2� 1 ��2152
<br /> [�EEi� �F �FiU�T
<br /> ����atinu�d} �a►g� �
<br /> without iimitation, hav�re�er subjec�ta any �imits unde� applicable [aw, Lender's attorneys' #ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether or not the�e is a la�nrsuit, incfuding attorneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy pr�ceedings
<br /> �including e�€o�ts to modify or�acate any automatic stay or injunction}, appeals, and any an�icipated past-judgment
<br /> collection ser�i�es, the cost of sear�hing C�C�CCIS, obtaining �it[e reports �including for�closure repor�s}, sur�eyors'
<br /> rep�rts, and appraisai fees, tit[� insurance, and �e�s for the Trustee, �t� the ex�ent permitted by applicable [aw,
<br /> Trustor als�will pay any cvurt casts, in addition tv a11 other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> NtlSCELLANE�L�S PR�VISI�3NS. The fallowing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part�f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> C�verning Law. This ❑eed v� Trusfi v►r��1 be go�erned by federa! �a►ns applicabl� fia Lende� and, tv fihe ex�ent nofi
<br /> pree�npted hy#ederal Iaw.the ta►n►s �f the Sta�e o#N�b�aska wi�hvut regard fo i#s cvnflicts vf[aw prvWisions. This
<br /> Deed of Trusfi has been ac�ep�ed by Lender in th�:5ta�e a�IVebraska.
<br /> Time is o��he Essen�e. Time is of th�essen�e ir�the �a�rf�rmanc��f this D�ed❑�Trus�.
<br /> VIla�rre Jury. �41� par�ies �v�his De�d a�Trus� he�ehy w�iWe�he right�v any jury��ial in any acfion, �rv�eedin�, or
<br /> counterclaim brought by any par�y aga�nst any vther par�y.
<br /> �1a�iver o# Homestead Exemp#iono Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s of the homes�ead
<br /> exempti�n �aws ot�he Sta�e of N�braska as�o all [ndebtedness secured by this ❑eed�f Trust.
<br /> DEF�NIT�DNS. The f�l[�wing cap�talized wards and �erms shaf� ha�e�he following meanings when used in this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, all references �v dvliar amounfis shall mean amoun�s in �aw�ul maney
<br /> of �he United States ❑� America. Words and terms used in the singular sha[[ include the p[ura[, and the plural shafl
<br /> inc�ude �he singular, as the c�ntext may require. Words and terms nvt vtherwise defined in this Deed of Trust shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in�he Uni�form Commercial Code:
<br /> Be�eficiary. The ward 'rBenefi�iary" means Pinn�cl� Bank� KMN, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The word "Bor�rower" means LYLE 6L1Sg��M and MELAN{E BUSB��M and includes a!I �o-s�gners and
<br /> co-makers signing�he N�t� and all their succ�ss�rs and assigns.
<br /> Deed vf Tru$t. The wards "Deed of Trusf" mean this Deed of Trust among Trus�ar, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�hout limitat�on all assignment and security interest proWisions re�a�ting �o �h� Personal Proper�ty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�rironmental Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and af[ state, federal and 1o�al stafiutes,
<br /> r��u[ativns and ordinances relating to the pr�tectian o� human heal�h or �he envir�nment, in�fuding withaut
<br /> limitat�vn the Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, Compensation, and Liabifity Acfi o� �980, as amended, 42
<br /> L].S.C. 5ection 95��, et seq. �"CERGLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reauth�rization Act of 1985, Pub. L,
<br /> N�, 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardaus Ma�erials Transportativn Act, 49 L].S.C. Secti�n �8�'i, et seq., �he Resource
<br /> ��nser�a�ion and Reco�ery Act, 4Z U.S.C, Section 69�1, et seq,, vr other appli�able state or federal laws, ru[es,
<br /> or regulations adop�ed pursuant thereto,
<br /> Event of De�ault, The words "Event of De�auit" mean any of the e�en�s of default set fvrth in this Deed o�Trus�in
<br /> the e�ents v�r default secti�n vf this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The w�rd "Guaranfiy" means the guaranty fr�m guarantvr, endors�r, surefy, or accammadation party t�
<br /> Lender, including without 1imi�ation a guaranty of all or par�o�f the [Vo�e.
<br /> lmprv��ments. The ►nrvrd "[mpra�ements" me�ns all existing and futur� imprv�emen�s, buildings, structures,
<br /> mvbile homes aff�x�d on the Reai Property, facilities, additions, replacements and �ther constru�tivn on the Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" mean� all prin�ipa[, interest, and other amoun�s, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Note or Refated Documenfis. toge�he� with al� ren�wals o�, extensions o�, modifica�ivns o#,
<br /> conso�ida�ians of and subs�itu�ions for the Note or F►elated Documents and any arnounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's ob[igations vr expenses incurred by Trustee vr Lender to enfarce Trust�r's
<br /> obligations under th�s Deed o�F Trust, t�gether w�th �nterest on such am�unts as pravided in this Deed �'� Trust.
<br /> Spec�fically, without �imitation, [ndebtedness includes �he future advances se� forfih in the Future AdWances
<br /> pro�ision, together with all in�erest th�r��n and all amounts that may be indirectly s��ured by the
<br /> Cross-Cvllatera�ization pro�is��n€�f this Deed o�F Trus�.
<br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender" means P�nnac[e Banl�- KMN, its successors and assigns.
<br /> tVo�e. The v�rord "Note" means the promissory r��te dated Apri[ 1 1, �0'I 6, �n th� a�igin�l pr�n�i�al arr�vunt
<br /> of $Z�.��5.92 �ram Trus�or to Lender, �ogether with a[{ renewals of, ex�ensians of, modifi�ations of,
<br /> re�Financings a�, consalida�fiions�f, and substitutions for the pr�missory note vr agreemen�,
<br /> Personal Prape�ty. The words "Personal Prope�ty" mean a[� equipmen�, �ix�ures, and other articies of personal
<br /> pr�perty now or h�reaf�er ❑wned by Trustar, and now or hereafter attached or a��ixed ta the Real Property;
<br /> t�gether with a[[ acc�ssions, parts, and addi�ions �ar all replacemen�s of. and a!! substitutions �vr, any of such
<br /> pr�per�y; and �agether with a!I proceeds {including without limitation a11 insurance pr�c�eds and refunds o�
<br /> premiums} from any saFe or other dispasitivn o�the Property.
<br /> Proper�Yy. The word "Property" means cvllectiuel�y the Rea� Prop�rty and fhe Personal Property.
<br /> Real Prvperty. The �rvords "Reai Prvp�r�y" mean the r�ai praperty, interests and rights, as further described in�his
<br /> D�ed v�Trus�.
<br /> Re[ated Documents. The wards "Refat�d Do�umen�s'" mean all promissory notes, credit ag�eements, foan
<br /> agreements, �n�ironmenta[ agreements, guaranti�s, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mortgages, and al[ oth�r �nstr�aments, agreements and documents, wh�ther now �r hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in cvnnection with the lndeb���dness.
<br /> Rents. The ward "Rents'" means all present and future rents, re�enues, in�ome, issues, royalties, pr�fits, and
<br /> other bene�its d�ri��d�From the Prvperfiy.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trust��" means P�NNACLE gANK, whose address is 53� N gURLfNGT�hI, HASTINGS, NE
<br /> 6890� and any subs���u�e or successor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trustor" means LYLE BUSB��N[ and MELANIE gUSgOQM.
<br />