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rn <br /> - m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � Z� � y <br /> W �� � � �Z �7 U] <br /> � z� � � �rn p — <br /> w �� p � �ov � Cn <br /> rn� rn �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �° � � � � <br /> w� r� <br /> �o � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> �I Z <br /> � <br /> THIS INSTRUMENT PREPAR.ED BY: AFTER RECDRDING RETIJRN T�: <br /> Home Federal Savings�Loan Ass�ciatian of H�me Federa�Sav�ings&Loan Assac�ation Qf <br /> Grand Island �rand Island <br /> �21 South Locust Street 2Z1 South Lacust Stree� <br /> �RAND ISLAND,NE 688U1 GRAND ISLAND,NE 585�1 <br /> �5pace Above This Line Foz-Recording Data} <br /> LDAN 4RIGINATC]R CC]MPANY NAME:Hame Federa�.Savings&Loan Assoc�at�on of Grand Island <br /> NMLS��MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 446443 <br /> L�AN DRIGINAT�F�NAME: Chr�s Kaskie <br /> NMLS�RIG�NAT�]R IbENTIFIER:494668 <br /> �a�a�� oF TRusT <br /> (PR�AUTHC3RI��D ��P�l�ENI]� C�EDIT ��`tJTURE ADVAN��S AI� SECUR,�I� <br /> BY T�-IIS DEED UF 'TRUST) <br /> T�I�S DEED �F TRUST �"Se�urity Ins�rument"� is rnade o�x Apr�� 6, zU16. The gran�ors are GREG A <br /> SANCHEZ,also known as GREG SAN�HEZ,and MARTHA F SANCHEZ,HUSBAND A�D WIFE,v�hase <br /> address zs 1125 SAGE�'L�Y��D AVE, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 688�3-4988 �"Barrower"}. I3orroWer is not <br /> necessari�y the same as �he Ferson ar Persons vvho s�gn �he Hvme Equi.ty Line of Credit Agreementy dated <br /> Aprii 6, 2n1� �"Con�rac�"}. The obligations af Borrowers vvha dxd n��sign�he Con�ract are explained fur�her in <br /> the sect��n �i�led Suc�essors and Ass�gns Baund; Joint and Several L�a����ty; Accommodat�on S�gners. The <br /> �rustee zs Arend R. Baack, Attorney whose address is P.�. Box 790, Grand Isiand, Nebraska G8SU2 <br /> �"Trust�e"�.The beneficiary�s H�me Federal.Sa��ngs&L�an A�So�iation of Grand Island,urhi�h�s argan�zed <br /> and exzs��ng under the la�vs af�he Uni�ed Sta��s af America and whose address �s 2�1 South Locu�� S�reet, <br /> Grattd IS�an d, Nebraska 6S8�1 �"Lender"}. �RE G A SAN�HE,Z and MARTHA F �AN�HEZ have er��ered <br /> in��a Cfln�rac�v�r�th Lender as af Apr�i 6,2�16,und�r the terms of v�rh�ch�orrawer m.ay,fram��me�a�ime,abta�n <br /> advances nflt �o exceed, at any tixne, a ***MA�IMUM PRINCIPAL AM�UNT ��XCLUDING <br /> PR�TECTIVE AD�AI��ES}*** of Twenty Thvu�and and OOI1Q4 Dollars �tJ.S. $24,UUU,�O� ("�redit <br /> Limi.t"}.,Axay par�y inter�s�ed in the d�taz�s related�o Le�der's con�inu�r�g obligatza�.�a make advances�o Barrower <br /> is advised ta consul� d�rec��y wi�h Lender. �f nofi paid earxzer, the sum.s ow�ng under Borravver's �on�rac� with <br /> Ler�der vv�ll be due on Apri� 15, 2�21. Th�s Secur��y Ins�rument secures to Lender: �a} �he r�payment of�he deb� <br /> under the �antract,with interest, �nclud�ng future advances, and al�renewa�s, ex�ensians and modif�a��or�s of�he <br /> Contra�t; �b} �he paymen� af a�� other sums, � interest, advanced to pra�ect the securz�y of this Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�under the provzs�ans �f�he sec��on�i�led Pratectivn of L�nder's Rjights in the Praper�y; and �c� �h� <br /> performance of Barr�vver's covenan�s and agreements under �his Securi�y �ns�rume�a� and �he ��n�rac�. For th�s <br /> �]U�7�5ey Borrovver, zn considerat�an of the debt and the �trust herein created, irrevoeab�y gran�s and conveys ta <br /> Trustee,�n�rust,vvith po�wer af sa�e,�he fo��awing described property Iflca�ed in the C�UNTY of HALL, 5ta�e of <br /> Nebra�ka: <br /> Address: 112$SAGEW�UD AVE,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 688U3-4988 <br /> Legal I]�scr�pt��n: L�T �NE H�JNDRED THTRTY SEVEN �137�, LARUE SUBI�IVISI�N, IN THE <br /> �ITY�F�RAND ISLAND,HALL C�UNTY,NEBRASKA <br /> T�GETHER ��TH aIi �he improvemen�s nov�r ar hereaf�er erected on �he property, and a�� easements, <br /> appur�enances, and f�tures novv ar hereaf�er a par� of th� property. All replac�m.en�s and addi�ions shall also be <br /> �avered by �hzs Securit� �ns�rum�n�.. A�� of the foregaing is referred to in th�s Security Ins�rumen� as �he <br /> "property.'► <br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS tha�Borrower is Iawfully seised of�he esta�e hereby c�nveyed and has the righ��o <br /> grant and canvey �he Praperty and that �he Property is unencumbered, ex�ep� for encumbrances of recnrd. <br /> Bnrrower warran�s and�vill defend general�y the �it�e �a �he Property agains� aI� cla�ms and demands, su�jec�to <br /> any encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> Borrower and cavenant and agree as foXlaws: <br /> C�2�44-2015�ampliance Systems,�nc.&C54-lAFS-2615.11.3.1�98 <br /> Consumer Reat Estate-Se�urity Instrumen#DL�fl36 Page 1 of 5 <br />