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2� 1 ��23�� <br /> par�i�ular type ox amaunt of co�rerage. Ther�fore, sucl� �o�erage shall cove�- Lender, but migh� or <br /> might not pra�cc�Borrower, Borrower's equity �n the Property, o��h� contents of tl�e Pz ope�-ty, agait�s� <br /> any risk, hazard or liabil�ty and mibht pra�ide grea�er or Icsser cov�rage than�vas p�-eWious�y in�ffec�. <br /> Borrawer acknovvledges�ha�the cost of�he ins�.��ance ca�erage sa ob�a�ned might significantly exceed <br /> the �ost of insurance�ha�Borro�vver could have ob�a�ned. Azay amounts disbursed by Lender under this <br /> Sec�ion S shal� ��comc add��io�lal debt of Bflz�rawer sccured by this Scc��xity �nstr•um���t. Tl�ese <br /> amo��nts sha11 b�ar itl�eres� at the No�e ra�� from the date of d�sb��I•s�men� and sha�� be payable, with <br /> such interes�,upon na�ice frozn Lend�r��Bo�-ro�ve�r requesting payment. <br /> Ali insurance pol�cies requ�red by Lender and ren�wals of such po�icies shaii be subj�ct to Lender's <br /> ri�ht to disapprove such po�ic�es, shall inci�.�d� a s�andard mort�a�e cla��se, a��d sl�all name Lender as <br /> mortgagce andlor as an additiianal loss payee. Lender sh�ll ha�e �h� �ight �a hoid the poli�ies and <br /> ren�wal c�rtif�c���s. If Lender rec�u�res, B��-rower shall pro�nptly gi�e to Lender a11 r��eipts of p�xd <br /> pre�-n�ums and renewa� nat�ces. �f Borrower ab�ain� any farm of �nsurraz�ce co�erage, na� atherwis� <br /> requ�red by Le��der, for darnage to, or destruc�ion�f, the Prope��y,such po�zcy shal�inciude a s�andard <br /> mortgage cia��se and shall name Lend�r as mortgagee andl�r as an addi��onal l�ss payee. <br /> �n the e�Cnt of loss, Bo��rov�rer sha�l gi�e promp� notice �o the insurance car�ier and Lender. Lender <br /> may make proof of loss if no� made pro�nptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Bor�ower �therwise <br /> agre� in writing, any insu�ance pr��e�ds, wh�ther or no� �1�� underlying �nsurance was r�c�uired by <br /> Lende�•, sha11 be applied to restora��on or repair of the Property, if tl�e r�sto�atio�� o� repair is <br /> econ�micai�y feas�ble and Lender's security is no���ssened. During such repair and restora�ian period, <br /> Lender shal� have the right �� hold such i��suran�� proceeds untzl Lendez has had an oppo�-tunity to <br /> rnspect su�;h Property to ens�.��•e the vvork has been compl�ted to L�nder's satisfaction, pro��ded that <br /> su�h inspecti�n shall be und�rtaken promptly. Lender may d�sburse praceeds fo� �he r�pairs and <br /> r�s�oratiion in a s�r�g�e paymen�or�n a series of progress payments as the virork is comp�eted.Unless an <br /> agreement �s made in �vri�ing or Applicable Law requi�•es in�erest to be paid on such insurance <br /> proc�eds, Lez�der shall nflt be r�qu�r�d ta pay Borrower any in��res�or ear��ings on such proceeds. Fees <br /> for p�abl�c �.dju�ters, or a�her third par�ies, r�tained by Borro�v�r shall not b�paid out of�h�insurance <br /> proceeds a�d shall be th� sol� ob�i�atian af Borrawer. .Cf�he restora�ion or r�pair is not�conoxnically <br /> feasible or Lender's security v�ould b� less�ned, the ins�.�rance proceeds sha11 be appii�d to �he sums <br /> s�cured by this S�curity Instrurnent,�vhether or not�hen due,vv�tl�the excess, if any,paid�o Bor�•ower. <br /> Such�nsuranc�proCeeds sla��l be app��ed in�he order provided for in Sect�on�.. <br /> If Bor��wer abandans the Proper-�y,Lender may��e,nego��ate and se��le any avai�able insurance c�aim <br /> and reia�ed matters. �f Borrower does not respand v��thin 3� days tio a natice fram Lender �hati the <br /> �r-�s�.�rance ca�-r�er has offe�r�d �o s��t1e a claim, th�n L���der may negotiate and se��Ie t1�� cla�rn. T1�e <br /> 3�-day period vvill begin w���t� �h� notice �s gi�en. In e�ther e�en�, or �f Lender acc�ui�•es t��e Proper�y <br /> ��nder SectzQn 22 or otl��rwise, Borrower hereby assigns �o Lender �a} Borro�ver's rights �o any <br /> insurance proceeds in an amou�lt no� tio exceed �he amoun�s unpaid under the Note ar �his Security <br /> Instrument, and �b} any other af Borro�v�r's righ�s �other than �he �•igh� �o a�1y x•efund nf unearned <br /> pr��niums pa�d by Bonov�er� under a�� ins�.zrance palicies �o�er�ng th�Proper�y, insofar as su�h righ�s <br /> are app�icable to fihe co�era�e �f�he Proper�y. Lender ma�use�he insuranGe p�rocecds exther to repaiz <br /> ar rest�re the Praper�y or to pay amfl��nts unpaid ��nd�r the No�e or thzs S�c��ri�y Instr��ment, whethe� <br /> or not�hen due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrower shal� occupy, establish, and use �he Property as Borrower's prrn�ipa� �•esid�nce <br /> within �� days after th� exec����on of this Security �nstr��men� and sha�l continue to occupy the <br /> Proper�y as Borrower's pr�ncipal r�sidence for a� leas� o�e year after the da�e �f oc�upat�cy, unless <br /> Lender determines �ha� tl�is r�c�u�remen� sha1� cause undue hardsl��p f�r the Borra�rer or unless <br /> ex��nua�z�a.�circums�ances exis��hich are beyand Bo�-�•ower's control. <br /> �r�iz�►s�ca,-s;r,�t�i���,,;�y-�i�r�[1Vik'�HVf[�15'[��t�;�it_���� �t�►�.9�i� <br /> �c 2U(l�l-2U l 5 Cc�r3ipliar�ce Syste��is,Inc.t357hb67�-c45b$�r����'.i�15.[2.3.1 U�7 <br /> Sin�le Far��ily It��l Cst�te-Sec�trity I��strumeilt❑L2U�7 Paae G�f 1� ww��.compliancesysterns,com <br /> II i I?f�f��I��I l��I�I�If���Il���I II �II I�I���I� ��,II�I I�I III�I I I����I�1��'�I I I�I ill��:I I�Il 1 I I�I�:Il I�I 11 <br /> � b L 2 U 4 7-8 8 0 '� 8 3 G 8 3 3 -a G 0 7 1 b �- 1 7 2 4 - A N 4 R I d 4 9 * <br />