2� 1 ��218�
<br /> Transfer of the Praperty or a Bene��ial Intere5t in Barrv�ver.If alI or any par�of the Property or�.ny in�eres�
<br /> in it is sold or �ransferred �or if a benef�cia� �nterest in Bar�-av�rer is �old �r �ransferred and Barr�v�r�r is :�o� a
<br /> na�ural person} ��haut Lender's prior written consent, Lender ma�, a�t ��s opt�on, require immediate payme:nt in
<br /> fu�l of a11 sums s ecure d by this S ecurit� �nstrument. Havvev�r, �hs s c�p���n sha11 not be exerc�s e� b}� Lender �f
<br /> exercise�s prah�bxted by federal laur as af�he da�e of�his Security�n.str��men1:.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses th�s opti�n, Lend�r sha1� gi�e ]�vrr�vver r�a�ice of aece�era��on. The na�ice sha�l provide a
<br /> peri�d of nat �ess than th� minimum num�er of days e�tabli�hed b���pplicable Lavv from �he date �he not�ce �s
<br /> delivered or rna�led w�th�n Uvhich BorroWer mus� pa�r alI sums sec�ure�� by this 5ecur�ty Yns�rumen�. �f�Qrro,wer
<br /> fails tio pay�hese sums prior t� �h.e exp�ration vf�h�s period, Lend�r nlay invoke any remedies permitted b� th�s
<br /> Securit��nstrument vv�th�ut further notice or demand�n B�rr�wer.
<br /> Borr�wer's Right t� Reinstate. Yf�orroWer m�ets certain condi.�io��s, B�rra,wer sha11 have �he right �o ha�re
<br /> enf�rc�men�of�h�s Se�urity �ns�rument discantinued at any t�xne p��iar to �he earl�er of: �a) 5 days (or such o�her
<br /> per��d as App��cable Law may specify for re�ns�a�em�nt�before sa1�:nf�he�roperty pursuant to any poWer of sale
<br /> can�ained in this 5ecurity �nstrument; or �b} entry of �. judgmen� E;nforcing �his Security Instrum�nt. Those
<br /> canditians are �ha�Barrau�er: �a� pays Lender a�� sums v�rhich �hen vvcsuld be due under�his Security�ns�ru.men�
<br /> and�he�antract as if n�acce�eration had occurred; (b�cures a.ny defaul.�of any vther covenan�s or agreemenfs; �c�
<br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforczng th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument,�nc�ud�ng,b�t no�lim�ted to,reasonable a�arneys'
<br /> fe�s to �he ex�en�permi�t�d by Iavv; and �d� takes su�h ac�ion as Le�1de�ma�r reasonably re�uire t� assure that the
<br /> lien af�his Security Ins�rume��,Lender's rig�ts �n�he Pr��ert��and]Bo��rower`s abl�gati�n to pay the sums se�ured
<br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument shall continue unchanged, U�on r�instate�r�en�by Borrotiver, this Secur�ty �ns�ru.ment
<br /> and the obliga��ons secur�d hereby shal� remain fully effe�tive as if nc� accelera��an had oc�urred. Ho�vever, this
<br /> right to reinsta�e sha11 not apply in�he case af accelera�ion under�he,se�ution tit�ed Transfer of th�Property or a
<br /> Be�e�cial In�eres�in B�rr�wer.
<br /> H�.zardaus Substances.Barrovt��r shall no�cause or�aerr�it the pre�en�ce,use, disposal, s��rage, or rel�ase of any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or�n the Pr�per�y.Borrovver shall no��do,�zor a�l��r an�one else�o d�,anything aff�c�ing
<br /> the �raperty�ha� is in vialation of any En�irazarnen�a� Law. The p��ec��ding twfl s�ntences sha�� �ot app�y t�� �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage on the Proper�y of sm.a�l quantitie s�f Hazaxd���.s Substances t�at are generally rec�gra.�zed
<br /> ��be apprflpr�at�ta norm��residentia�u�es ar�d��maintenanc�of�he P:rope�ty.
<br /> Borra�ver shall promp�ly give Lender writ�en notice of any�nvest�gal�ioz�.,c�aixn, demand,�a�rsuz�or o�her ac��an by
<br /> any governmen�a� or regulatory agency ar private parfiy involving �h� Pr�p�rty and any Hazardous Substance ar
<br /> Env�ranmen�a� Law of �v�rhich Barro�ver has actual kr�ow�edge. If Barr�wer learns, ar is notified by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory autharity, �hat any removal or ath�r rem.�dz��t�on�f any Hazardous Substance aff�c�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borrovver shall pr�mptl� �a�e a�� necessary remed�al a��ions in accordance w�th
<br /> Env�ronmen�al Lavv.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubs�tances" are thase subs�ances defned as toxic or hazard�us subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ran.menta� Lavv and �he follotiv�ng subs�ances: g�.�ali�e, k��rfl��ene, other flammab�e or �oxic pe�ra�leum
<br /> produc�s, �oxic pest�cides and herbicides, volati�e s�lvents, materials containing asb�s�os or farma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials. As used�n th�s paragraph, "Environmen�al La��v" �:n�ans federal la�t�trs and lavas of�he s��.�e of
<br /> Nebraska tha�reXate�a health,safety or environmental protecti�n.
<br /> Acc�ierat�fln; Remediese L�nder shall g�ve nvtice tv �orr�vver pri�nr �o acce�erat��n following Borro��ver's
<br /> br�ach of any c�venant vr agreement in this Se�urity Inst�°�ment o��the�vntract under wh�ch ac�e�era�ion
<br /> is permftted �but no�pr�ar to aC�e�eration under the 5�ct�an titl+�d'Tran�fer of the Property or a B�ne�cial
<br /> Int�rest�n Borrower, unless Applicable Law provides a�herw�s��. 'Th� nflt��e shal� specify: �a� th� �efault;
<br /> tb� the ac�ion required to cure the defau�t; ��} a date, nvt �ess than the m�n�mum number of days
<br /> es�ablished by App�ic�b�e Lavv frflm the date�he notic�is���en to�Bo�rower,by tivhich the defau�t max�t be
<br /> cur�d; and �d) that fai�ure to cure the default �n or �efflre the d��te speci�ed in �he not�ce may result in
<br /> acce�era�ian �f the surr�s secured by th�s Securi�y Instru�n.en� axEd s�I� of th� �roperty. To th� e�tent
<br /> permit�ed by�a�vv, the no�ice shall fur�her inform Bflrrower of the right to re�nstate after acceiera��vn and
<br /> th�right t�bring a court a�tion to assert the n�n-ex�stence of a def��ui��r any o�h�r defense of I3orrvwer to
<br /> acceleration and sale, If th� defaul�is nat cured on or�ef�re thQ dat� ��pecified�n th�not�c�,Lend�r at its
<br /> op�i�n may re�uire immed�ate payment i.n full of aI� su�ms 5e�ur��d by �h�s Security Ins�rum�nt �vxthvut
<br /> further demand and r.�ay invoke the pawer �f saie anc� arny other:rer�ed�es permit�ed by Appl.�c�ble ]��aw.
<br /> To the e�tent perrr�itted b� �av�v, Lender Shal� be en.ti���d to c�]llec� all expQnses i��urred i� pursu�ng the
<br /> re�n�d�es provi�ed�n th�s Section,�n�luding,but n�t lim���d ta, reasona�Ie attarn�ys' fees and cast5�f t���e
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the power vf sal��s xnvol�ed, Trustee shall re�or� a not��� of def��u�t im �ach cnunty in which ar�y part vf
<br /> th�1'roperty�s located and shall mai� capi�s af su�h na�ice�n �h�e m�ann�r pres�ribed by Appli�able Law�fl
<br /> B�rr�wer and to the other persons prescrxbed by Applica�le Law„ Af��r the time required by App�i�ab�e
<br /> Law, TruStee shall gi�e publ�c not��� of sa�� to the persams anr� ��� the manner pres�ri�bed hy A�pp�i.�able
<br /> Law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,�hall se��the Prvp�rt�T at�u�I�c au�t��n �� the hfghest bi�dder
<br /> at the t�me and�alace and under the terms designated xn�h�n��ire a�f��1�in ane�r more par�ei5 and in any
<br /> ord�r Trustee determines, Trustee m�y postpon� sa�� of all {�r any parcel of the Prop�rty �y public
<br /> anr�ouncemen�a�the t�e and plac��f any prev�ous�y schedu�edl sale.Lender or�t�d�5ignee may purchase
<br /> �he Prop�rty at any sale.
<br /> I]�po� rece�pt �f payment�f the price bid, Trus�ee sha�� d�I�ver to �:he p�rchaser Trust��'s deed cvnveying
<br /> �he Pr�perty. The reci�ais in �he Trustee's deed shall be pr�xna faci��e�idlen�e of t�e truth of�he state�ents
<br /> fl 20�4-24I5 Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-FESE-2415.11.3,1a98 '
<br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Ins�rument DL2036 Pa�e 4 a�5 www,�vmpliancesystems.com
<br />