2� 1 ��23��
<br /> �f this Security Instrum���� is o��. a lea�e��o�d, Barrower shall �amply wit1� all �he p�•o��sio��s of�hc
<br /> �eas�. If Borrflwcr acqu�res f�e ti�le ta tl�e Property, tl�e lca�el�old and the fee t�tie shall t�o� rnerge
<br /> ��nlcss Lend�r agrces�o�he z�nerber in vvri�inb.
<br /> lU. Borrower �ot Th�rd-Par�y Sen�fic�ary to Contra�t of Insurance. Mor�gage Insura��ce zeimburses
<br /> L�ndcr �or any en�ity tha� pu�rclaases the Nate} fa�• ccr�ain lo�ses it �x�ay �nc���• iT Barrower does not
<br /> repay �h� Lo�.n as agreed. Borz owe�• acknowled�es and a�rees t1�a� thc; Borrovver is not a th�rd par�y
<br /> be�lef�cia�y to �he con�ract of znsurance betv�een th� Secretary and Le��der, n�r is B��-rower ent�tled to
<br /> enforce at�y a�re�ment be�vveen Le��der and the �ecre�ary, unless explicit�y authorized to da sa by
<br /> Applicable Law.
<br /> 11. .�►ssignment of MiScellan�aus Proceeds; Forf�iture.All MiscelXaneous Prnceeds are hereby ass�gned
<br /> �o and shal�be pa�d�n Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged,such Miscel�an�ous Proceeds shall be applied to x•estorat�on o�•repair❑f the
<br /> Fr�p�r�y, if�he restoratian n�• repair is economzcally feasi��e and Le��der`s secu�-it�r is no� lessencd.
<br /> Durzng such repa�r and restoration per�od, Lender shall ha�� the r�ght to hold s��ch M�sce��aneous
<br /> Pra�eeds un�ii Lender has had an nppor�unzty ta �nspect s��ch Property �o �nsure the work has been
<br /> comple�ed�a Lender's satisfac�ion,pro�ided�11at such inspcction sha11 be und�r�aken pramptly. Lender
<br /> may pay for�he r�pairs and restorat�nn in a singlc disbursen�et��or in a ser�es�f progress payments as
<br /> the vvo�•k is camplcted. Unl�ss an a�reemen� is made �n w�iting o�r App�ic�.b�e Lav�requires in�erest to
<br /> be paid on such Misce�laneous Prnceeds, Lender shal�no�be required to pay Bo��rower any �zlxerest or
<br /> earnzngs on such M�scellaneo�.Ys Proceeds. �f the restora�ion or repair is not ecnnomically feasible or
<br /> Lendez•'s securi�y would be lessened, tla�Miscel�aneous Proceeds sllal�b� appli�d�o�he sums secu�ed
<br /> by �his S�curity Ins�rurnent, whether or not tihen due, with the cxcess, if any, pa�d ta Borrower. Sucl�
<br /> Mzscellaneaus Praceeds sh��l b�applied in the ord�r pro�id�d for in S�ction�.
<br /> �n the e�en�of a ta�al�aking, destruc�ion, ar lass in va�ue of�he P�•operty,�he Miscellaneous Proce�ds
<br /> s�a.a11 be applied �o �he sums s�cured by �his Security �ns�rument, v�hethcr ar not �1�en due, with tl�e
<br /> excess,if any,paid to B���rawer.
<br /> Yn the e�ent of a partiai taking, destr�.�ction, or �ass in value of�he Prope�-�y in which�he fa�r marke�
<br /> valu� of�he Prnper�y immediat�ly bcfnre the par�ia�taking, dcs�ructzon, or Ioss in�alue is ec�ual to or
<br /> greater tha,n the amou���of th� sums secured by this Security Ins�rume�lti imm�diatel�before�h�pa�-�ial
<br /> tak�ng, dest�-uctian, or lo�s �n value, un�ess Boz�ra�er and Lender othcrvvise agz ee in wr�ting, �he sums
<br /> secured by this Security �nstrumen� shali be reduced by the arnnunt of�he Miscellaneous Proceeds
<br /> mu�tiplied by �he fa��owing fraGtion: �a} th� total amflu����f�he sums secured immed�at�ly befo�•e the
<br /> part�al tak�ng, des��uctifln, or Ioss in �alue di�id�d by �b) �he faxr markct �alu� of the P�•operty
<br /> immedia�eiy before ���e pa��t�al �ak�n�, d�:struction, or loss �n wa1�,�e. Any ba�ancc shal� b� pa�d to
<br /> Bor�o�er.
<br /> In the eve��� of a partia� �a�{ing, des�ruction, o� loss in value of the Prope�-�y In which �he fair maz•ke�
<br /> value of the Property ir�-�mediately before�he part�al tak�ng,des�ructinn,ar�oss rn�alue rs l�ss than�he
<br /> amoun�of fhe su�ns s�cured immediately before the parti�.�taking,destruc;�ion, ar 1os� �n�a1ue, uriless
<br /> B�rr���r and Lender titherwise agree in writing, the Mzscellaneo�.�s Proceeds shall be app�zed �o the
<br /> sums secur�d by this Secuz�ty Ins�rument w��ether or not�h�sums a�•����en due.
<br /> �f the Proper�y�s abandoz�ed by Bort•owe�•, ar if, af�er notice by Le�ader�o Borraw�r tha�the �pposing
<br /> Paz�y�as de�ned�n�h�next sentenc��off�rs t�make an a�vard to se�tle a cla�m for dama.g�s,Bo�-rower
<br /> fails to respond to Lender �i�hin 3� days after �he date th� ��ot�ce i� gi�en, Lender is authorized to
<br /> callect and appiy �he Mi�ce�lan�flus Pr�ceeds either to res�oration ar repaxr of�he �'r�perty or�� th�
<br /> sums secured by tl-�is Security Ins��-��men�, whe�hcr or n�t then due. "Qpposin� Par�y'" means the�hird
<br /> VEBRASKA-Sin�2e t�amily-I�ii�1 L1�f1�QRVI IVS'tl2GMi��f'I' Rcv.9115
<br /> -�2�U4-2[Y 15 Co�t�pliance Syste3i�s.I�ic.9S7hbb7�Y-c4S�$�d9-2U[5.12.3.�487
<br /> Sin�le Family Rc;al I�s�ate-Security�nstr�t�nesit❑L2Q47 Pag�8 aF 1�# www.�c�����lianresystecr�s.cvrn
<br /> ������������������������'���������� �������f��� ��'�������� ����������������:���������������������������
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