2� 1 ��2244
<br /> fuli of alI sums secured by �his Security �ns�rumen�. However, this ap�i�n shall no� be exerGised by Lend�r �f
<br /> exercise�s proh�bi�ed by federa�Iaw as of the da�e of this Security�ns�rurne�t.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this optiar�, Lender sha11 give B arrovver n��ice af acce�eration. The natice �ha11 pr�u�de'a
<br /> per�ad of not �ess than �he mini�um number �f days �stab�ished by Applicable Law f��m �he date �he notice is
<br /> delivered �r mailed within whzch Borrower mus� pay alI sums secured by this 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. If Borrower
<br /> fai�s �o pay th�se sums prior to the expiratifln of this peri�d, Lender may invoke any rem�dies permi��ed by this
<br /> Security�nstrurne�z�vv�th.out furth�r na�ice or dema.nd an Barr��rer.
<br /> �orrower'� Right t� Re�nstate. �f Bnrrov�rer mee�s cer�ain c�ndit�ans, �3 orrower shall have the righ� to have
<br /> enforcemen�Qf�his 5ecurity Ins�ument discontinued a�any time prior to the earlier af �a� 5 days (or such�ther
<br /> per�ad as Appl�cable Law may spe�ify for reinsta�ement�before sale of the Praperty pursuant to any po�wer of sale
<br /> contained �n this Security �ns�rumen�; ar �b} ent� of a judgmen� enforcing �his Security �ns�rum�n�. Those
<br /> conditions are tha� B�rrower: ta} pays Lemder a11 s�ms v�rhich �hen v�rould be due under �h�s 5ecurxty Ins�ru.ment
<br /> and the�on�rac�as if no accelera�ion had oc�urred; �b}cures any defaul�of any other covenants or agreemen�s; �c�
<br /> pays aIl expenses incurred�n enf�rcing�his Secur��y Instrumen�,�ncluding,bu�not limi�ed to,reasonab��a�torneys'
<br /> fees to the exten�permitted by Iaw; and �d} �akes such action as Lender may reasonab�y requ�r��o assure �hat�he
<br /> i�en af�his Security Instrument,Lend�r's raghts in the Pr�pez-�y and Borra�wer's obliga�ion to pay�he sums�ecured
<br /> by this Security�nstrumen� sha11 continue unchanged. Upo�reinstatement by Borrovver, this Securifiy �nstrument
<br /> and�he ob�igatioris secured hereby shall remain fu1ly effec�ive as if no a�celerativn had �ccurred. Ha�ever, thrs
<br /> right ta reinstate shall not apply in�he case�f acce�era��on under the sec�ion t�tled Transfer of the Pro�er�y or a
<br /> Benef��ial In�erest in BQrrow�r.
<br /> �Iazardaus Substances.Borrovv�r sha�l not caus�or p�rmit the presence,use, dispflsal, stvrage, or re�ease�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances�n or in th�Pr�perty.Borro�rer sha�I not do,nor all��v anyone e�se to do,any�hing affect�ng
<br /> �he Proper�y �ha� �s in viola�ion of any Er�v�ronmen�a� Law. Th� preced�ng tvtro sen�ences shail no� apply �o the
<br /> preSenCe,use,or st�rage�n the P�ap�r�y of small quan���ies�f Hazard�us 5ubs�ances�i.a�are general�y rec�gnized
<br /> to be appropria�e to normal resid�ntial uses and t�rr�ain�enance of th�Praperty.
<br /> Borro,w�r sha1�promp��y give Lender writ�en n��ice of any investiga�ion,c�aim, demand,1avv�sui�or fl�he�-act�on by
<br /> any g�venvmental or regu�atory agency or private party involving �he Proper�y and any I�azaxdous 5ubsta.nce or
<br /> Environmenta� Lavv of Which Borrovver has actual kno�v��dge. If Borrav�rer �earns, or is n���f�d by any
<br /> gavernmen�al ar regula�ory authori�r,�hat any removal or o�h�r remedia�ion�f any Hazardaus 5ubs�ance a�'fect�ng
<br /> the Proper�y is neGe55ary, Borrativer sha�� prompt�y take a11 necessary remedial ac�ior�s in accordance �vvxth
<br /> Envir�ri�men�a.I La,t�v.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are those substances de�'ined as toxic or hazard�us subs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nmental La�v and the fo�Iowing �u�stances: gasnline, ker�sene, o�her f�ammab�e or t�xic pe�ro�eum
<br /> produ��s, �oxx� pestic�des and h�rbicides, v�ia�ile salvents, ma�er�a�s con�ain�ng asbestos or forn�aldehyde, and
<br /> rad�aact�ve ma�erials.As used in�h�s paragraph, "Environmen�al Lav�r" r�eans federallaws and�aWs of the s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate�o hea��h,safety�r enviranmen�.��ro�ect�an.
<br /> Aecel�rat�on; Rem�dies. Lender shall g��e notic� to B�rrovver pri�r �v aece�era��on folltiwing Borrvvver's
<br /> breach af any covenant or agre�ment in this Security Instrument or the��ntract under which ae�elerat�on
<br /> i.s perm�tted�but not prior to accel�rat�on under the se�ti�n �it�ed Transfer of the�'roperty or a Benefic�a� �
<br /> I�terest in Borrower, unless Appli�ab�.e Lavv pr�v�des �th�rwise). The noti�e sha�I specify: �a) the d�fault;
<br /> ��} the ac�ion required tv cure the d�fault; ��} a date, no� less than the m�n�mum number of days
<br /> e�tablished by App�icable Layv�'rorn the date�he nnt�ce is g��en to Bvrrawer,by which the defau�t n�ust be
<br /> cured; and �d) that fai�ure to cur� the default �n ar before the date spe�i�ed in the not�ce rnay r�su�t in
<br /> acce�erat�an af �he sums secured by this �ecurity Instrument and sa�e of the Property. T� the ex�en�
<br /> perm�tted by lavv, �he a�o�ice shal�furth�r�nfor�B�rrawer of the righ�tv reinstat� after ac�elerat��n and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a c�urt a��ion t�a55ert t�ie non�ex�stenc��f a defau�t or any n�her dQfense of BorrowQr�o
<br /> acce�eration and sale. If the defaul�is nat cured �n or b�for� th� date specif�ed in th�notice,Le�der at�ts
<br /> aptxon ma� requYre immedf ate payment �n fu�� of a�l 5u�s 5e�ured b� thi5 Security In�trument wi�hvut
<br /> fur�her demand and may�nvake the p��ver �f s�.le and a�y �ther remed�es perrni�ted by App�icable Law.
<br /> To the exten� perr�utted by law, Lend�r shail be ent�t�ed t� cQl�ec� all �xpense� �ncurred i�n pursuing the
<br /> remed�es provided in �his Se�ti�n,in��ud�ng,bu� n����m�ted�o, reasona�le attorne�s' f�es and co��s�f txt�e
<br /> ey�dence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is�nvol�ed, Trust�e shall rec�rd a notY�e �f defau�t�n �ach county in yvhich any part of
<br /> the Property zs located and sha�l mai�cap��s of such no�ice in �he manner pre�cribed by AppYicab�e Law to
<br /> Borrovver a�nd tn the othe�-persons pre5cribed by Appiieab�e Layv, After the �ime required by ,�pp�xcabie
<br /> Layv, Trustee sha�l gfve puhlic nati�� of�ale to t�e persv�s and in the manner prescribed by App���able
<br /> Law. TruS�ee,withvut demand on B�rrower, shall se��the Praperty at public au�ti�n to the h�ghest bidder
<br /> a��he time and p�ace and under the terms designat�d in the n�tice of saie�n one�r more par�els amd in any
<br /> �rder TrusteQ determune�. Trustee ma� p�s�pone saie o�' �ll vr any parc�l of the Fruperty by publ�c
<br /> ar�nauncement at the t�me and��ace vf any prev�.ou5�y scheduled sal�.Lender or it� de5�gnee may purchase
<br /> �he Property at any sale.
<br /> Upan re�eipt af payment of the price b�d, Trustee shal� dei�ver to the purchaser Trustee's de�d cflnveying
<br /> �he Property. The rec��als in �he Trustee's deed shall be prima fac�e e�idence af the�ruth vf the stat�ments
<br /> m�de therein, TruStee sha�l apply the proceeds of the sa�e in the fo�low�ng order: �a� �a �li cvsts and
<br /> expenses of exerc�s�ng the power of sale, and the sa�e, in�iud�ng the payment�f th� Trustee's fee� actually
<br /> C�2fl04-2415 Campliari�e Systems,�n�.8C54-09�17-2415.I 1.3.i498
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secu�ty Instrument DL�a35 Pa�e 4 af 5 www,compIia.nc�systems.com
<br />