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<br /> �--------------------^-�S�'��E A���TE T�IS ���'��J����IN��1-�TA]----_____..��..---------
<br /> T`�ITST��°� I���I�
<br /> RET`iURN'I'�:Farec�.Dept,V�alentine,�'Toale,IV��Qu��I�&Gordon,�.L�.P.,I 1�40 Davenport Stree�,P.�.$ox 540�25,�maha,NE 6SI54
<br /> I�N��AL� �N�Y TI�S��l�S�NTS:
<br /> �Ch.at a J�eed of Trust �r�.s made ��. �r�tered pr�t� �r� �r �.b�ut I��ven��e� 23, ���4, ��y �.nd
<br /> bet-w�e�. Steven�. ��sinsk� and �`in�.�C. ��s��s�, �.s ��sba�d �a.d�vife, as T�st�r�, �x�.d M��gage
<br /> E�ectr�n�c I2.egist�a�i�� S�st��.s, I�.c., �ene�icia�y, v���rei� L�nd��s First ����ce was n�ed
<br /> Trus�ee. This I���d �f�'�ust was r���rd�d D��e�be� ��, 2�a4 �r� �e����ords �f the Y��g�ster ��
<br /> De�ds �f Hal� �ou�a.�,Neb�ask�.as I�stru�e�.�I��. OZ��4-��3��.
<br /> �r� �r �.b�ut Feb�.ary �8, ��1 Z, M�rtgag� �I��t��r�i� Y��g�strat��� S�st�rr�.s, Inc.,
<br /> ]�ene���ar�, ass�g�ec��.�� �f�ts r�ght, tit�e a�d be�e��z�.� �terest�n the Deed of T�st t� �'he �ar�k o�
<br /> New��r�l�e���r���.�he ��k of I�ew�l��l��.� �`�st�e f��t�e �erti�icate��ld�rs����1�BS, Inc.,
<br /> Ass�t �3a��ed �e�l�cates, ����s 2��4-.A.��. �'he Assig��r�� �vas re�ard�d �vla��h 1, ��1�, ��the
<br /> �ff ce of the l�eg�ste��f I]eeds of�Ia1� �ount�,N����.s��., as Ir�s�r��nt 1��. ��12�1�20.
<br /> ��rr����e �. I I�.wl�, A�t��e� �.� I.aa�r, �.as ���r� a��ai�t��. Suc�e�s�r Tr�astee y ��rsuan� to �.
<br /> Subst�t�ti�r� of �Truste� f��ed far rec��d ��h �he �eg�s��r �� �eeds .flf �Ia�� ��ur�t�, N�bxas�a.
<br /> He���naf�er t�e �uc�ess�� Trus��e, �an�.���e 1�. I��.w�� A�t��e� at L�.�r, w��I �e r��e�ed �� as
<br /> C��NT�R.
<br /> T�e �`a1�.I�T�R ir�c�r�siderat��r��f l�i���-I�i��'T`h��.sa�.�.7����u�clr�d ��lla�� �.�d I��
<br /> ���.t� ��9�,��DaO4� ar�d �th�r va�u�.b�� ���.s�der�.���r� r�c���ed �r�m 'I`�.� ���� �f ��� �'�r°l�
<br /> M�11��. ��.th���.n��f�����rk�.s �'`r��tee �vr��� �e��a��h�ld�r� of��A�S, I�.�.� .A.s��t
<br /> �a�l��� ���fi��.���, ��ri�� ��U4-��, �.��eiz��.�e�° �I�A.N�'E�, d�es ���eby �r�.t, �arg�.ir�, se1�,
<br /> c��vey a�.d �or�f�� ur�t� ��1�TTE� the f���c�w��g des����d rea� �r��aex�t� �r� �Ia�� �o�iy,
<br /> N�bras��.:
<br /> L��S�, W��f s Subd�v�s��n, �i����i-r�nd Islar�d, ���� �aun�,I�T��br�.s�a
<br /> T� hav� �.d t� �o�c� ��e ab��r�-c�es�r�bed �re�s�s toget��� v,��th a1� t�nenle�ts,
<br /> �ered�t�.r�nents �.nd app��nan�es t�h.er��o be��ng�r�g �t� the �1�NT'E�, a�d to t1�� �1�.1�TE�'S
<br /> s��c�ss�xs ar�.d ass�g�s�or�v��.
<br /> �I�.1�.NT�� d��s h�reby c�v���t v�t� ��� ��I�T�� �.nd ���h the �-�.��EE'S
<br /> su��ess�rs �d a�sig�s.
<br /> �1� Th.at St�verz �. �.o s�ns�� �c� Ti�.�. NI. �o sins�i} a� hust�ax�d a�d v�ri��, as rI'r�sto�s,
<br /> �a.x��d t� �ay the �e�e���ary payme�ts �v��h �v�re c�r�tra�tua�ly �ue, a�d t�� ��N��1�, at t�e
<br /> re�uest �f the ]B���f�c�a�, el�cted t� decla�e t�e ��tire �.�.�a�d pr�r�c���.� �a.��ce, tagethe� �ir�t�
<br /> �r�terest there��, at��ce �mrr��d�ate�y d�e ar�d��.�a�l�.
<br /> �2� T�.at a N�t�ce �f I�efa�t ��.s �ecarded �� �I�AI�T�� �� �anuaxy ��, ����, as
<br /> Instru�me�.t l�o. 2�1���427, i�$he rec�rds af�he I��g�ster o��eeds, �-I�.�A �ounty,N�brask�.. ���hin
<br /> ter� �1 D) days the��a�te�, a c�py �f the re��rd�c� Notice of I�efau�� w�.s �ai��d by c����Zed
<br />