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� rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� . �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> c�, z� � � �rn � — <br /> � �� � � �ov � cn <br /> rn� rn �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � c <br /> �o � � � � <br /> �� �� <br /> 00� � .�.� Z <br /> p� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> �!V'HEN RE��R�3E❑ MAiL T�: <br /> Five Poin�s Bank <br /> Svu�h Branch <br /> 3'1'1'i VI1.5tolley Pk. Rd. <br /> G�and Island NE 688�'� F�R RECDRDER'S U5E�NLY <br /> ��������D��fl��94245���5�3�52D�6� <br /> ASS��NMENT �F RENTS <br /> TH 15 A551�N�!I ENT �F RENTS dated Ni arch �5, ��7 6, is mad e and executed �etwesn R1 CH 8c ' <br /> S�NS CAMPER SALES, IN�., �F GRAND 1SLAN[�, NEBRASKA aka RtCH & S�N� CAMPER <br /> SALES �F GRAN❑ 15LAN❑ 1NC, A NEBRASKA ��RP�RAT��N �referred to belav�r as "Grantar"} <br /> and Fi�e Pvints Bank, whvse add�ress is 3�'1'1 1N. Stal�ey Pkr Rd., Grand �sland, NE ��$D� <br /> �referred to belvw as "Lender"}. <br /> ASSIGNI�lIENT. Fvr rra�uab�e cans�deration. Grantor hereby assigns, grants a �ontinuEng security <br /> interest in, and �vnrreys t� Lender a�� �f Grantv�r's right, title, and interest in and tv the Rents <br /> fram the fvllowing described Pr�perty lacated in HALL Cvunty, 5tate �f Neb�raska: � <br /> L�TS F�UR �4}, SEVEN {7}, T�IVELVE {��} AND TH�RTEEN �13}, 'INILDVIJ�DD SUBL�IVISlON, <br /> HALL C�UNTY, NEBRASKA AN�3 L�T �NE {�}, HISER SUBI3IV�S��N, HALL C�UNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> The Praperty v� its addr�ss is commvnly known as 5��� ANTELDPE DR, GRAN❑ �SLANa, NE � <br /> 6g��3. � . <br /> ' CRDSS-C�LLATERALlZAT�ON. In addition to the N��e, �his Assignmen� secures all'olaligations, dehts and lia�ilities,� <br /> plus interes� �herean, af either Granfior ar Borrawer to Lender, vr any vne ❑r more of them, as well as all claims by <br /> Lender against Borrower and Gran�or or any one ar more of them, whether now exis�in� ar hereafter arising, whether <br /> related ❑r unrelated to the purpvse o� �he Nv�e, whe�her �oluntary or o�herwise, whe�kher due ❑r� not due, dire�t or <br /> indire��, determined or undetermined, absolute or cantingen�, liquida�ed or unliquidated, whether Borrawer vr Grantar <br /> may be liable indi�idually or joint�y wi�h oth�rs, whe�her obliga�ed as guaran�or, sure�y, acGommodation party �r <br /> otherwise, and v+rhether re�o�ery upon such amounts may be ❑r hereafter may become barred by any s�fiatute of <br /> �imita�ions, and whe�her �he obligatian to repay such amoun�s may be ❑r hereaf�er may became ❑therw'tse <br /> unenfvr�eabfe. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. ln addi�ion�a the Na�e, �his Assignment secures a���ufiu�-e ad�ances made by Lender�o Barrower <br /> o� Gran�or whether or not the ad�ances are mad� pursuan� to a commi�men�. Specifically, w�thou� limi�a�ion, this <br />