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� <br /> " 2� 1 ��2253 <br /> �aEEn �F T�us-r <br /> Loan No: '1�7�9424� �Continued� Page 3 <br /> fvregoing, Trus�or will no�remov�, or grant�� any �ther party�he righ�to remo�e, any�im�er, minera�s {in�luding <br /> ❑il and gasy, �oal, ciay, scoria, soil, gra�el ❑r rock produc�s withau�Lender's pr�or wr�tten consen�. <br /> Remo�al of lmprovaments. Trustor shall nvt demoiish❑r remoWe any [mpro�ements�rom the Real Proper�y wi�hout <br /> Lender's priar wrifiten consent. As a cvnditifln to the remo�a� ❑f any lmpro�ements, Lender may r�quire Trus�or to <br /> make arrang�ments sa�isfactvey to Lender to replace such �mprv�ements wifih lmprovements ❑f at �east equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right�o En#er. Lende�- and Lender's agents and represen�at��es may en�er upon the Real Prop�r�y a� a[[ <br /> reasonable �imes �❑ a�tend t❑ Lender's interes�s anc� �❑ inspec�k �he Real Proper�y for purpases ❑f Trus�or's <br /> campliance with the terms and condi�ians❑f this ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Cvmpl�ance w�#h �overnmental Requiremen#s. Trus�vr shall prompt€y �vmply wi�h all laws, �rdinances, and <br /> regula�ions, now ❑r hereaf�er �n e�ffec�, ❑f all go�ernmental authori�ies applicable �ko �he use or o�cupancy of the <br /> Property, incIuding wifihout Iimifia�ion; the Americans V1f�th Disabilit�es Ac�. Trus�or may canfiest in goad faith any <br /> such law, ❑rdinance, or regulati�n and wi�hhold �ompliance during any proceeding, in�ludin� apprapria�e appea�s, <br /> s� long as Trustor has nvtified Lender in wri�ing prior to dvin� s❑ and sv Ivng as, in Lender's sv�e apinian, Lender's <br /> interes�s in �he Property are na�jeopardized. Lender may require Trusf�r to post adequate securi�y ❑r a su��ty <br /> band, reasanably safiis�Fac�ory�❑ Lender,�o prat�c�Lender's �nteres�. <br /> Du�y fio Pra�e�t. Trus�or agrees neithe� ta abandon or Iea�e una��ended �he Praperty. Trus�ar shall d❑ all other <br /> acfis, in addition�o�hose ac�s se�forth abo�e in this seetion, which from�he charac�er and use o��he Proper�y are <br /> reasonably ne�essary'�v pro�ect and preser�e�he Praperfiy. <br /> DUE ❑N SALE-C�NSENT 6Y LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender`s ❑p�ion, declare irnmedia�ely due and payable al� sums <br /> secured k�y this Deed a�T�ust upvn the sale ar-trans�er, withou�Lender's prior written consen�, ❑f all ❑r any parfi ofi�he <br /> Real P�oper�y, ❑�r any int�rest in�he Real Proper�y. A "sale ar�ransfer" means the con�eyance o� Rea� Property or any <br /> right, �i�le vr interest in �he Real Property; whe�her legai, beneficial o� equi�ab€e; whe�her �oluntary �r in�oluntary; <br /> whe�her by ou�righ�k sale, de�d, ins�allment sale ��n�ract, land �vntra�t, cont�act for deed, leasehald inte�es� with a <br /> term greater than fihree �3� years, lease-optivn contract, or by sale, assignment, ❑r�ransfer o�any bene�icial infi�rest in <br /> �r ta any land �rus� holding title �o the Real Proper�y, ❑r by any other me�hod �� �vn�eyance of an in�eres� in the Real <br /> Proper�y. ff any Trus�far is a carparation, partn�rship o�- limited lia�ili�y company, ��ans�er also includes any change in <br /> ownership of more�han twen�ty---�i�e pe�c�nt {25°/�� o�f the�ating sto�k, partnership interes�ts or limi�ed liability company <br /> in�eresfis, as fihe case may be, ❑f such Trustor. Howe�er, �his ❑p�ion sha�� na� be exercissd by Lender i�f such exe�-cise <br /> is prohibited by�edera� �aw❑r by Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND L[ENS. The following pro��sions rela�ing �❑ the taxes and liens vn the Proper�y are part af this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trus�vr shal� pay when due �and in a�� e�en�s privr to delinquency� a�f fiaxes, specia[�axes, asse�smen�s, <br /> charges {in�luding water and s�wer}, f�nes and impositions le�ied against or on account of�he Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all c�aims �vr work done vn or for services rendered or ma�erial �urnished fiv�he Property. Trusfior <br /> shall maintain�he Property�ree ❑�f all liens ha�ing pr�vri�y o�er❑�-equal�o�he in�erest❑f L�nder under�kh�s ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, excep� tor the lien ❑� taxes and assessmenfis not due and except as atherwise pr��ided in fihi5 Deed o�r <br /> Trust. <br /> REgh�fo Cvnfest. T�us�or may wi�hha�d payment�o-�any�ax, assessment, ❑r �laim in cannection with a good faith <br /> dispute o�er�he obligati�n to pay, s❑ lang as Lender`s infieres�in�he Property is no�jeopardized. l�a lien arises or <br /> is �ifed as a result vf nonpayment, Trustar shall wi�hin �ifteen {15} days after the lien arises ❑r, if a Iien is �iled, <br /> within ��fteen {15} days after Trustor has not��e �f the filing, secure �he discharge a�the lien, ❑r ifi �eques�ed by <br /> Lender, deposi�with Lender�ash ❑r a suffiGient�orparate sure�y bond ar❑ther s�curity sa�isfac�ory t❑ Lender in an <br /> amoun�suffi�ient ta discharge�h� lien p[us any costs and attorneys' �ees, ❑r❑ther�harges thafi cou�d accrue as a <br /> result�fi a�oreclosure ar sale under the lien. �n any cantest, Trus�ar sha;� defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment before en�orcement agains�the Prvperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an additianal o�ligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the cantest proceedings. <br /> E�idence of Payment. T�ustor shall upon demand �furnish t❑ Lender satisfa�tory e�idence o� payment vf�he �axes <br /> ar assessments and sha1I au�hari�e�he apprvpriate ga�ernmenfial o��icial to deli�er�o Lender at any�im� a w�it�en <br /> sta�ement a�F the�a�ces and assessments against�he Property. <br /> No�ice v-� Cvnstru��ion. Trusfior sha�l nv�ify Lender a� least�ifteen ��5� days be�ore any work is commenced, any � <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, ar any mate�ials are supplied t❑ �he Praperty, ��any mechanic`s lien, ma�eria�men's iien, or <br /> ❑ther lien could 1ae asser�ed ❑n accoun� af�he wvrk; ser�ices, �r materia�s. Trustor- will upan requesfi a� Lender <br /> �urnish tv Lender ad�an�e assuran�es sa�is-�actory �o Lender that Trus�or can and wi�i pay �he cost at su�h <br /> impro�emen�s. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSUF�ANCE. The fallawin� pra�isions rela�ing to insuring the P�operty are a part of this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Maint�nance of lnsurance. Trustor sha11 procure and maintain palicies o� fire insuranc� wi�h standard ex�ended <br /> co�erage endarsements ❑n a �ai� value 1�asis far �he full insurable �afue co�ering all lmpravements vn the Rea� <br /> Proper-�y in an amount suf�icien� to a�a�d app�ication o-� any cainsurance cfause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�or of Lender. Trus�or shall a�so pracure and mainfiain comprehensi�e general lialaili�y insurance in such <br />