c�lle�� a�i expenses incurre�i in pu.rsuing the <br /> remed�es pravxded�n th�s Sec�ion,inc�uding,bu� nat l�mit��d ta, reasanable a�t�rneys' fee� and ca�sts�f t�tle <br /> evidence. <br /> If the power �f sai�is invoked, Trus�ee �hall r�cord a not�cE of��fault�n each county in�vh�ch any part of <br /> �he Pr�perty is l�cat�d and shall mail cflp�es of such noti�+�in �he manner prescr�b�d by Appli�ak��e Lativ t� <br /> Borrovver and �o the �ther person.s prescribed by App��c;�b�� L�av�. After the time requ��ed by �pplicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shali give pub�ic not�ce af sale t� �he persa ns and �n �he manner prescri�ed �y ��pplicab�.e <br /> Law.'I'ruste�,vv��hou� demand nn Borravver, 5hal� sell the Pr�pe�-ty at publi� auc��on �o the h�ghest bidder <br /> at the t�me and p�ace and un�ier the terms de��gna�ed in�he no�i��of sa�e�n�ne or more parce�s��nd in any <br /> arder Trust�e determines. Trust�e may pastpone sa�e c�f all or a�y parcel af the Property by public <br /> annauncer�ent at t�e time and p�ace vf�ny previQus�y sch eduled�ale.Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> the Pr�perty at any saie. <br /> Upon �-e�eipt of pa�ment of the pric� bid, Trus�ee shall d{iliwer to the purchaser Trustee's deed can�eying <br /> the Pr�perty. The recitals in the Truste�'s de�d �hall be pa��rna fa�ie ev�idence of the truth vf t�e�►tatements <br /> Q 2004-2�15 Campliance Systems,Inc.SC54-lAFS-2aI5.11.3.1498 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Znstrumer�t DL�435 Page 4 af 5 <br />