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2� 1 ��2198 <br /> Su�aj ect to the provisions of Section �7,any Succes�or�n Interest of B�rrower who assumes$orro�rer's <br /> obligations under�h�s�ecur��y Instrument�n��t�ng,an.d�s ap�rov�d b�Le��er,shall abtain a11 of <br /> Borrov��r's righ�s and benefits under this���urity Instrument. Borrawer sha11 not be released from <br /> Borrower's abligations and liability under this Seeurity Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release <br /> �n wri�ing. �'�e ca�enants and agreements o�'thYs S�cur�t�Instrument s�.a���a�nd(except as pra��ded�n. <br /> 5eetion 19)and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 13. L��n Charges.Lender ma�r char�e�orr�wer fees for ser�ices perfflrmed in conneGtion with�orrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of pratecting Lend�r's interest in the Pr�perty and r�ghts under this Security <br /> �nstru�ment,inc�uding,but not Iimi�ed to,at�orneys`fees,prop��y inspection and valuation fees. Lender <br /> may co��ect fees and charges authori2ed by the Se�retary. Lender ma�not charge fees that are expr�ssly <br /> prohibited by this Security Instrument ar by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan�s subj ect to a law which sets maximum loan charges,and that law is fin�lly interpreted so <br /> that the interest�r other l�an charges collect�d or to be col�ect�d in conneetion with the Loan e�ceed the <br /> p�rmitted�imits,t�e�: �a�an�such��an c�arge sha��be reduced by the amaunt necessary��reduce t�.e <br /> charge ta the permit�ed limit;and(b)any sums already Golle�ted from Borrower�vhich exceeded <br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to rr�ake this refund by reducing the <br /> princ�pa�owed under the Note or by makrng a d�.rect payment to�orro�er. If a refun�reduces prYnc�pa�, <br /> the reduction tivi11 be treated as a�art�al prepayment�vith no changes in the due dat�or xn the monthly <br /> payment amount unless the Lender a�rees in writing ta�hose changes. Borrower's acc�ptance af a�y such <br /> refund made by direct payment t��orrower wiil constitute a waiver of an�right of actian Borrower <br /> m�ght have ar�s�ng o��of�u�h overcharge. <br /> '��. Not��es.AII nat�ces g��e�.by Borro�er o�r I�ender in connect�ox�.wit�this Security Instr�ment must be in <br /> wr�ting. A.ny n�tice to B�nower in connect�on with this Security I�strument sha11 be deemed to ha�ve <br /> been given t�Borrow�r t�vhen mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice <br /> address if sent by other means.Notic�to any�n�Borro�er sha��const�tute�oti��to a��Borro�ers un�ess <br /> Applicable Law expre��ly re�uires otherwise. Th�notiee address shall be the Property Address un�ess <br /> Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notiGe ta Lender. Barrow�r sha11 promptly <br /> notify Lender of Borrawer's c�.ange of address. If Lender specxf es a procedur�fflr�-eporting B�nower's <br /> Chang�of�.d�ress,then Borr�wex shall only r�port a change of address through that specified pr�cedure. <br /> There may be only one designated notice addxess under this Securi�t�Instrument at any one time.Any <br /> �otice to Lender sha1l be given by deiivering it or by mailing it by first c�ass mair to Le�der'�addres� <br /> stated herei�.unless Le�der has des�gnated another ad�ress b�notice to Borrower.Any notic�in <br /> cannectian with this Security Instrument sha1�not be deemed to have been�iven to Lender until actually <br /> reGeived by Lender.If any nQtice required by this Security Instrument�s also required under Appiicabie <br /> �au�, the App��cab�e La�v requ�rer�ent�r��sat�sf��he carre��aondzng re�u�rement under thi�Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> �I 5. Go�ernin�Law; 5everab�#ity;Rul+��af Construetifln.This Security Instrument sha11 be go�erned by <br /> federal law and the law of the�urisdiction in�vhich th�Property is located. All rights and obligatians <br /> conta.ined in this Seeurity instrument are su�ject to any r�quirements and Zimita.tions vf App�icab�e La�v. <br /> App�ieable Law mi�ht explicitl�or ixnplicitly alla�the partie�to agree by contract or it might be silent, <br /> but such silence sha��not be construed as a prohibition against agreement by contract. In the event that <br /> any provision or clause of this Security Insirume��or�he�ote conflicts�ith App��cable LawA such <br /> co�fl�et sha��nat affect vth�r provisian.s of this Security Instrument or the Note wh�ch given effect <br /> without the c�nflicting prav�sion. <br /> FHA Deed af Trust With MERS-h1E 913�12�14 <br /> Bankers 5ystemsTti+ VMP� VMR�N{NE}(1��fi).�� <br /> IlVolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 11 of 17 <br /> q43353$5�8$9 U�33 359 1117 <br />