2� 1 ��2323
<br /> Applicab�e Law pro�ides a time period which must elapse before certain ac�ion can b�taken,that time
<br /> period w�ll be deemed to be rea�anable for purpases af this pa.ra.graph.Th�notice of acc�leratian and
<br /> opp�rtunity to cure gi�en to Borrower pursuant to Section��and the n�tice of acceleration gi�en to
<br /> Borrow�r pursuant to Se�tian 1 S shall be deemed to sat��fy the notice and apportunity tn take correcti�e
<br /> a�tinn pravisions af this Section��.
<br /> �'I. Ha�rd�us Substances.As used in this Se�tion��: (a) "Hazardaus Substances" are those
<br /> 5ubsta�nces defined as toxic ar ha�ardous sub�tances,paliutants,ar wastes by En�irnnmental Law and
<br /> the fol�owing substar�ces:ga�oline,kerosene,other flammable�r taxic petroleum products,toxic p�sti�ides
<br /> anc�herbicides,�olatile sal�ents,materials contain�ng asbestos or forma�dehyde,and radioacti�e materials; .�.
<br /> [b} 'rEnvimnmental Law" means federal lavvs and�aws�f the jurisdi�tion where the Pr�perty is �ocated
<br /> that�elate t�health, safety ar en�ironmental protecti�n;[�) "En�ironmenta.��leanup" inctudes any
<br /> response activn,remedial action,or rema�al action,as de�'ined in En�irvnmenta�Law;and�d)an �
<br /> "En�imnmental�ondition"means�conditi�n that can cause,cantri�ute ta,or otherv�ise trigg�r an
<br /> En�ir�nmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borr�wer shall not caus��r permit th�presence,use,d�sp�sal, storage,❑r release of any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubsta�aces,flr threaten to r�lease any Hazardous Substan�es,on ar in the Properry. �arrower sha�l not
<br /> d�,nor a�low anyone else to do,anyth�ng a.ffect�ng the Praperty�a}�hat is u��ialation of ariy En�ironmental
<br /> Law,�b}which�reates an En�ir�nr�er�tal��ndition,or�c}whi�h,due to the pr�s�nce,use,ar release�f
<br /> a Ha�ardaus Substance,�reates a candit�on that ad�ersely afF�cts the�a�u�of the Praperty.The pre�edin� :
<br /> two sent�nces shall not app�y ta the presen�e,use,�r starage on the Prvperty of small�uantities of , ,
<br /> H�ardous Suhstances that are general�y rec�gnized to be appropr�ate to norrna�resi�entiai uses and ta � �
<br /> main�enan�e of the Property��ncluding,but not limited to,ha,zardous substances in consumer products�. �
<br /> B�rrov�er sha�l promptly gi��Lender written natice of�a}any investigatian,claim,demand, lawsuit or �
<br /> other acti�n by ar�y governmental or regulatory a�ency or pri�ate par�y in�ol��ng the Pr�perty and any
<br /> Hazardous Substa���or Enviranmental Law of which Borrawer has actual l�naw�edge,[b�any
<br /> En��r�nmental Condition,inc�udin��ut nvt limite�to,any spil�ing, �eaking,discharge,release or threat
<br /> af retease af any Hazardous Substance,and(�}any condition caused by the presen�e3 use or release of ,
<br /> a Hazardou�Substa.nce which ad�ersely afFe�ts the�alue of the Property.If Borr��ver l�arns,ar is natified �
<br /> hy any go�ernmer�tal or regulatory authority,or atly pri�ate party,that any remoWal or other remediation
<br />: of any Haza.rdaus Substance ai�ecting the Pr�perty i�necessary,Bornawer sha��promptly take aIl n�eessary
<br />� remedia�acfions in accordance with En�iranm�nta�Law.Nothing hereir�sha11 creat�any�bligati�n on
<br /> Lender for an En�uonmental��eanup.
<br /> N�n-U n�fa rm C��e n�nts. Barrvwer and Lender further c��enant and agree as fal�ows: �
<br /> 2�. A�Ge�erat�on; Remedies. Lender sbati gty� natice to Borr{vwer prior to acceleration
<br /> fa�lowiag Eorrower's bre��h of any co�enant ar �greement in this Security Instrum��t tbut
<br /> not priar to a��eleration und�r Sectivn 1 S un�esa Appl�c�ble Law pro�ides vtherwise). The
<br /> notice sh�il ape�ify: �a) the defauit; �b) the a�tian r�equired ta cure the defauit; �c) a date, not
<br /> less th�n 3� days from th� date tbe �ut�ce is gi�en ta Borrower, by whi�h the defau�t �ust
<br /> � be c�red; and (d} that fa�luroe to cur�e the defauit �n ar b�fore the date specified in the notice
<br /> may result in acee��r�tian flf t�e sums secur�ed by this Security Instrument and sale uf the
<br /> Prop�rt�. The notice sh��� furt�ter inform Borrower of the right to reinstate aft�r acce�er�tion
<br /> - ..�.. .
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