2� 1 ��21 �2
<br /> under pa�•a�raph 5 to pz•otect the security af���is Secur-ity Ins�t•��mer�t or atl�e�v�rise due under the�ez•zns of
<br /> �his Secu�-��y I�st�-u�nen�;and��}the pe�-far�nance of Ba�-t-a�r�;i-'s co�enan�s and a��-eei�lents undea•this
<br /> Securi�}�Ins�rumen�and�he Second Note. The full d�bt, inc[uding a�Z�oun�:s desc��ibed in�a},�b),and(c}
<br /> abo��,if not due earlier•, is due at�d payabie on D�cem�er- �ti,����.F�r�his pu�pose,B��•rawer
<br /> irre�ocably grants and con�veys to Trustee,ix��r��s�,tiv�th pawe��of sale,tl�e f�llowir�g described propecrty
<br /> �ocated in HALL�oi�nty,N EBR�S K.A:
<br /> See tega�descr�pti�n as Exhibi�A at�achec� l�cre�o and �nad�a ��.rt hereuf for al�inten#�s and
<br /> �u rposes
<br /> wl�ich has t��e addr�ss a�-
<br /> 3U1 E Pine S�ree�,A�da,I�ie�r�sl�a fS�IO,("F'�•ope�-ty�dc:lress"}
<br /> T�GErrHER V1rITH aIl �����mp�•n�ernents naw o�h�rea�ter�rec�ec�on���e pt•op�rty,and all easemen�s,
<br /> �-ighfs,appur�e��ances,and�ix�u�•�s��aw ar herea�te�•a pa3�t of�he p�-operty. A1� replacei��en�s at�d
<br /> add��i�ns shall ais�be co�ered by this Secu�•ity� �nst�uzn�n�.Al�af�he fa��e�aing is�-efe�•red to in this
<br /> Sec urity I nstru�nent as the"Pr�pe�-�y."
<br /> BDRR��VER C�VENANTS tl�at Bo�•�•a�ver is �awfu�l��s�i;ced of�he esta�e l�e�-zby Gon�reyed and l�as�he
<br /> z-i�ht to gz•a�-�t a��.d c�nvey��e Prop��•�y a��d�hat�h� Pt-ope��ty �s only enc��mbered b�a First S���i�-i�y
<br /> Instrume���gi�en b�B�rr�w�r a1�d dated�he sa���e da�e as�his Se�u�ity l��strume��t�"Fi�•st Secu���y
<br /> Ins��•ument"}.Borro�ver warl•ai�ts a��zd will defend gene�•ally�he�itle�o the P�•operty a�ainsti all c�aims and
<br /> demands,sub�ec�to a��y encum��•a��ces of recor-d.
<br /> THIS SE�URITY�NSTRUMENT co�1�b���es�.�nifo�-n�cavet�a���s �or r�atiapal use aY�d non-unifoi-t��
<br /> cfl�enan�s with limited�ariatians by ju�-isdi��ian�o cons���u���u��ifox�l�n se�u�•ity instz•umen�cavering
<br /> t•eai property.
<br /> UN�F�RM C�VENANTS. �3��-��ower az�d L�nd���cov�nant��nd a�r���s f�ll�ws:
<br /> I. Paymex�t af Princi�a�and �n�erLsf. Bar��Uwer sha�� p��y wl����due�:h��z•inc.i�a�af,and it�terest o�,
<br /> �he de�t�Widenced b}�the 5ectiz�d Note.
<br /> 2.Paymen�of Prnperty Charges. �3arrower�ha�� pay al��roper�ty c��ar�es cons�s�i��b af p�•op�rty taxes,
<br /> haza�-d i��surance pre�l�iums, flood i��su�-ai�ce pr���niui��s,��-�u��d rents,col�do���in�uz�� fee�,pla��Y�ed unit
<br /> de�e�opmei��fees,ha�neo�w��e�•"s associa�i�n fees,and a��y��l�e�-special assess�n�n�s�ha�Ynay�e�ec�uired
<br /> by�dCa� DI"S�afe l�W lI"1 a�ll7l��y I17��']I7�I",�rtd shalt p�•n��de ev�dence of pay���en�to Le�de�•, L�nless Lender
<br /> pays�e�•�ain pr�per�y charges as p�-ovid�d fa�-and in acca�-dar�ce witl�ihe L�az�Agre����e��t.
<br /> 3. Fire,F�aod and D�her Hazard lnsurance. BQ�•�•ower�ha�I �nsure all i�np��n��e��-�en�s on���e P�-operty,
<br /> whether naw in exis�ence o�•subsec�u���t�y erected,a�a�ps�apy�ha7ards, casua��ies,and contingencies,
<br /> I�IC�llC�l27�,bu�n�#l�mited ta,fire ar�d flood,fo��which Le��der•�ec�u�res��lsui ance. Such insu�°ance shali
<br /> be mai�ltained in�he al-��oun�s,and for�h�pet•iods tl��t I�e�ider req�z�res; Lende�•��as the discre�ion�n
<br /> increase or decrease�he axna�.�nt af any insurance��eq��iz-ed a�a��y ti�r�e pro�ided the a���aunt is e�ua��Q a�-
<br /> greater than any�ni��i���u��.�ren�iired by�the Secretary of Ho�sinb and Urban D��elop��7en��"Sec�-eta�•y"}.
<br /> �Vhe�her o�not Lenc�ez�irnpases a flood ins�ri-a��ce re�ui�-���ze��t,�3orrawer-sl�all at a mi��.i2�n�i��� insure aIl
<br /> improvemen�s on�he Propearty,r.v��ether���w i�1 ��is����ce o��su�sec�uer�.�l��e�•ect�d, a�G�i��s�I�ss by flaoc�s
<br /> �a�he ex�e��t��ec�ui�•ed by the S��r�tary_ Zf���� Le��de�• i�nposes i��s��raz�ce��c�uire�����-��s,aii ���suranc�s��.ai�
<br /> be car�•ied with con�panies app�•oved by I�end�r, and���Y� insuz-a��c�e ��licies a��d any z-e��ewals sha�� be
<br /> held by Lende��and shall include �oss payab�e clauses ir� favot�«���,and ira a�f�a�•���aceep�able t�,�c��de�-.
<br /> ���3�i 2 Uf l3 ���t,M su�������.o�:�t�o��r��t�;�--�n 1 s
<br />