2� 1 ��2155
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan No: '1�'1�9473'! �Contin ued� Page 5
<br /> ❑eed of Trust has heen accepted hy Lender in the State ❑f Nehraska.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Tim� is of the essence in the per�armance ofi this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 1Nai�er of Homestead Exemptivn. Trustor hereby re�eases and wai�es all rights and benefits of �he hvmestead
<br /> exemption laws o�the 5tate of Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> DEFINITIi]NS. The #ollvwing words shall ha�e the following meanings when used in this D�ed of Trust:
<br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The word "B�rrower" means AN�TA D P�WERS and includes all ��-signers and co-makers signing the
<br /> Credit Agreem�n�and a11 �heir successors and assigns.
<br /> Credit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreement" mean the credit agreement dated April 7, 201 S, with credit
<br /> I[�1'�]It �f $25.���.�� from Trustor to Lender, together with a!f renewals of, extensians of, madificatians of,
<br /> refinancings vf, �ansolidations af, and substitutions f�r the promissvey note or agr�ement.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without limitatian all assignment and security interest pro�isians relating t� the Pers�nal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�irvnmen#al Laws. The wo�ds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all state, federal and local statutes,
<br /> regula#ions and ❑rdinances relating t❑ the protection vf human heaith flr the en�ironment, including without
<br /> �imitation the Comprehensi�e En�irvnmental Respanse, Gompensa�ianr and Liabi��ty Act of �9H�, as amsnded, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Section 95�1, et seq. �"CERCLA"y, the Superfund Amendm�nts and R�authorization Act ❑f 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"y, the Hazardaus Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.G. Section 18��, et seq., the Resour�e
<br /> �onser�atian and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.�. Sectian 69�1, et seq., or other app�Ecable stat� or federal laws, rule�,
<br /> ar regulations adopted pursuant theretv.
<br /> E�ent of Default. The w�rds "E�ent vf Default" mean any❑f the e�ents of defauEt set farth in this �eed af Trust in
<br /> �he e�ents of default section of this Deed �f Trust.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The words "Existing Indebtedness" mean th�.i��i.es��desc�ribed�in the Exfsting Liens
<br /> prvvision of this Deed of Trust. � ;�:� � �i :.,� � ..��
<br /> ,� �f • . ;, , . .:�
<br /> Impra�ements. The word Impro�ements means all existing a�i�! future �rr�rvr���ents, buildtng�, structures,
<br /> mabile homes affixed on the Rea! Property, facilit�es, additians� r,����e;,�,��r�s;;�,r�d�at���:constructiti� vn the Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> �ndebtedness. The word "fnd�btedness" means all principal, interest, and other amaunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Credit Agreement or Related Dvcuments, tvg�ther with all renewals flf, extensions af,
<br /> modifications af, cons�lidations af and substitutions for the Credit Agreement or Related ❑ocuments and any
<br /> amaunts expended ar ad�anced by Lenc�er ta dis�harge Trustor's obf�gations fl�- expenses incurred by Truste� or
<br /> Lend�r to enforce Trustor's ob�igatians under this Deed of Trust, t�gether with �nterest ❑n such am�unts as
<br /> pro�ided in this �eed of Trust.
<br /> Lend�r. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Pnints Bank, its suc�essors and assigns. The wvrds "successors or
<br /> assigns" mean any person or company that acquires any interest in the �redit Agreem�nt.
<br /> Personal Property. The wards "Persanal Property" mean ali equipment, fixtures, and ❑ther articles of personal
<br /> pr�perty now vr hereaftsr owned by Trustvr, and nvw or hereafter attached vr affixed t❑ the Real Praperty;
<br /> tagether with alf accessions, parts, and additians ta, al! replacements af, and all substitutivns for, any af such
<br /> praperty; and tvgether with al� proceeds �including without limi#ation all insu�ance proceeds and refunds �f
<br /> premiums� from any sale ar flther disposition❑t the Property.
<br /> Prvperty. The word "Praperty" means collecti�ely the Real Property and the Personal Property.
<br /> Real Property. The wards "Real Praperty" mean the real prop�rty, int�rests and rights, as further described in this
<br /> CJeed o�Trust.
<br /> Related Dacuments. The words "Related Dacuments" mean afi promissory no�es, cr�dit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds �f trust, security
<br /> deeds, GvllateraE mv�tgages, and all other instruments, agreements and doeuments, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing, ex�cuted in cvnnection w�th the Indebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, re�enues, incame, 15SUE5, rvyalties, profits, and
<br /> other benefits deri�ed fram the Property.
<br /> Trustee. The ward "Trustee" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, whose address is P.� B�x 15�7, Grand Is�and, NE
<br /> 688��-Z 5Q7 and any substitute or suc�essor trustees.
<br /> Trustar. The ward "Trustor" means AN�TA ❑ P�VIIERS.
<br />