2� 1 ��2155
<br /> DEE� �F TRUST
<br /> Laan No: 1��294731 �Corlt�rlued� Page 2
<br /> grants t❑ Lender a Uniform Commercial Cade se�urity interest in the Persanal Prvperty and Rents.
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this ❑eed ❑f Trust, Trustv� shall pay to Lender all
<br /> amounts secured by this Deed ❑f Trust as th�y become due, and shall s�rict�y and in a timely manner perfarm all �€
<br /> Trustor's obfigati�ns under the Cr�dit Agreement, this Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents.
<br /> P�55ESSt�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees that Trustar's possessivn and use of th�
<br /> Property shall �e go�ern�d by the fvllawing pro�isions:
<br /> Possession and Use. Until the occurrence af an E��nt of ❑efau�t, Trustor may �1� �emain in passession and
<br /> �ontrol �f the Property; ��y use, c�perate or manage the Property; and �3} collect the Rents from the Praperty.
<br /> Duty ta Main#ain. Trustar shall maintain th� Prape�ty in gaod condition and prQmptiy perfarm all repairs,
<br /> repla�ements, and maintenance necessary to preser�� its�a�ue.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Trustar repr�s�nts and warrants �hat �he Property ne�er has been, and ne�er will be so
<br /> lang as �his �eed af Trus� remains a lien an th� Property, used f�r the generatian, manufacture, starage,
<br /> treatment, disposai, release �r threatened releas� of any Hazardous Substance in �iolati�n of any En�ironmental
<br /> Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property to make su�h inspections and tests as
<br /> Lender may deem appropriate ta determin� �amplianc� ❑f the Property w3th this sectian ❑f the Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustor hereby {1� releases and wai�es any future claims against Lend�r for indemnity ar contribution in the e�ent
<br /> Trust�r becomes lia�le fnr cleanup ar ather cos#s under any such �aws, and �2} agre�s to indemni�y, defend, and
<br /> hold harmless Lender against any and alf claims and lasses resulting frvm a �reach ❑f this paragraph of the ❑eed ❑f
<br /> Trust. This obligation to indemnify and d�f�nd shall sur�i�e the payment at the lnd�btedness and th� satisfac�ion
<br /> a�this Deed❑�Trust.
<br /> DUE �N SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's aption, declare immediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secur�d by this Deed of Trust upan the sale ❑r trans��r, without Lend�r's prior wr�tten �onsent, ❑f af! or any part v�the
<br /> fteal Praperty, or any inter�st in the Reaf Praperty. A "sale ar transfer" means the cvn�eyance �f Real Property or any
<br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Rea! Prvperty; whether legal, benefi�iai or equitable; whether �oluntary ar in�oluntary;
<br /> wheth�r by outright sal�, deed, installment sale cantra�t, land contract, cvntra�t for deed, leasehald interest with a
<br /> term greater than three f3} years, lease-option �ontract, ar by sale, assignment, or transfer ofi any benefi�ial interes� in
<br /> or to any land trust hnlding title to the Real Praperty, �r by any other method ❑f con�eyanc� of an interest in the Real
<br /> Prope�ty. Hvwe�er, this o�tion shall n�t be exercis�d by Lender if such exercise is �rvhibited by federa� law vr by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAxES AND LIENS. The fo�lowing pro�isions reiating tv the taxes and liens an �he Property are part of this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trus�or shall pay when due �and in a!� e�ents prior t❑ delinquency} all taxes, special tax�s, assessm�nts,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer�, fines and impositivns le�ied against or an account ❑f the Prvperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due a�! claims #ar wnrk done on or �or ser�iGes rendered or material furnished tv the Praperty. T�ustor
<br /> shafl maintain the Property fr�e of a!I liens ha�ing priority o�er❑r equal tfl the interest vf Lender under this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, except far the lien ❑f taxes and assessments nat due, except far the Existing Indebtedness re�err�d tv
<br /> below, and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed �f Trust.
<br /> PRQPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following prv�isions relating to insuring the Praperty are a part vf this Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> IVlaintenance vf Insurance. Trustar shall proCure and maintain policies af fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements fln a fair �alue basis for the full insurable �alue co�ering al� Impro�ements ❑n the Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amount suff�cient t❑ a�oid appficatinn vf any coinsurance clause, and with a standard martgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or❑f Lender, tageth�r with such other hazard and fiahility insuranc� as L�nder may reasonably require.
<br /> Policiss shall �e written in form, amounts, cv�erages and basis reasonably acceptable ta Lender and issued by a
<br /> cvmpany or �ampanies reasonabfy aGceptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request ❑f Lender, will deli�er to Lender
<br /> from time to time the p���cies ❑r �ertificates of insurance in fo�m satis�actory t❑ Lender, inc�uding stipulations that
<br /> �v�erages will nvt b� canceEied or diminished without at least ten �1�� days priar written natice tv Lender. Each
<br /> insuran�e pa��cy a�so shall incfude an endorsement pra�iding that Cv��rage in fa�or ❑f Lender wiil nat he impair�d
<br /> in any way by any act, ❑mission �r defau��of Trustar or any other person, 5hould the Real Property be located in
<br /> an area designated by �he Administratar of the Federal Emergen�y Management Agency as a speCial flood hazard
<br /> area, Trustflr agrees t❑ abtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, if a�ailahle, for the maximum amount of
<br /> Trustvr's credit line and th� full unpaid principal bafance vf any pr�or liens on the property securing the Ioan, up to
<br /> the maximum poficy limits set under the National F�oad lnsurance Program, or as vtherwise required hy Lender, and
<br /> t❑ maintain such insurance for the term �f the loan.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. ff Trustvr fails tA� to keep the Property free ❑f all taxes, �iens, security interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and vth�r claims, �B} t❑ pra�ide any required insurance on thQ Property, �C� ta make repairs t� th�
<br /> Prvperty ar t❑ comply with any ❑bligativn to maintain Existing Indebtedness in govd standing as required below, then
<br />